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Sun 17th Jul, 2022 @ 7:08pm

Ignatius Collins

Name Ignatius Edward Collins

Position Captain, FMV Nameless Grace

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 31

Physical Appearance

Height 6'2"
Weight 180 lbs.
Hair Color Brown, gray-streaked
Eye Color Hazel brown
Physical Description Ignatius is the younger son of the current generation of Collinsport, Maine Collinses.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Nathaniel Collins
Mother Eleanor Stevens Collins
Brother(s) Reginald Collins
Sister(s) Cassandra Collins
Other Family Cousin Barnabas

Personality & Traits

General Overview Ignatius is an independent-minded sort who wanted more than anything to escape the stodginess of the home he grew up in. The Collinses are a family of old, old money, and they essentially founded the town of Collinsport, Maine, which was their company town for decades. It has since become more diversified, but so has the Collins family business, expanding from a fishing fleet, to a cannery, to a shipping company, which has now become Collins Transportation, a transporter-based LTL shipping company that beams smaller freight shipments weighing over 150 lbs to their destinations.

As far as Ignatius is concerned, most of his family have been dilettantes content to live off their wealth but not get their hands dirty. He is very much a hands-on person and wanted to make his own money rather than just inheriting his wealth--though he hasn't passed up his share of dividend income from the family business. It has allowed him to purchase and maintain a penthouse suite in downtown Philadelphia.

Strengths & Weaknesses +- Ambitious
+- Stubborn
+ Hard-working; willing to get his hands dirty. Respects others who are the same.
- Likes his creature comforts but isn't a slave to them.
- "So you don't do much cardio." "Um... I guess not?" He is vaguely acquainted with exercise.
+ Not given to melancholy or broodiness.
- A bit restless; prefers to be doing something rather than just sitting around.
Ambitions To build a successful asteroid mining company that will last beyond his lifetime.
Hobbies & Interests * Likes dogs and cats but doesn't own one because he is so often away from home for long periods of time.
* Billiards
* Reading
* Rock-climbing, rock-collecting. Has an extensive geode collection.

Personal History Ignatius was born in Collinsport, Maine, Earth to Nathaniel and Eleanor Collins of Collinwood. He grew up on an estate replete with wealth and a storied family history, in a home filled with ghosts, a vampire, and things that go bump in the night. Despite all that, his family are still well-bred, upper-crust Mainers who eschew the stereotypical Maine accent and indulge in the occasional seance and accidental trip back in time.

The lifestyle of a well-bred, upper-crust scion of Maine society didn't suit Ignatius much, especially as he was the younger son and didn't want to compete with his brother's and his father's manner of running the family company. He wanted to get away from Maine, to go out and be and do.

So he did. After a college double major in xenogeology and business, Ignatius started his own mining company with his friend Adam Griffin, also of Maine. Adam handles more of the financial side of things, while Ignatius handles the mining and networking sides, as he has the contacts with potential investors who have venture capital.

Ignatius happily ran his company for several years until he had an unfortunate run-in with pirates out near the Triangle, while he was prospecting for asteroids containing rare metals. The pirates boarded Ignatius' ship, the Venuleia, and took him hostage. Three weeks later, while Ignatius was climbing the walls of his locked cabin out of boredom, an odd man and woman knocked on his door and asked to speak with him.

They introduced themselves as Captain Daggerbeard and his wife Gloriana, who had taken the pirate ship and renamed it the Crimson Assurance. They now used it to do their own run of curiously non-violent pirating. When the Crimson Assurance was at last confronted by Federation authorities, Daggerbeard admitted that the gig was up. He also admitted that he and his wife were Pubert and Gloriana Addams, of the New York Addamses, and that they had been engaging in a bit of espionage.

They were all brought to Starbase 109, where Ignatius met the Addamses' three daughters. And that was where the weirdness began.

Ignatius could not get Pubert and Gloriana Addams' youngest daughter, Purulence, out of his mind. He couldn't figure out why. She wasn't the sort of woman who normally attracted him. She had melanism--though it was godawful beautiful on her--and the only time she seemed able to focus was if she was painting, which she did a lot. He was quite surprised to learn that she was well known in art circles, able to paint portraits that seemed almost alive. Even that, though did not explain the degree of attrraction he felt, so he was suspicious of it. Annoyingly, Purulence didn't appear to share his interest--except he would notice her looking at him when she didn't think he was looking.

There was nothing for it, Ignatius decided. The only way to get her out of his mind was to become better acquainted with her. Let familiarity breed boredom. Surely, that would work.

In truth, this odd attraction Purulence and Ignatius feel for each other exists because they were engaged to be married in a previous reality. Only time will tell what the future holds for them.
Service Record Graduates from University of Maine with a BS in Geology and minor in Physics.
Graduates from MIT with an MS in Exogeology.
With best friend Adam Griffin, also of Maine, forms Collins-Griffin Mining Ventures.