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Tue 11th Feb, 2014 @ 7:47pm

Lieutenant JG Giellun Hitchins

Name Giellun Joseph Hitchins

Position Diplomatic Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Male
Species 1/2 Human 1/2 Romulan
Age 27

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10"
Weight 170
Hair Color Blond
Eye Color Violet
Physical Description Giellun is a little smaller than most Romulans and unless one knows that he is part Romulan it is difficult to tell. His ears are slightly pointed, but not overtly so. One would have to be looking carefully to notice. The ridges on his brow are also unoticable unless he gets really emotional or tired.

His uniform is always kept clean and presed with the creases all in their right places. When he is not in uniform, his idea of really casual is khakis and a polo shirt. He is almost never in jeans.


Spouse None
Children Ariel
Father Alexander
Mother Selah
Brother(s) S'Hairen, Kaheli
Sister(s) Sindari
Other Family Hunter Hayes, Divorced

Personality & Traits

General Overview Giellun's father is a diplomat, somone used to thinking on his feet and talking his way out of situations and Giellun has inherited some of that ability, but for the most part he is more confrontational than that. Like his mother he has more of a warrior mentality. He does however have a rather gregarious personality and as a result has lots of friends and contacts around the galaxy. He has an almost encylepdic knowledge of hostile alien races and tactics
Strengths & Weaknesses +Tenacious
+Good at reading people
+Good martial artist

- Is sometimes impaitent, especially with sloppy people
-Speaks mind, sometimes when he shouldn't.
-Feels some Romulan guilt over his sexual preference
Ambitions Like almost everyone in Star Fleet he would like to have his own command some day, but not at the expense of settling down with the man he has come to love, and raising a family.
Hobbies & Interests Giellun likes all types of strategy games and is usually quite good at them. He likes outdoor activites as well including mountain and rock climbing, and hiking. He also likes hang gliding and water sports.

He doesn't care for reading that much but he does enjoy holodeck mysteries and thrillers. He enjoys ballet but not opera

Personal History Giellun was born on November 4, 2382. His father was the Federation Ambassador to the Romulan Empire, his mother was a member of one of the ruling houses and was quite prominent in Romulan politics. It was not exactly love at first sight, but after a year of courtship Alexander asked her to marry him and she accepted. Sindari was the first to be born just over a year from their marriage. Two years later Giellun was born and then S'hairen and Kaheil. The two older Hitchins siblings looked more human than Romulan and this was especially true for Giellun.

This caused him all sorts of taunting when he was growing up and he was constantly having to prove himself and getting in fights.

There was something else different about Giellun that he couldn't really identify or choose not to try to identify. He was never effeminite, in fact quite the opposite was true he was very masculine and had a real warrior spirit. He never backed down from a fight or a challenge and his temper got him in trouble on more than one occassion. When his temper did not get the best of him he was a consumate tatician, often thinking four or five moves ahead of his opponent. When he was in High School and at the Academy he played a lot of chess, often beating opponents far older and more expereienced than him.

He was involved in the theater in High School and dated several girls while there, most of whom were in the Drama or Glee club, but it didn't really go much beyond the kissing stage and he was never really impressed much nor did he have much interest in taking it beyond the kissing stage.

For most of the first year at the Academy it was much the same way. Then he met Beck Sanchez an Engineering cadet and the two of them hit it off right away. They started dating and became lovers. Towards the end of his Junior year she unceremonsily dumped him without really giving him a reason.

He was of course devestated and literally went crying to his roomate Hunter Hayes. He knew Hunter was gay, had seen other guys in his bed, but at that point it really didn't matter. After downing half of a twelve pack of beer, Hunter kissed him or perhaps he kissed Hunter, things were pretty hazy at the time. Then things went way beyond kissing.

After he had sobered up Giellun was initially appaled at what he had done. But as time went on he realized what he had been hiding from himself for a long time, that he was attracted to men, epecially to Hunger and they soon and they soon became lovers. This continued from the spring of their Junior year until they graduated and went their sperate ways. Giellun had a couple of flings but really never got over Hunter or for that matter Beck (who had disappeared shortly after dumping him).

He really only had one other person that he devloped any type of relationship with, Matt Comon, the CMO on board the USS Resistance.

Service Record Will add later