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An Addams Celebration, Quatre

Posted on Wed 30th Dec, 2020 @ 1:53am by Elizabeth Anderson M.D. & Commander Jasmine Collins-Keller & Lieutenant Commander Andrew Eberstark & Khellian s'Siedhri MD & Renato Solis & Lieutenant Commander Lanis Dhuro MD & Lieutenant Adam Keller & Lieutenant Damion Ildaran & Lieutenant JG Kellian Michaels & Carlo Rienzi & Ignatius Collins
Edited on on Wed 30th Dec, 2020 @ 2:00am

840 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Denouement
Location: House of Addams, Queen Anne Villas, Tivoli Gardens
Timeline: All Hallow's Eve
Tags: Addams sisters, party goers, Kya, Serena, Elizabeth

Dressed as Napoleon and Josephine, Riko and Henry made their was to Chlamydia's house. "I wonder what kind of surprise they'll have this year," Riko said. "I don't quite remember what the last one was, only that it was a humdinger!" She scratched under her left ear where something from the highly curled brown wig was causing an itch.

"You too huh?" Henry said as he scratched his left arm. "Why is this coat so itchy?" And then with surprise, it hit him. "It was a huge Tribble. She had a huge Tribble appear out of nowhere remember? Of course, it was fake, but we didn't know at the time."

Elsewhere, others were arriving at the party.

"I hope you feel comfortable going as Anthony," Serena remarked, looking down at her own Cleopatra toga. "I realize it's a little different for you, but honestly, you look amazing in it. Quite kingly, or Caesar-like, whichever."

Andrew hoped his face wasn't too red with anxiety as he walked side by side with Serena. Her words comforted him a bit but of all the things he imagined Starfleet would do to throw him out of his comfort zone, dressing up as an ancient person from Earth for a social gathering was certainly not on his list. Smiling meekly, he answered, "Thanks. I'm fairly certain that if my sister ever saw this, she would never let me hear the end of it," adding, "I never really dressed up for this sort of thing growing up and--," pausing as he realized he was dragging on, "Never mind. Let's enjoy the evening. Thankfully, people will be looking at you and how great you look, and I'll just be a background character."

Serena laughed, and she took his arm as she walked close with him. "Oh, now you've done it. My head will swell up and it'll be all your fault I can't see my feet when we're dancing!"

Carlo brought the current year's keg of bloodwine and bottles of Kanar Noir into the Addamses' front yard and looked about for a place to stow it. This year, he was dressed as a court jester in parti-colored purple and black doublet, hat, and hose. Bells jingled from the points of his collar and the points of his hat.

Behind Carlo, the gate was opened by a gray-haired man in a black frock coat lined in red, with a white dress shirt, black waistcoat, slacks, and dress shoes. He glanced at the court jester in relief. "Oh, good! I was afraid I'd be late." He carried a food container under one arm. "You want some help with that, buddy?"

Carlo glanced at him and grinned. "Man, that is old school! That has to be before the 20th Doctor, even! Am I right?"

"Twelfth," his acquaintance said with a smile.

"Dude, the least you could've done was bring the TARDIS," Carlo said as he showed the guy where to take hold of the anti-grav pallet.

"Among a great lot of drunk Halloween partyers? I think not. I'm the one who has to clean the thing, you know!" The Twelfth Doctor grasped his end of the pallet. "Lead on. My name's Ignatius Collins, by the way. Who're you?"

"Carlo Rienzi, The Court Jester. I run Pub 10-42 on Deck 595. Come by and have a beer, sometime! Good to meet you, man. Let's get these folks their bloodwine."

"Oooh," said an alto voice from behind the sled. "Blood wine!" The voice belonged to a young woman in the white and polished brass scale of a Greek hoplite's linothorax. Below the cuirass, a serpent's body scaled in green trailed to the ground and behind her. Helmetless, she had what appeared to be bright green dreadlocks with googly eyes stuck to the ends. One hand held a bronze xyphos; the other, the head of a human, truncated in a bloody neck.

Beside her walked a young woman of similar age, apparently of Human stock. Likewise clad in the armor of a hoplite, she seemed to be missing her head. The cranium in the first young woman's hand rolled its eyes, and though its mouth moved, the voice came from the void above the bloody, truncated neck of the body. "You know you're not old enough to drink Bloodwine!"

"Nice costumes, ladies!" Carlo said, and Ignatius nodded in agreement. "I do have a synthehol version if you would like some. It's legal for you to drink that."

Behind them another couple arrived at the Addamses front gate--a human male wearing an antler headpiece, who held the gate open for his date, an Arachne female wearing--"What is that supposed to be?" Ignatius asked her.

Muffet beamed, both figuratively and literally, the two round devices mounted above her breasts giving off light. "Headlights!" she exclaimed, laughing. She added, soto voce, "People spend so much time staring at my butt, I thought I'd switch things up a bit."

"You two--don't leave before I can get an image of you!" Ignatius said, laughing.


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