Diplomatic Situation
Posted on Tue 21st Aug, 2012 @ 10:03pm by Commander Brian Windsong & Lieutenant JG Giellun Hitchins & Lieutenant Colonel Tallus Karikkar & Major Darian Riva & Lieutenant Colonel Cara Karikkar & Major Kyle Green & Lieutenant Commander Clark Patterson & Commander Jasmine Collins-Keller & Lieutenant Samantha O'Dell & 1st Lieutenant Ian Knapp & Senior Chief Petty Officer Fihnrilk'Hob"ledn-ardol (Fin)
2,574 words; about a 13 minute read
Location: Protector
Timeline: Current
Tallus was finishing up the final touches on his uniform. He felt odd wearing a gold uniform. Even more odd was the Ensign pip on him. He had already sent his Marines out through the Starbase to separate locations.
=A=Ensign T'Vek to Commander Birdsong are you ready to proceed?=A= Tallus said using his alias. The diplomats were due to arrive at anytime and Tallus wanted to meet them at the airlock.
^=^ Ready to proceed Ensign T'Vek^=^Brian replied smoothly recognizing the voice, but pretending not to.^=^ I'm ready. I've done a bit of studying and I am as prepared as I'm going to be. Negotiations are going to be a bit tricky, but I can handle it.^=^
He adjusted his dress uniform making sure every part of his uniform was in place before leaving for the shuttle craft deck where their guests were supposed to arrive.
Timing was going to be tricky. The Emorites were going to be arriving at 1800 and the Calibrunites at 1815. A reception was planned for 1900 in a banquet hall on the Promenade. The trick was going to be to have as little interaction between the two species until they had a chance to unwind a little at the reception. Cocktails would do what months of sitting around a negotiating table would do. Depending on how things developed this could do much to mend the relationship between the two bickering species, or it could drive a wedge between them that would be almost impossible to deal with.
In any event Brian knew that he and his staff would be quite busy during the evening. He only hoped that the Marines and Star Fleet Security did their job without steing on too many diplomatic toes.
"Nyx are you ready?" Devin called from the doorway to their quarters. "I promised to get you there on time. You're senior staff and need to be there to greet our guests."
Nyx came out in her dress uniform. "Okay, okay. I'm ready. Just keep me clear of that Marine bastard or there may be an incident and it won't include the visitors." She warned. "Although it will be fun to see him as an ensign." She grinned.
"If you start anything Adanyxia, I'll drag you home and put you over my knee." He cocked his eye brow at her in warning. Nyx just laughed.
"You haven't tried that in over a year." She shook her head. "Come on. I'll do what I can to be a good girl, just for you."
"And not one glass of chocolate milk." He added as he followed her out the door. He towered over her by 18 inches.
"Now you're just taking all the fun out of it." She complained. He swatted her bottom playfully but hard. "Ow! okay." She danced her hips. "No chocolate milk." she slowed down to his side and the pair walked together, Kell's hand around her tiny waist.
They walked into the room and joined the others waiting on the diplomats. Nyx eyed Karrikar out of the corner of her eye. She regarded him with a sneer. Kell squeezed her waist in warning.
"I wasn't kidding about spanking you Adanyxia." he whispered.
"Alright, make no notice to the Marines around the station. They are just regular officers. I will personally be at every negotiation and I will always be with the diplomats. Commander Windsong, I have some of my best Marine's guarding you. Lets begin." Tallus said as the diplomats' ship finished docking.
Just at that moment Brian stepped into the room. He had memorized every facet of the route from the shuttle bay where their guests were arriving to the reception hall where the party was slated to begin. So he had left Wicker in their room. He thought it best not to show weakness to either side.
Darian made her way to the meeting in dress uniform. As usual she was nervous given this was a diplomatic situation. Not letting any of that show. Major Riva was used to putting on a professional appearance. For now she'd stay alert and let things proceed in their natural manner.
Kell took his place as a security officer. His assignment was the Second Officer and the CMO. He almost laughed when he was given that assignment. He'd have been looking after Nyx and Cara anyway. This way he didn't have to split his attention and nobody would think anything of it if he yanked Nyx out of the reception. He knew she wouldn't stay out of trouble the whole night.
Cara nodded at Dev even as she tried not to tug at the collar of her dress uniform.
