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Posted on Wed 5th Oct, 2022 @ 6:19am by

1,470 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: The Hunted
Location: Nomad Bridge
Timeline: MD: -1, 0945

"Systems seem to be good to a go.... Wow Henry, you really outdid yourself on this one." Isabella said to herself. The newly minted captain had been going over the Nomad and her schematics for the past few hours. She wanted to know every nook and cranny of the vessel before leaving the Starbase the next day. She could see her brother's signature on everything in the vessel, from the configuration of the warp drive system to the hidden compartment storage areas under the deck walkways. She knew he had seen that in some old space movie he loved to watch over and over again as they were children.

Excited and nervous about the new adventure ahead, she still could not shake the concern of being responsible for so many. Sure she had been in charge of security forces during her time in Starfleet security, but to captain her own ship was something completely different.

"Computer," Isabella said aloud, waiting for the chirp of acknowledgment. "Bring up the star chart of the surrounding space." As the data came up on the screen in front of her, she began to study the areas of interest and marked them for the others to see later on. She knew that these were places they would have to venture to in order to start their business. Luckily, she knew the right people and had forged enough alliances with the most unscrupulous of people while working undercover.

After reviewing the science resources, always Riko's top concern, and checking out some of the defensive capabilities of the small warp vessel with the Winter sister in charge of those, McCord walked on to the bridge. She was sure she would find Isabella there, preparing for their launch of the first mission. She wasn't disappointed.

"Thought I might find you here," the science officer said. "Think we're ready?"

"I guess we will find out." Isabella responded without looking up from her screen. "The Winters are kind of hard to read, but they have been through some rough times as of late. But, I also know you wouldn't have suggested them if they were not up to the task."

Isabella paused for a moment and looked over to Riko in the doorway. "I guess the question is are you ready for this?" She stood up from her seat and leaned on it for support. "You know, when we are out there alone and without support, sometimes things like ethics and morals have a way of looking murky. Are you going to be ok with that?"

"Honestly," McCord said after a small hesitation, "no. I mean, I know there will be times when we skate close to the edge of what I think is right, but I never want to skate too close. If we can't be moral and ethical, then how are we any different from pirates and the more criminal elements in places like Oblivion? Do you think we have to break the law to uphold it?" Riko wasn't sure how she could reconcile that idea with her own moral code.

Isabella looked to the floor while listening to Riko. Previous covert missions ran through her mind. The close calls, watching innocents die for the greater good. making decisions for the need of the many.

"Yes." Isabella stated bluntly. "During my time working in the shadows for the Federation, I have done things that I never thought I could do. I have been complicit in murder, I lied, I cheated, I bribed men to cover the crimes of other men. But the craziest thing of all? I think I can live with it. I can live with it so others can live and not have to make those choices. There will come a time when we will have to make an impossible choice. I need to know that you will back me when I make that choice."

Science was her love. How have I gotten into intelligence? McCord wondered silently. She tried to imagine making the kinds of decisions Perry meant. Could she order someone killed? Could she go along with someone else ordering a murder? It gave her a queasy feeling in her stomach. Finally, she said, "I don't know. It doesn't feel right. I think it's something I have to meditate and pray about with the Hymns of Elvis.

"I can tell you this. I will support everything up to the line I decide I can't cross, and you can count on me. If I decide we're going too far, you'll know well before you need to make decisions that exclude my support. If we reach a point where I can't compromise, you can drop kick me off the ship, I suppose. I will discuss this with you periodically, long before we come to a parting of ways." Riko hoped that would be enough, that being the science officer would be enough. Might be nice to be a Vulcan and depend only on logic right about now.

"Well Riko, to be honest, that's what I needed to hear. I need someone at my side who can tell me when we are about to cross a line. Don't get me wrong, I will cross the line when the time comes, but it is not my first, second, or third option. It is always the last option. But...." Isabella trailed off for a second. Not quite sure what she was going to say next. The newly-made Captain made her way over to Riko and placed a hand on her shoulder. "But just know, I don't make those decisions lightly."

Perry's Number One breathed a silent sigh of relief and nodded, "Then we're good. What else do we need to talk over? I've touched base with everyone on board ... not that there are that many of us," she laughed. "I'm a little excited about the start of a new mission, and one we are sort of mapping as we go. Oh, by the way, I think you mentioned something about a resting spot ... safe haven ... something like that out here somewhere? Or did I simply imagine that?"

"Oh yeah!" Isabella responded, glad for the change of subject.

"While on my own, I learned that I needed a place to lick my wounds at times and just clear my head. So, I have appropriated an old Villa on a planet named ?????. It used to belong to a company that worked on small craft like ours, so it has a repair bay, along with bots that can make repairs to the ship and the Villa itself." The former spy walked over to one of the bridge consoles and brought an image of their new base of operations up on the main view screen.

"Over the years, I have installed some security measures, just in case someone got curious and tried to track me down. The access code to the system has been programmed into our bracelets." Isabella tapped on her bracelet to bring the point home to Riko.

"Huh, that looks pretty expansive. I'm guessing this part that goes under the main structure," McCord tapped an area that looked like it might go deep into the hillside, "is that repair bay you mentioned." She stood back to get a better overview. "There seem to be quite a few outbuildings, but with the vineyard going down much of the hillside, I suppose it looks much like any winery. Does it actually produce a wine that's sold?"

"At some point, wine production was the main source of income for the residence, but it hasn't born fruit in a long time. Maybe that's something we can pick back up as a hobby during downtimes. The former Security Chief walked toward the screen and pointed at the hillside Riko mentioned.

"You are right, the repair bay is what goes into the hillside, with open access for departure, along with a hidden subterranean exit that the ship can fit through. There are also escape tunnels throughout that lead to a hidden port with an escape vessel just in case things go really bad. The outlying houses can be converted to workshops, labs, whatever we want. There is more than enough room for everyone to have some privacy."

"I like it. It seems almost transported from someplace on earth, something I saw in a movie with white walls and red tile roofs. I don't even know if that's something that exists in reality, but here ... here it exists and I think there would be peace there. Is there a river nearby, by any chance? Or a lake or sea? It seems as if it should have water," Riko smiled as her imagination added a small river running through the property. "I think we should plan down time as often as possible."


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