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Do We or Don't We?

Posted on Wed 20th Jul, 2022 @ 2:20pm by Lieutenant Commander Andrew Eberstark

1,164 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: The Hunted
Location: Serena Alia's Quarters
Timeline: MD: 1, 1925

Previously ... Accepting her hand, Andrew smiled back, "No argument here." Looking into her eyes, he moved closer to Serena on the sofa, "As for us. I know we haven't exactly been spending time together consistently but I was wondering if you would be interested in taking our relationship to the next level," he winced as the words came out, hearing how cliched he sounded, but hoping Serena would be kind in her response.

Now ....

Serena's face showed her surprise at the question. "I ... don't know. What do you consider the next level? Exclusive dating? I'm already only dating you and think of you as my boyfriend."

Andrew gave a tentative nod, "I think that would be the next logical step don't you?" He paused, "I mean. Only if you are comfortable with that. I know we haven't had this discussion before, but you mean a great deal to me, and I would like to explore these feelings."

Replaying the words in his mind, Andrew added, "Did that come out right? Sorry. Believe it or not, I'm not good with the whole expressing emotions deal."

Serena smiled, "Believe it or not, you're expressing yourself just fine. I think I'm ready to see where these feelings go, if you are."

Andrew's shoulders visibly lowered as the tension released from what felt like the entirety of his body, "I am. I think this place feels a little more stable than my previous assignments in Starfleet. I can see myself here for awhile," taking her hand is his, "Honestly, it feels more like home than I ever thought it could be when I first got here. And I think I owe a lot of that to you."

"I don't know about that, but I'm willing to take the credit," Serena laughed. "I think one thing about a starbase, and particularly this starbase, is that there's a lot that feels like a planet. You don't get that on a ship, really. Just Tivoli Gardens alone is so diverse, and there's much more than that. A few years ago, before you came, we even had a circus come perform for a week! Never happen on a starship. What feels most home-like to you on 109?"

"A circus?," Andrew asked reflexively, "That must have been something. And honestly, I didn't expect to interact with non-Starfleet officers as much as I have. Seeing that side of 109 for an extended time reminds me of Earth a bit, as weird as that sounds. To be frank, when I took this assignment, I assumed it was just a pit stop on the way to another starship. I thought I always wanted to be on the move and just see as much space as I could, as fast as I could. But I find the longer I stay here, the more I'm reconsidering that priority. To your point, this place has much more to offer than I initially thought," he shrugged. "I'm not sure I even answered your question. But what about you? Have you contemplated life away from 109?"

Serena thought about how to answer that. "Not in a long time," she finally answered. "I've lived on two planets for extended periods of time - New Paris and Earth. I've been on starships before Jade brought Orchids & Jazz to 109. We've been here quite a few years, and ... well, really, I'm happy here. It seems the best of all worlds to me. I may someday want something different, but I might stay here forever, too. I really don't want the traveling life again, though that's subject to change, of course. I imagine that your life is, too, maybe even depending on your family. I only have my parents and Stormy. All of us are sort of settled into who we are."

Andrew nodded, "I certainly understand being settled. I'm not sure if I mentioned it or not, but my father and sister haven't even left Earth's home system in their lives. So that's as settled as one could get. When I was younger, all I wanted to do was join Starfleet like my mother and travel everywhere. But now, I'm thinking more and more about other things in my future, beyond just my career," he shrugged. "Who knows. Maybe I'm old and getting sentimental."

Serena laughed. "I'm sure that's it. Senility is just around the corner after 25, and you're almost 30 ... so, yeah, that's got to explain it." More seriously, she added, "It's too early for you to think of retirement ... way too early. Are you thinking of a career change, then? Or ... transferring somewhere off 109? I mean ... I know Starfleet officers don't stay forever in one posting, but I was hoping you would be around a lot longer."

Andrew cringed, "Oh, wow. Never thought I would hear the word retirement yet in a serious conversation. And I think," hesitating on how he would phrase his response, "I think for the first time in what has felt like forever, I don't know the answer to that. If you asked me before I got here, I would have said transfer in a heartbeat. But now? I feel like I'm growing more into my role here on 109, which in itself was kind of a career change," he grinned. "Before, I pretty much just fired phasers and ran a few security training drills. So from that perspective, I think I have an opportunity to keep growing my career in my current role," taking Serena's hand in his, "There's also another just as, if not more, important reason to stick around. I guess, what I'm trying to say is that I'm not planning on going anywhere anytime soon."

"That sounds like excellent planning to me," Serena said, softly. "I've gotten used to seeing your face pretty often, and find I like it that way." It felt like they were both dancing around something deeper, maybe as if they were both afraid of moving too far, too fast, but still wanting to move things a little. Her heart was doing little fluttery thumps as she waited for ... whatever Andrew wanted to share.

Andrew smiled, "I'm glad you approve and the feeling is mutual," He felt both anxious and calm somehow at the same time. He sensed, and sure Serena did as well, this moment escalating to something more. Without saying anything, he moved his hand up to her cheek and leaned in.

Is this it? Is he going to kiss me? Serena wondered, her pulse speeding up a little. She couldn't help tilting toward him just a little more, letting him know she was in accord, if that was what he planned. She hoped it was. She'd kissed men before, not often and not recently, but this was Andrew, and she had dreamed about it long enough.

Thankful for Serena showing some outward acceptance of his intentions, Andrew leaned in and pressed his lips against hers, hoping she was looking forward to this as much as he was.


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