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Tue 21st Aug, 2012 @ 10:03pm

Major Darian Riva

Name Darian Riva

Position Chief Tactical & Strategic Operations Officer

Rank Major

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Betazoid/Romulan
Age 34

Physical Appearance

Height 5'7"
Weight 143 lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Dark Blue
Physical Description Darian had tanned skin, dark hair and deep blue eyes that can be mistaken for black. At 5’7” she is taller than the average female Betazoid and keeps herself physically fit. She carries herself with a regal presence, one befitting Darian’s dual heritage.


Father Scott (adopted father Betazoid)
Mother Reya (Betazoid)
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) Jayden
Other Family Various extended family

Personality & Traits

General Overview From a young age, Darian has always been a very focused individual. Its no surprise she choose to follow in her parent’s footsteps and take on the challenge of being a Marine. Her job is one thing Darian takes very seriously. Even with that she tries her best to lead a balanced life.
Strengths & Weaknesses Leadership is one thing that comes naturally for Darian. She had always been pretty athletic.Her weaknesses include being harder on herself than other are especially when it comes to mistakes. Darian hates feeling vulnerable for any reason.

Ambitions Darian has ambitions to do well at her job. Beyond that she wants to fill the voids in her life to keep it balanced as much as possible.

Hobbies & Interests Martial Arts, History of Space Exloration, Water sports

Personal History From birth Darian knew only a life of strife and deep turmoil. Though her mother, Reya did her best to keep exact details hidden, she learned things a little at a time. It helped to shape who she’d become. Darian had some trouble fitting in with other children. Most of her early childhood including the circumstances surrounding her birth were kept secret. To help his wife and daughter, Scott chose to officially adopt Darian as his own while she was still a baby.

She had a close relationship with her sister, Jayden. The two spent a lot of time looking after each other due to their parents jobs. Darian’s father, Scott was her first karate instructor. Eventually her training shifted to someone else. Learning martial arts gave Darian an outlet for her frustration and excess energy.

Scott also did his best to influence his oldest daughter’s interest in anything having to do with aviation. That was one of the few things Darian showed a true passion for.

Growing up the daughter of two Starfleet Marine Corps officers also had an impact on Darian. One part of her destiny became clear early on. It didn’t come as a surprise that she chose to follow her parent’s path. Darian’s parents saw only one path that would allow her to find herself and provide at least a sense of shelter from her past.

At the age of 17 Darian entered Starfleet’s Marine Academy since she possessed the Academic talent and overall determination to compete with the older Cadets. She focused her efforts on becoming a pilot. For the first time in her life she truly felt accepted. During her free time Darian participated in a wide range of extracurricular activities and continued to study the Martial Arts. Darian was surprised to learn she’d been accepted into Flight Training early so completed her final year of the Academy in parallel.

Her first active duty assignment was as a pilot aboard the USS Raven. That allowed Darian to learn what it meant to serve as a marine. Eventually she moved onto a similar position aboard the USS Ascension. A promotion followed and it wasn’t long before she found herself serving as a Flight Leader.

Shortly after Darian accepted and assignment to the carrier ship, USS Daedalus she met and fell in love with another pilot. The two were eventually married in a private ceremony. Darian welcomed the haven in provided.

Darian couldn’t pass up the opportunity to accept the position of Marine CAG aboard the USS Taliesin. After losing Keiran she hoped to find a way to rebuild her life. In 2381 she decided to make another career move. After completing Marine SAR training Darian became the leader of a SAR unit. Eventually Darian found herself transferred to the USS Roanoke where she serves as CAG for a Starfleet Fighter Squadron.

In a strange twist of fate she was forced resign from the Roanoke before the ship went rogue, due to medical issues from injuries sustained in a previous mission. Any charges against her cleared and dropped from her permanent record when some extenuating circumstances were uncovered.

After healing completing Darian was allowed to resume her career. While accepting a posting as a Squadron Commander could be considered a step backward Darian needed the time to process all that she had been through. Additionally Starfleet refused to let a talented pilot out of its grasp. She found herself assigned to the USS Shiloh.

When given the opportunity to transfer to Starbase Protector Darian accepted. Being offered a shot as a Group Commander was simply too good to pass up.

Service Record 2369-2373: Starfleet Academy
2372-2373: Flight Training
2373-2374: Marine Pilot USS Raven
2374-2375: Marine Pilot USS Ascension
2375-237: Flight Leader USS Ascension
2377-2379: USS Daedalus
2379-2381: Marine CAG USS Taliesin
2381-2384: Marine SAR CO, USS Predator
2384-23xx: Assigned as CAG, USS Roanoke
23xx: Resigned from the USS Roanoke
23xx-xx: Transferred to USS Shiloh
23xx-Pres: Transfered to Starbase Protector