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Another Day, Another Broadcast

Posted on Tue 25th Oct, 2022 @ 7:08pm by
Edited on on Wed 26th Oct, 2022 @ 2:36am

937 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: The Hunted
Location: FNS Studio
Timeline: MD 9, 1155

"5 minutes, Miss Post!" called her broadcast assistant. Caroline took a final glance in the mirror and smoothed an out-of-place curl before rising to her feet and walking out to the broadcast area.

The cameraman smiled slightly, only making him more handsome, and said, "How many does this make?"

Caroline shrugged, "I stopped counting at a thousand, and that was quite a while ago. I'm sure someone keeps track, though." She seated herself behind the desk, adjusting her monitor to a better reading angle.

"Ready to roll in 3-2-1," Handsome announced, pointing to her on the number one.

"Good afternoon, Starbase 109!" her signature greeting rang out. "Wherever you are, and whatever you're doing, I hope you're having a great day."

A video of a musical performance filled with bright lights and red lasers flashed on viewers' screens. In the background there was muted crowd noise and five seconds of music, before Caroline's voice-over began.

"The top story today is Earth's unexpected win in the 2395 Fedevision Song Contest. Out of 40 contestants representing Federation member planets, from Tiburon to Bolarus IX, Earth emerged victorious in a nail-biting finish with Bajor, only three points ahead of the runner-up.

"Chances for the planet were ranked in the middle, but in an unexpected turnover last night, Francisco Morra brought in the win with the Salsa beats of his version of an ancient favorite, "Cuando Calienta el Sol". For those of you who don't speak the ancient Spanish language, the title translates to 'When the sun beats down' or 'When the sun is hot'. A rather racy song for the mid-20th century, in its original language, the English version was also popular twenty years later as "Love me with all of your heart". Last night's performance by Morra brought the house down.

“It was such an honor to represent Earth,” said Morra in a press conference after his victory. “I'm so happy and, really, amazed that we did it.”

The Tumulna-based folk band The Land + The People were the bookmaker’s favorites with their dramatic ballad, “In the Arms of The Prophets.” This is their second time being runner up, and we wish them luck in next year's eleventh Fedevision Song Contest, to be held on Earth. Cities there are already putting in bids to host the show."

Caroline smiled into the camera, and continued, as Handsome showed a crowd scene that looked little short of a riot. "In other news today, there was massive unrest on Cygnet XIV yesterday after revelation of a planned bio attack. You may remember that, during the last Federation Presidential elections, there was a similar situation on Cygnet XIV.

"On stardate 67815.01, a terrorist plot to release a deadly bio-virus was detected by Cygnetian Security working with a Starfleet science ship, investigating anomalous power signals. The uproar at the time centered more on an announcement by the Arellian Cry, a major Cygnetian news network, when they revealed that the government had been aware of the bio virus being released as early as stardate 67804, but had placed a gag order on the order of the ruling body, the Council of Matriarchs.

"In light of the past, and the new threat, another vote of no-confidence is expected in the Council of Matriarchs. Changes which took place in government previously have not seemed to stem the tide of problems for Cygnet XIV, though this time, the Federation seems to be staying out of the limelight. People in the Federation system are asking how this could possibly happen a second time, and political heads are expected to roll in the coming days."

While Handsome flipped a shot of an older Federation ship onto the screen for viewers,
Post took a quick sip of water, then asked her audience, "Where might your vacation plans take you this year? If it's anywhere near Psi Epsilon III, you might want to make reservations right away to tour a new museum in orbit around the planet. After almost a hundred years of service to the Federation, USS Halley's Comet was decommissioned. Its conversion and renovation into a museum of the times is now complete and open for tours.

"This ship's history includes the normal exploration voyages, some border patrol right here near our home along the Romulan Neutral Zone, and battles in the Dominion War. Having survived all that, it was decommissioned just 3 years ago. A Terran entrepreneur purchased the vessel at auction and flew it to his homeworld to begin renovations which included bringing it back to it's original 23rd century condition, removing updates of its service years.

"Currently beaming up four guided tours a day, the museum is already a popular spot for visitors. Highlights of the tour that begin in the transporter room include Sickbay, the Bridge, Engineering, Crew Quarters, and a stop in the main museum of artifacts of the ship's service, located in Cargo Bay 12. You can also have a meal in the Mess Hall, and perhaps see one of the ship's former crew who have come to sit there for a cup of coffee or a bowl of soup, as they might have during their tenure on board. The USS Halley's Comet Living History Museum is open every day to the public."

A video began running, with flashing lights and dancing couples, as the sponsor's spotlight took over the screen. Caroline glanced at the cameraman and he nodded, so she relaxed into her chair, pushing aside the news sheets already read. "Sounds like a place you need to visit, Handsome," she said, smiling as she looked at the next news items.

"In a pig's eye," the laconic cameraman replied.


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Comments (1)

By Renato Solis on Tue 25th Oct, 2022 @ 9:47pm

Too Cool, I love the creativity here! Please more!