"Greetings," Brian said to the Emorite ambassador in her native language, "Welcome to the Protector."
She seemed surprised to be addressed in such a manner and cocked her head to the left slightly her teal colored eyes appraising him carefully. "Thank you," she replied in kind. "You, you are blind are you not?"
Brian wasn't sure how she had picked up on that fact, but he wasn't going to lie.
"I am," he said.
"I see and they let someone who is defective lead these proceedings? How strange."
Brian kept his tone neutral, though he was seething inside to have been addressed as somehow less capable. "I am not leading these proceedings, I am helping to facilitate them." He paused a moment, then on instinct he drew his sword and brought it in a wickedly fast arc towards her neck. Her two body guards moved towards him, but his sword stopped just inches from her neck before they could react.
"Does that look like I am defective?" he asked a trace of the anger he was feeling coming out in his voice.
She motioned the two guards away and smiled. "No Commander it does not. Perhaps we can actually accomplish something this time after all."
Taking Nyx by the arm and guiding her toward Cara, Kell figured it would be easier to to keep them safe if he kept them together or at least as close as possible. Nyx had gotten over most of her jealousy of Cara although some insecurities still existed. He nodded at Cara as he stood behind and between the two officers he was assigned to protect and watched as Marines and security officers took their assigned places as well. Nyx wasn't happy to see that from her post, she had to look directly at Tallus nor was she happy to see that the Emorites were as haughty and egregious as the Marine Commander. It wouldn't be an easy day for sure.
Hiding a snicker of amusement from Nyx Cara tried to look the cool calm and collected second officer even while her eyes were constantly scanning for threats.
By nature diplomatic gatherings were not Darian's strength. Of course it didn't fall under her main area of expertise either. As a Senior Officer part of her responsibility was to make small talk at receptions like this one. For now all Darian could do was take things one step at a time.
Ms Lantz stood at the back of the area where the diplomats were arriving. She had no official function until later, at the reception held in honor of the visitors, but she was interested in seeing them, and in finding out if their actual presence matched the pictures and information she'd received. From what she could see, there was a high correlation between fact and computer imaging. Her curiosity satisfied, she left quietly without being noticed. There were always last-minute details and emergencies to attend to with large gatherings. She wanted things to go as well as possible for Starfleet and the Federation.
Tallus leaned over to Brian, "Commander perhaps threatening the ambassador's life is not the most logical thing to do during peaceful negotiations." Tallus said in the typical Vulcan lack of emotion. "It may be prudent however to move to the conference room."
Brian turned towards Tallus, his face unreadable, "Actually Ensign I think it was quite an effective stratagem and we have a reception before we adjourn to the conference room."
Cara hid an amused smile and sent Brian a mental ~Let me know if you need me to do anything.~
"Yes sir." Tallus said waiting for the Commander to move. He respected the man. He was obviously more capable then first sights would tell. And he had a tongue that was equally as skilled.
Fin stepped up to Windsong. "It was a really stupid move, Cmdr, and if you do something like that again, I'll escort you to the brig." She meant it too. How in the hell were they supposed to host a diplomatic mission when their own officers didn't know how to control themselves?
He turned to face the voice, "No one will be escorting me to the brig Chief, least of all you. I knew what I was doing. I took a calculated risk and it paid off. In case you didn't notice my job description says Chief Diplomatic Officer. That puts me in charge. If you can't understand that then I can have you escorted away. Do I make myself clear?"
Fin shook her head. "You take some stupid risks for a blind man, Cmdr." She was referring to his swordplay with the ambassador. "If you want to act like a seeing man, then get your eyes fixed. Otherwise, stop endangering the rest of us because your ego gets bruised." She had no patience with people who didn't think before they acted.
Brian shrugged his shoulders, "I did what I though was best Chief and you are certainly entitled to your position. You are edging towards insubordination however and trust me, you don't want to step over that line with me. Now are you capable of carrying out your duties here, or would you prefer to leave?"
"I'm going to escort our guests to the Promenade, would you like to accompany us Ensign?" Brian said, turnnint his attention to Tallus.Then in a lower voice he said, "It occurred to me that this species might be related to the Zaldans another semi-aquatic race and they despise what they call social niceties. So I was just playing a hunch. Slightly illogical I know, but the webbing between her hand is really similar.
