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Pentaptych pt.2

Posted on Tue 30th Aug, 2022 @ 4:12am by Lieutenant JG Bikram Auden
Edited on on Thu 15th Sep, 2022 @ 2:48am

1,406 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: The Hunted
Location: Earth

Previously: Automated medical care where one doctor can oversee dozens successfully. Is that something you are interested in, sirs? If so, I have demonstrations ready.”


Silvio Tomas was at his patience's end, "We will be on our way. Allie, this is not acceptable and you know why."

Bikram looked to Allie, hoping she would support him, she managed a head shake in reply.

Eudora had slid back into her alcove and the wall panel snapped shut. Linnell was tracking the obvious antipathy but didn't care. He asked Bikram, "So that bot is an auto-nurse. Would not the EMH perform the functions of a medical professional?"

Allie wanted to speak up, but it was Bikram's opportunity to seize. He took the chance and was daring, "Sir, an EMH is often overkill for most treatments. These servomotors can be replicated for the most part; it's the quantum core processor chips that take time to produce and layer effectively. They require none of the technological constraints for operation but provide much of the same effect. In addition to supplemental capacity for large numbers, and a tireless work ethic, they are a force amplifier for the crew. The EMH is for anything that requires truly advanced medical care, but these bots can do so much."

Silvio cleared his throat, the young man was selling a product but it seemed the Commodore was amused. Still, he prompted the lad to stop the pitch and consider others.

Allie broke the awkward moment, "Introduce them, then."

She gave him the focus he needed, and Bikram didn't need to be told twice. Focusing on what he knew with an audience of one, the words came rushing out.

"It's a set of five; they learn from and enhance one another." He gestured at the Padd activating them all. He subaudibly commanded them to form a rank on the nearest bio-bed. "Meet AEYLA- The leader, very smart and task oriented, it coordinates the actions of the others; also mounts an EMH program and projector unit for surgery; KORONIS- Very aggressive if threatened, protective of patients from perceived threats, ask before touching. Mounts a wide array of tools optimized for biological flesh repair and manipulation; AMBROSIA- A portable pharmacy; able to analyze, synthesize or reproduce most compounds. Ambrosia has the best computing power and networks the other four through its senses; POLYX- Anesthetist; practical joker, dialysis machine or an MRI, then Polyx here can reconfigure to provide any machinery needed. Polyx also argues a lot."

Bikram's panel pinged with a direct message:

<{[POLYX]-(Reply:[BIKRAM])*('Claim1"=[POLYX] "argues a lot" Define:VALUE/Argument: "argue"-Sysinput(Correction)or(Alternative.conclusions)([BIKRAM]Input;INSUFFICIENT; "a lot";Insufficient evidence to claim)=(Claim1:refuted)}>

He grinned a little as he finished, "... and you've met EUDORA- After-Care specialist, wetnurse, lounge singer. Eudora can care for babies and elderly, those patients needing extra care after a procedure."

The commodore looked impressed, which encouraged everyone's spirits to relax. "Tell me, this one has an EMH inside of it?" He pointed at Phaesyla, who had taken a truncated "Aeyla" as its official designation without being asked to. It was for the comfort of the staff, who found the name stressful at a glance.

"Yes sir! It can broadcast at full resolution, up to three days of continuous usage in unit battery life."

"They can accompany away teams, perform medical tasks, and any other duties?"

Bikram looked to Allie, who nodded, so he answered confidently back to the Commodore, "Yes sir, they are very capable. We can program them however is needed."

Jordan Linnell laughed at Allie, he was happy to have met her. "You seem very capable." To Bikram, he smiled and prompted, "I would love to see what else they can do."

Bikram almost fainted for a split second, he grabbed Koronis, who barked at the impertinence. Bikram was their family and could get away with it.

"Koronis is mounting the Solar Healing Wand technology the B'aku shared with the Federation. I have a tool with it installed as well. It can do everything in a single beam we need a host of tools for now."

Commander Tomas knew of this project, it was definitely not approved for use by Starfleet Medical. "Is that so? Allie? You understand we can't experiment with B'aku science, I expressly removed this project from your purview."

Commodore Linnell knew an intramural feud when he heard one. He had indulged it. Silvio was good at his job and kept the operation tightly run, but now it seemed real science was being held back. The B'aku technology was off limits, their world protected by heavy weapons. A fountain of youth but so delicate as to warrant the secrecy lest it be destroyed in greed. Jordan safely assumed the boy was B'aku, the only one in Starfleet or likely the galaxy legally able to work on such technology without violating treaties.

The commodore gave a glance to the Commander, "Silvio, thank you, but the cadet is clearly exempted from law researching his own culture."

Silvio figured it out just as fast. Damn her; she got him on this one, she had used his project to get herself facetime and it had worked. He took a half step back to let the Commodore see better. He had been outplayed, and Allie was looking right at him. It took all his might to not exhibit the seething rage outwardly.

Bikram was showing the specs of the Solar wand, effused with particles from his home planet, they were a tenth of the strength but every bit as restorative. Under the wand's light, a patient could be totally healed given adequate circumstances like time and location being ideal. Dermal re-generators were wonderful, but this was the next step, wounds taking weeks would disappear in a day.

"The wand is still a prototype, it can't be replicated currently. As soon as we can crack a few issues with the replication process I feel this could replace scalpels, re-generators, hemostats, gauze-"

"And this one can mix molecular compounds to create medicines?" Jordan pointed at Ambrosia, Bikram replied, "And analyze samples. breaking them down in the opposite fashion."

Polyx was in his view, Jordan asked "This one? The fussy one? MRI or dialysis?"

Polyx made unhappy beeping noises at being called fussy. Bikram answered, "Polyx can rebuild itself into new forms, fitting the need for anything in the ward as a backup."

"Well color me impressed. What ship are you waiting for?"

"I was told the Hippocrates is being refitted and I'm on a shortlist."

Jordan winked at Bikram, who was sweating with anxiety. "It's shorter than you think. There's a whole lot of good to be done, I think, I have a Starbase out in the Triangle in need of medical personnel and to address their massive civilian population. This... is good work here. I look forward to seeing this program roll out. If we can get good data your notion of fleetwide use wouldn't be out of the question. The 'Auden Servomotor Nanny' has a ring to it, think about it."

Allie smiled, Linnell locked eyes and said, "My office soon, okay?" His demeanour was stern, which assuaged Silvio that this Romulan would be handled. Little did he know how well Allie played the game. Any facetime was good for her.

The group departed and Bikram let out a sigh of relief, "What was that with Commander Tomas?"

Allie took a moment, "Romulans gave too many reasons for distrust for me to call distrust xenophobic. He hates Romulans. I am Romulan. I will likely be transferred soon. No matter. We both accomplished much today. Put the Pentaptych to bed, and get some rest yourself."

"Transferred? But Allie, why... can't you fight that?"

"Humans rule Starfleet, and on SB1, orbiting Earth, a Romulan is a threat. You will be assigned to a billing soon anyway, do not worry about me, I've got a new inroad to walk."

As they turned down the lights and left the Stardock, the small wardroom seemed irrelevant to the size of the Stardock. He had a beaming smile, eager in anticipation, imagining the installation on all bases, shuttles, stations, starships, saving lives.

The world was opening up for Bikram, the sky wasn't falling anymore. He found the Cerulean mists to be quite comforting even. The Future was coming quick so he resolved to be ready.



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Comments (1)

By Khellian s'Siedhri MD on Tue 30th Aug, 2022 @ 5:22am

Iiiinteresting. Some serious anti-romulan sentiment there. Can't wait to see you explore further.