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Assignment: Criswell

Posted on Mon 29th Aug, 2022 @ 6:18pm by Criswell Sandbags

948 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: The Hunted
Location: Qaraq's Casino
Timeline: MD 7, 1800


“The man with the cat” was the name Criswell had made for him. Laying practically around the stranger's neck was a calico cat Criswell had learned was named “Sundae.” Criswell could see why. The cat looked like a chocolate caramel sundae, the delicious Earth confection served in the restaurant two doors down from Qaraq's casino. Criswell saw in the cat the black and brown fur, not unlike the chocolate and caramel syrup melding together with the white vanilla fur. The cat's nose was a pinkish color Criswell had decided was the cherry on top. He assumed the cat was a female.

The cat wasn't the only thing that stood out. His black suit was too finely tailored for a place like this. To make him even more noticeable, he was making a killing at the craps table. Thus far he'd gone nine rounds and won every time. Not only that, but he bet everything every time. At this rate, he'd bankrupt the casino. A large crowd had formed around him, and cheers went up louder with each win. By now Criswell was sure Qaraq had noticed the stranger as well from his spot at the bar which overlooked the casino floor. Something had to be done.

Criswell approached the table and stood to the successful patron's left. He stood nonchalant, watching the stranger. Soon, the stranger made eye-contact with Criswell, just for the slightest moment,

He knows me, Criswell thought, seeing the recognition in the strangers's slight glance. It caught Criswell horribly off-guard. No one ever noticed him so soon.

“That's all for me,” the stranger said, steadying the cat on his shoulders as the dealer collected the man's ample amount of chips into two clear holders. The stranger took the holders and made eye contact again. Criswell followed him to the sitting area in the buffet. Once there, the stranger made eye-contact again. “Please join me, Mr. Sandbags. It is vital to my mission that you know who I am. My name is Gary. Gary Thirteen.”

“How did you-” Criswell started.

“I've observed you for some time,” said the stranger with the odd name. “I wanted to be sure you noticed me. Please tell your boss I have no need for the money and that I am returning my chips to you.”

“Then why-” Criswell started again. The mysterious man interrupted again.

“My mission does not require you to know any more detail than what I am to give,” he said. “Trust me, what I have to tell you is of the utmost importance.”

“But how did...” Criswell started.

“I'm afraid I cannot disclose the information on how I knew how the dice fell,” Gary said, which immediately answered Criswell's question.

“How do you know exactly what I'm going to ask you?” Criswell asked. Gary had answered three questions in a row without Criswell ever finishing.

The man glanced at his cat, who let out a meow, as if it was answering the man's question before he could even ask. The nodded to the cat, as if understanding what the cat had just said.

“Mr. Sandbags, we've had this conversation before,” Gary said. “Every time has brought more urgency than the last. So believe me when I say that my instructions to you must be followed to the letter this time. It's the last chance I have to complete my mission. I cannot fail again.”

Criswell hesitated. “Oooooh... kay?”

“I will be departing shortly,” the stranger said. “A woman named Kya will approach one of your gaming tables. Do you know to whom I am referring?”

“I'm afraid not,” Criswell said. “But I soon will. I promise.”

“Good,” the stranger replied. “There will be a man there who will be very upset with her. His name is Arthur Brogan and he must not win. Make sure after six rounds he leaves.”

“Six rounds...” Criswell responded with a nod. “If he doesn't leave, shall I kick him out?”

“It is vital he leaves on his own,” the stranger said.

“Why should I trust you?” Criswell asked. “Let's say what you're telling me happens somehow. How do I know what I'm doing is for a good cause?”

“You don't,” the man replied with a shrug. “But I've been through this scenario so many times to know this is the only way for me to succeed. So I'm counting on you, Mr. Sandbags.” The stranger stood. “I must leave you now. Regardless of your success, it is unlikely we will meet again.”

Criswell stood as well. “I'm not sure if I want to meet you again.”

“If you do,” the stranger said, “it will be unfortunate for both of us.”

“One more question,” Criswell asked.

“Sure,” said the stranger, taking his cat and holding her against his chest. She purred as he gently stroked her fur.

Criswell hesitated for a moment, then said, “You already know what I'm going to ask you, don't you?”

Gary nodded. “It isn't,” he said.

“That's what I thought,” Criswell replied.

The man called “Gary” held out his right hand. “Regardless of what happens next, I want to say that I've grown to admire you over the years. I hope you continue learning more about your human side. I believe it will be of use to you in the future.” He noticed Criswell's eyes widen. Gary smiled for the first time in the conversation. “I don't know that for sure. Just a guess.” They shook hands. “Take care,” Gary said.

The stranger Gary, and his calico cat named Sundae, left the casino without another word, leaving the fate of the universe in Criswell's hands.




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