You might want to notify your staff that such things as please, thank you, excuse me, etc. should with at least the Emorites be dispensed with."
"I concur." Tallus said sending off a message through his PADD All Marine's dispense with your pleasantries. They will do you no good with the Emorites. We are proceeding to the reception hall. "Please follow me."
Clark made his way to the reception, he adjusted his combadge on his service uniform. He didn't have a complete list of things to do in the reception but the information that star fleet presented to him left him with more questions about their guests than answers.
Picking up the information from Tallus as he sent the mental note, Kell escorted Nyx and Cara toward the reception hall. "I know you both heard that the Emorites prefer dispensing with common courtesies. Nyx, please don't take advantage of that...stay clear of Tallus please."
Nyx merely nodded and smiled. If Devyn only knew that she had no choice today.
Cara just gave as innocent a look as she could manage.
Samantha walked with her hands clasped behind her back, the senior staff worried about the diplomatic ventures ahead she had been assigned to keep the rest of the station at peace. It seemed almost like a ghost town. It gave her plenty of time to think, and plenty of time to rethink her encounter with Brian Windsong. That wouldn't happen again... and if it did it'd be too soon. I'm such a girl, she told herself. Thinking he liked her, after he'd just got done explaining his kind. She rolled her eyes at herself.
Operations hadn't permitted Aryl time to prepare for the gathering, beyond dress whites, which she, personally, hated. Quietly, she stepped in, having made certain that the ambassador's rooms were to unique specifications, to make them more comfortable. She didn't say much to anyone, except the catering staff, and a couple of the greeters, and even then, it was only to make sure they had not been on duty too long. She seemed as though, to a trained eye, something was bothering, or haunting her, but she simply wandered through the crowd, without paying specific attention to anyone.
Deciding it was probably best for everyone if she put a little distance between herself and Windsong, Fin wandered through the gathering, checking to make sure there were no confrontations of any kind going on. So far, the only difficulty looked like it had been between their diplomatic officer and the ambassador.
She wandered over by Aryl. "Good evening, Lt."
Aryl winced. "First Lieutenant." She corrected, sharply. "I might be wearing Fleet colors, but I'm still ranked, and fall under, marine classifications." It was almost immediately evident that she was surprised that someone had approached her.
She wouldn't have guessed Aryl to be that insecure, but if she wanted Fin to tell her about proper addresses, she certainly could. "Just so we're both on the same page, LT---if I were addressing you with something written, I would refer to you 1st Lt. But when speaking a rank, it is only Lt, or Col, or General." Her voice was calm and her stance relaxed. Her own rank changed with each job she took, so it wasn't all that important to Fin. She did understand, however, that many people worked hard for every promotion and it became an integral part of their identity.
Nyx would be required to remain with the diplomats for a few reasons. She was the ship's medical officer and would need to be close by should something effect the Emorite's health or any of the other diplomats. She was there for the base staff should any food allergies pop up as they sampled the Emorite or Calibrunite foods. And she was there as a weapon should Tallus decide it was necessary. He held her 'leash' and informed her she would be present with him at all times. This secret, she would keep from Devyn until after all the proceedings were over.
After escorting the Emorite Ambassador to the Reception Hall Brian he started on his return to the Shuttlecraft Bay to meet with the Calibrunite delegates.
Kyle was in the ops station in his dress uniform. He didn't much care for the dress uniform, but now he was the XO of a starbase and he figured that he should get used to the uniform. It seemed that all was quite in ops. He had Lieutenant Bourne at the tactical station who indicated no threats were near the station. He was probably the most bored officer on the station.
OOC: Would like to get this posted. Could those who participated but not signed please do so? Thanks, Chris
Lt. Commander Brian Windsong
Chief Diplomatic Officer
Lt. Devyn Kell
Security/investigations Officer
Lt. Nyx
Chief Medical Officer
MAJ Tallus Karikkar
Marine Commander
Major Kyle Green
Executive Office
Infiltration Specialist
Major Cara Treia
Chief Tac and Strat Ops/2nd Officer
Lt. Commander Clark Patterson
Chief Intelligence Officer
Senior Chief Petty Officer Fihnrilk'Hob"ledn-ardol
Infiltration Specialist