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Another Chance

Posted on Wed 26th Oct, 2022 @ 1:13am by Lieutenant Commander Cadence Marshall

617 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: The Hunted
Location: Transport Shuttle
Timeline: MD - 12 0630

Cade strummed softly on the guitar as he sat in the small quarters he’d been afforded aboard the shuttle. It wasn’t a coincidence that today was the anniversary of Lara’s death and he was changing duty stations once again. He always seemed to make the biggest changes in his life on this date. Maybe, it was because Lara’s death had been the most life altering change that he’d ever had.

Looking over his shoulders, he smiled at the child asleep in the pullman bed just a few feet from where he sat. She seemed to sleep peacefully even though she’d been fighting her bedtime not an hour ago. She was his treasure, his reason for being alive after losing Lara. He’d do anything to keep her safe and happy.

The hours on the clock ticked by and soon Cade himself felt the lull of sleep dragging at him. Climbing into the bed directly beneath his daughter’s, he escaped from this world and found peace for a few hours. It wouldn’t be long before the shuttle docked at the station and he and his daughter would begin the whirlwind of starting over. He’d have reporting in to do, she’d need to be set up in school and with a nanny for while he was at work. He’d have patient hours to establish and meetings with his team. Soon their new life would begin and the old memories and pains would be left behind one more time.

[Pause for time lapse]

The familiar voice of the computer woke the pair from their sleep and Cade was the first out of bed. The shuttle was about to dock at the station and most of the passengers would be disembarking to begin their new lives aboard the station while some were merely visiting or on some business. He let his daughter, Emily, stay cuddled under her blankets for a little longer while he washed up and dressed. He asked her where she wanted to start, if she’d want some breakfast before leaving or if she wanted to just settle in at home for the day, but got no answers.

Once he realized that he had been talking to himself, he nudged at the ten year old who had nested back down into sleep.

“Come on Em, time to go.” He wiped a stray curl from her face and tickled her nose. “We’ll get some breakfast on the Promenade and take a look around. I think we both need to stretch our legs a bit.” He tickled her nose again.

“Emily Elizabeth…time to get up.” His voice was more stern but still playful. It was enough to rouse the girl from sleep.

“Ugh.” She moaned. “It’s too early. I don’t have school.” She pulled the blankets up again.

“The shuttle docked about half an hour ago. Everyone else is gone.” He reminded her as he pulled the blankets down again. “Come on, we’ve got a lot to do baby.” He looked at her and smiled. “Bet we can find a place that serves Beignets.”
Emily shot up in bed. “Like the ones from Cafe Du Monde? She asked with such excitement that Cade couldn’t help but laugh.

“Maybe.” He didn’t promise. He had to admit, the Du Monde did make some tasty donuts. He wasn’t sure if he’d even find a place that served them, but he would try. “Let’s go find out.”

He helped her hop down from the bed, finally convinced that this was going to be a good move for both of them; another second chance.


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Comments (2)

By on Wed 26th Oct, 2022 @ 2:57am

Great introduction to two new characters who are sure to be popular. There might possibly be such delicacies at the Orchids & Jazz breakfast buffet. Or I'm sure there's some kind of French Pâtisserie on the Promenade. I look forward to working with you again!

By Commander Paul Graves PsyD on Sun 6th Nov, 2022 @ 7:40am

I love Cafe du Monde beignets!

There's a French restaurant called Le Virage d'Or (The Golden Bend) somewhere in the Promenade, but no one has ever written about it.
