Mission Timeline - The Hunted

Created by on Tue 1st Nov, 2022 @ 7:44pm

This post is where we store the mission timeline in terms of mission days. We are not yet all that great at coordinating time between the current and previous missions. We are going to keep backstory at a minimum, so just give it a new mission day and go with it! That will make it easier for Chantal. The other thing that will make it easier is to put your own posts on the timeline - make it a habit when you start a JP! List it as unpublished, then when it's published, add the link and remove the 'Unpublished' memo.

The time period between last mission and this current one is a wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey thing. Don't even try to reconcile it; that will give you migraines. Give each post a specific date and time, and keep track of where your character is, so you aren't in two places at one time. Entering your own posts here on the timeline will aid you with that. NO posts are to be marked as UNDATED or given a time such as "Three days before the attack" or "The morning after the party." Give it a mission day and a time, please. We are cleaning up our act in this area, starting with the last mission.

The Command Team.

I made a character for the wedding. Bouganvilla Addams. :) ~Ruth

I made Desdemona Addams. :) ~Susan

I'm going to create Naotalba Addams. Does anyone want to play Cousin Barnabas?

**** Unknown Times - no mission days posted:

Bikram Auden Intro Geneva, Switzerland and Bikram's new project
Stress Testing Phaesyla's background on Okinawa, Earth
The Pentaptych pt.1 Bikram Auden's background on Starbase 1
Pentaptych pt.2 Continuing Auden's background
Anaphylaxis Med-Comps to the rescue!
Helping and Testing Dr. Graves and Henry Perry discuss Samurai's purpose

MD: -1

0915 hours - In Self-Defense - Riko and February discuss the Nomad's defenses.
0945 hours - Confidences McCord and Perry discuss the homebase for Nomad's intelligence undercover op.
1000 hours - Something Qaraq This Way Comes - Qaraq hires an executive ninja.
MD: 1

0700 - Took Him Long Enough - Purulence Addams makes an announcement to her family over breakfast.
0720 - Breakfast of Champions Kendra Lincoln and Sergeant Paul Reilly share a little pre-work food and conversation.
1330 - An Idea for Something Different - Qaraq wants Commander Graves to come see him right away.
1340 - An Idea Explained - Cmdr. Graves discusses with Qaraq and Criswell the idea of using space in Qaraq's casino to house a school for Brown Sector's children.
1500 - Hammers Don't Fix Everything - Larry Kersenboom answers a want-ad to do repair work at Qaraq's casino.
1800 - Girls' Night Out - Several friends among the Lower Decks crew enjoy an evening out after work.
1925 - - Do We or Don't We? Serena Alia and Andrew Eberstark discuss a change in their relationship.

MD: 2

0500 - Wedding Planning Maiek and Mary Elizabeth discuss their upcoming wedding.
0900 hours - A Portrait of the Hoo-mon as a Young Man - Criswell commissions a painting from Purulence.
1400 hours - The Gladiators, Part 1 - Yari and S'lani awoke to learn that they must fight in the Gladiator Arena. They need to remember what happened to their ship and the rest of the crew.
1400 hours - Stars, Like Flashlights - Damion Ildaran progresses in graduated exposure therapy--with a difficult childhood memory.
1420 hours - Stars, Like Flashlights, Part 2 - Now that he's had the memory, Ildaran reluctantly talks about it with Graves.
1440 hours - Stars, Like Flashlights, Part 3 - After talking about what happened in his childhood, Damion decides it's time to move forward.

MD: 3

0100 - Utopia at Last Antero is rescued
0800 - Haute Couture Ambassador Verelan and Maiek have a conversation about fashion.
0945- Is this a business trip? Maiek tells Mary Elizabeth about his assignment.
1000 - In the Lair of the Seahorse Comander Mikaela Locke and Dr. Addams discuss Mikaela's health
1145 hours: Lions and Tigers and Kittens...Oh Dear. Kidan is told about a litter of kittens in an unorthodox spot.

MD: 4

1100 - Lunch and a Decent Proposition - Criswell and Purulence eat lunch together, and Criswell has more work for her.
1110 - The Final Project - The end of Admiral Adrian Dobbs...but the SCIS doesn't know that yet.
2000 - The Milli-Cochrane Caper, 3.5 Crew searching and finding dangerous devices in Brown Sector
2015 - The Milli-Cochrane Caper, 3.6 Andrew Eberstark and Alora Baro clean up six pulse grenades in Brown Sector, with the help of some unusual spiders.
2100 - The Milli-Cochran Caper, 3.75 Dr. Graves and Renato searching for danger
2100 - What a Broot Wants - Purulence and Ignatius visit Qaraq's casino and learn about the decorating job he wants done.
2300 - Where Nobody Knows Your Name - Damion Ildaran wants to drink in a bar where he isn't well known.
Unknown Time - The Shell Game a post about H'tek and his plots and Anslo

MD: 5

0630 = Death Nothing Personal Early morning death in Brown Sector
0700 - Death, This Time It's Personal Investigation of a murder scene and some interpersonal problems.
1400 hours - Of Mice and Hoo-Mons - Criswell visits Counselor Graves again, struggling with his reactions to his own humanity.
mid-afternoon - A Mighty Huntress Marin acquires a kitten from Dr. Mallaya
1900 hours - An Evening Walk - Damion and Elizabeth talk about their relationship, now that he has confronted his past.
1915 hours - An Evening Walk, Part 2 - Damion and Elizabeth continue their walk.

MD: 6

1105: Dreaming of Me Fun little discussion amongst Damage Control specialists
2100 - Et Tu, Broot?, Part 2 Reon teaches Kya about Black Jack in the new casino
2100 - Et Tu, Broot?, Part 1 Carlo wonders where Reon has gone, and meets Qaraq
Unknown time - The Casino Job A mixed group meet in the new casino

MD: 7

1800 - Assignment: Criswell" Criswell is given a strange assignment.

MD: 8

0350 - Day In, Day Out Events outside SB105 on the night watch of near space
2100 - "Thirteen Reasons" Renato and Gary Thirteen meet for the first time, again.

MD: 9

1130 - First Impressions, Mixed Results Criswell's first chat with Dr. s'Siedhri
1155 - Another Day, Another Broadcast" Caroline Post at Noon on FNS
1524 - Uneasy Lies the Older Brother A conversation between Andorian brothers, Tieran and Nicho th'Elex

MD: 10

1515 - The One Thing About Sisters Flavia and Ischemia discuss the leaving of Dr Addams and Six 1845 - Requiem For a Friend Riko and Henry remember Commodore Suzuki and the Winter Sisters.


0913 - Scrap That Plan McCord and Perry have to find fast replacements for the Winter Sisters
1030 - A Friend in Need Isabella Perry reaches out to an old friend for help

MD: 12

0630 - Another Chance introduces the new CMO and his daughter, Emily.

Categories: Mission Timelines