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Tue 1st Apr, 2014 @ 7:52am

Lieutenant Samantha O'Dell

Name Samantha Jennifer O'Dell

Position Chief Intelligence Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 31

Physical Appearance

Height 5'8
Weight 135
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color green
Physical Description Samantha is trim and athletic she has an enormous tattoo on her shoulder that covers her shoulder and shoulder blade and most of her bicep on her left side. It is a spiritual tattoo, and she doesn't show it off or talk about it.


Spouse None
Children none
Father Myle O'Dell
Mother Meredith O'dell (deceased)
Brother(s) Christian and Cameron
Sister(s) none
Other Family none

Personality & Traits

General Overview Samantha is a good starfleet officer, she's loyal and determined. A solo kinda of personality Samantha often does things half cocked and not always thinks things through before she does them. that's often gotten her in trouble. But she has been lucky so far. No one else has gotten hurt.
Strengths & Weaknesses Samantha has a criminals mind, which makes her a damn fine security officer because she knows how to think like her enemies. While she started out in security, Starfleet quickly took notice of the way her mind worked as far as thinking like the enemy and assigned her to the Intelligence corp. She's strong willed and determined to get the job done. However, she's also pig headed and stubborn. Samantha is a loner and doesn't makes friends well because she just assumes they'll transfer off sooner or later.

An issue which remains classified at Starfleet academy landed Samantha in medical for two weeks. She doesn't speak of it, but it is the sole reasoning behind her loner personality.
Ambitions Samantha would like to be head of a special operations team some day, but she has no desires to command a starship. It's not her thing.
Hobbies & Interests Samantha enjoys sword play and has been fencing for years. She also enjoys poker and the playing on the holodeck.

Personal History Samantha screwed up. As a young officer Samantha was in charge of a security detail and there was breach in security even though it was determined during the investigation there had been a leak, Samantha took the blame and was guilty for it for years. It marred her career and kept her from excelling, she was passed over for promotions twice.

Since then she had been focused more on her role in Intelligence, although when the opening for security on the protector came up she couldn't find it in herself to say no.

Her family does not approve of Starfleet and have often asked her to return to earth. Samantha has since discontinued communications with them.
Service Record Starfleet Academy double major security and Intelligence
Graduated in the top 25% of her class

First duty station USS Utopia security ensign
second DS: DS 6 security ltjg
third DS: USS Crimson Tide Assistant Intell (promoted to Lt)
Fourth DS: Mars Shipyards head of Security (promoted to lcdr)
Fifth DS: USS Vicsburg head of security, (security breach, demoted lt)
sixth and seventh DS: Starfleet Sol intelligence corp analysis division
current assignment: Starbase Protector