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Bikram Intro

Posted on Tue 30th Aug, 2022 @ 3:11am by Lieutenant JG Bikram Auden & Kya Adtanis
Edited on on Thu 15th Sep, 2022 @ 1:28am

913 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: The Hunted


{Medical Research Panel- Geneva, Switzerland}

The Vice Admiral was not impressed, and mounting dismay spread across the man's already frumpy features. It was just the two of them, the Dean of Holographic Research and a cadet desperate to make the grade. They stood on a gorgeous open field; a sunny day and green grass surrounded them. A solitary EMH stood a meter away, and simple beds and cases dotted around. Their presence was incongruous to the locale. Earth was a paradise; Bikram was reminded of the B'aku homeworld which knew similar pleasant days. The breeze raking his golden hair was solace enough for the bitter disappointment cast his way, and he knew this was just the first part of the show.

"Cadet... I am failing to see the reason I was brought here. If this is an attempt at showmanship you should know wasting my time is far more damaging than anything you have planned is entertaining. Understand?"

Bikram certainly did. The delay on his programs was not just for effect, but also a demonstration of its own. It was time though, so he began the second act.

"Aye sir, I am merely providing a stark baseline. Apologies. I will get to it, then."

There was only a single machine unit between them. A standard holoprojector on a pike, designed to stick into solid ground and broadcast hardlight holographic figures. They were known technology and Vice Admiral Kaala saw nothing to set this one apart. Bikram showed as much when they first arrived, had turned it on, the triage setting provided a sterile field, simple furniture, and a single EMH. A mobile computer core could be brought and attached to enhance the abilities, along with generators to support advanced bio-support apparatus. This was a tool, part of setting up emergency triage units in a hurry.

Bikram tapped his commands into a padd, and passed a wand over the components exposed by a removed panel. He then placed an orange bio-gel chip into the circuitry, activating a panel of them. The final step was to link one additional power cell to the original unit, able to hold up to three extra if needed by original design.

"Ok, enhancements activated, behold!" Bikram used a flourish to hit the activation key, and spoke with the exuberance of a child.

The brash B'aku was theatrical and it annoyed Kaala, but lights overtook him as the holographic field changed its nature. Suddenly the air was not only sterile but conditioned and cooled. The light regulated to smooth palettes, sounds dissolved to a gentle white noise. No trace of the sun or grass, and there were now four bio-beds, with complete surgical module attachments. It could have been the infirmary at the medicad on base. He was truly impressed when three additional EMH appeared.

"Bikram... you've enhanced the basic functions by incredible margins, how did you do this?" As a teacher should, he encouraged the success of his pupil, "These modifications can be done in programming, series computer core linkup, bio-gel in dynamic form... This is good work. How long does the power last?"

Bikram laughed at the wonder expressed by his teacher, "Uhh well, in order, using updated software, rewriting for useless code portions, the idea was for changes that can be done at the source and produced on site, the bio-gels are in series but stacked for dynamic randomization to optimize the quantum opportunity. With all the power units in optimal state this unit has four hours of functionality, which can be extended by reducing efficacy or number of programs running."

Kaala laughed back, "You've got my permission then. Submit this as your project, put it through your paces and we can get you on a starship to test this out. And... you will have graduated, in two years no less."

Bikram was delighted, "Thank you! That's oohhhh my Thanks! You really mean it?"

Kaala nodded, "I'm standing inside compelling evidence you have worthy ideas to explore. Your grades are exemplary, and I see no reason you shouldn't be given the chance to test your designs. I can find a place for anyone willing to take an academy baby, but you may find a post sooner than you think. Your final year will be on a starship, one way or another."

Bikram repressed the urge to whoop or run and hug Kaala. "I won't let you down sir. I've got ideas... and I will make you proud."

Kaala picked up a cauterizer, and chucked it at the wall of the holo-hospital. One of the EMH effortlessly caught it before it got close to hitting anything. With a sour expression and sarcasm just dripping in every movement, it crossed over to them.

"Sir, we must ask you to refrain from causing injuries." The EMH was a human, as they all had been so far. Black hair and brown eyes, a forgettable face. It set the cauterizer down exactly where Kaala had picked it up from with a solid thump, and a sanitizing beam emerged from nowhere an inch above the tools to clean it.

Kaala smiled, "You already have. Let's discuss your future, then."

Moments later the two of them dissolved into nothing, the small room dissolving as well. All that was left was an open field, and the tall pike stuck in the ground. A moment later it dissolved too, and nature was given back to the natural lights and shapes it liked.


Bikram Auden


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