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Tue 20th Dec, 2022 @ 6:34pm

Commander Jasmine Collins-Keller

Name Jasmine Alexandra Collins-Keller

Position Chief Science Officer

Rank Commander

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human/Betazoid
Age 24

Physical Appearance

Height 5'6
Weight 120
Hair Color brown
Eye Color brown
Physical Description A handsome young woman with deep brown eyes, Jasmine is built much like a ballerina with graceful lines and long slender limbs. She has the dark eyes of a Betazoid but has no abilities most Betazoids are gifted with. Born with a myopic left eye, Jasmine wears eye glasses while working as she and her parents chose not to have her eyes surgically corrected.


Children Leilani Keller - 2yr old
Father Brig. General Alexander Collins; 67 - CO SFMC Base 257
Mother Dr. Delynn Collins PhD; 65 - Chief of Staff, Betazoid Center for Science and Medicine
Brother(s) Lt. Commander Micah Collins; 34 - Chief of Security USS Antilles
Sister(s) Olivia Collins Barrows; 28 - New Arizona, Earth; Civilian Merchant, Mother, wife
Other Family Brother in Law - Jackson Barrows; 30 - New Arizona, Earth; Civilian Merchant, husband, father

Twin nephews - Jackson and Alexander; 12

Personality & Traits

General Overview Jasmine suffers from mild Ochlophobia and is also moderately Xenophobic therefore it takes time for her to make friends and trust those around her. She is only comfortable in small intimate groups of close friends or alone in her lab or quarters. Always uneasy in crowds
, she was given her choice of a service animal to be her companion when off duty. She chose a young Keeshond she named Oscar who is at her side most times.

Jacs is an intelligent young woman well versed in many of the sciences. She is loyal to Star fleet and her group of friends, adores her family and works hard to be 'normal'. Although it takes a little time for her to adjust to new people and surroundings, once she does, Jacs gains more confidence and becomes more outgoing. She loves children and animals.
Strengths & Weaknesses Awkward, almost klutzy around strangers, Jasmine is very introverted. Sheltered as a child, she doesn't have the best social skills and although she's gotten better at it, she finds it hard to assimilate to new situations.

A very intelligent young woman, she is well versed in several of the sciences including Astro physics, Stellar Cartography, Botany, Biology, Virology, Xenobiology, Anthropology, and geology. Her strongest field being the natural sciences.

Jasmine is very loyal to the friends she does make. She never gives up or leaves a task incomplete.

She's a bit of a day dreamer and spends a lot of her free time lost in a book or on the holodeck living out some sort of daring romantic adventure or fantasy.

Ambitions Like many women, Jasmine hopes to have a family one day but as a military brat, she would like to wait until she's fulfilled her duty to Star Fleet.
Hobbies & Interests Reading. Alex almost always has her nose in a book during her off time. If not, she's living an imagined adventure either thrilling or romantic on the holo deck. She fantasizes about a strong roguish man sweeping her off her feet.

Personal History Born to older parents during a time of upheaval in the Garn system, Jacs, as she was nicknamed by her siblings, was overprotected and sheltered. While her siblings attended public schools and socialized with others, Jasmine was kept behind the protective walls of the family estate and home schooled by a private tutor who also served as her bodyguard. She was sheltered this way until her father retired from the Star Fleet Marine Corps and the family returned home to her mother's family home on Betazed.

Puberty came and went for Jasmine and there were no signs of any telepathy or empathy either latent or otherwise. For a while she felt cheated but soon got used to the idea. She kept to herself at school and made very few friends because she couldn't compete with the other Betazoids. She graduated with top honors.

At this time, her brother had joined Star Fleet Academy and because he seemed to connect to his sister more than anyone else in the family, he kept his promise to write her as often as possible. Jasmine cherished each 'hand written letter' that her brother sent her. Three months before she came of age, she decided to follow her brother's lead and applied for a seat in Star Fleet Academy even forging a letter of approval from her father.

Still unable to socialize, her first year in was difficult but she maintained a top three position in academics and top ten in labs.
Service Record -Star fleet Academy; Major Physical and Natural Sciences with Minor in bio-engineering, astral navigation and Nanite Technology;
[Disciplinary action taken for forgery of approval letter from parent/guardian] Graduated top 5% of class...

-USS Illustrious; Senior Cadet/Ensign; Science Officer Apprentice [Exemplary Fitness report; No disciplinary actions taken]

-USS Illustrious; Ensign; Science Officer/Stellar Cartography [Exemplary Fitness report; No disciplinary actions taken]

-USS Valkyrie; Lieutenant JG; Science Officer/Beta Shift Science lead [Above Standard Fitness report; disciplinary action for excessive tardiness to Science Team briefings]

-USS Valkyrie; Lieutenant; Asst Chief Science Officer [Exemplary Fitness report; No disciplinary actions taken]

-Transfer to Starbase Vanguard with Orders to Chief Science Officer position.