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An Addams Celebration, Trois

Posted on Fri 16th Oct, 2020 @ 6:08am by Elizabeth Anderson M.D. & Commander Jasmine Collins-Keller & Commander Paul Graves PsyD & Khellian s'Siedhri MD & Renato Solis & Lieutenant Adam Keller & Lieutenant Damion Ildaran & Jaryl Phoebus & Purulence Addams

1,204 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Denouement
Location: House of Addams, Queen Anne Villas, Tivoli Gardens
Timeline: All Hallow's Eve

The party is just getting started at the Addams' house. Come on in!

Reon had gotten side-tracked helping with the food table when he came in with Jade. It was a natural for him, since he didn't know most of the people here on a personal basis, only from greeting them at Orchids & Jazz. He watched the by-play at the door, seeing that everything worked out just fine, even if the skeleton in coconuts and a grass skirt struck him as slightly bizarre. Who was he to tell people how to have fun. He turned back to the tables, reaching to take a dish from another contributor to the food.

Kya finally had a place to hand off the simple cake. The delicious aspect of it was the spongy absorption of the fruit syrup, but it had to be put on last minute. "Hi, here. I just need to add the glaze and this is a dessert."

Grinning at the pretty woman, Velasquez said, "Good to have it classified. I'm just a doorman normally." He cleared off a corner on the table next to him. "Help yourself, and let me know if there's anything else I can do for you. I'm Reon, by the way. Maybe we can talk a bit later?"

She wanted to leave truthfully, but despite the odd human behavior, for what she knew of humans, there was a curious life and energy here. Looking for Lexy, it seemed she had gotten over her shyness. There was time, and Renato had asked that she have fun and meet people. Their purposes were for networking the refugee center, but surely she deserved to have actual fun, too.

She set the cake down, talking as she poured the fruit and syrup over the cake. "I'd like that Reon, I am Kya Adtanis. I run a kitchen in the Brown Sector for some folks."

"Oh, you know more about food than I do, then!" Reon smiled at her, his eyes crinkling in the corners. "But I bet I know more about parties at the Addams house, so we can help each other out here."

He took another dish from someone dressed as a Gypsy, and commented, "You're looking very ethnic!"

Turning back to Kya, he said, "Things should slow down shortly, if you don't mind waiting around for a few minutes? Or I can come find you when I leave here?"

It felt brave and foolish to feel brave, but she smiled and said, "Yes, come find me, I'll be guessing otherwise and die in confusion. These are unlike any humans I have known."

Reon laughed, "Kya, they are unlike any humans any of us have ever known. Go mingle and have fun, and don't die in confusion before I get there to save you!"

Lexy held her daddy's pocketknife. He had always told her it had a molecular finish, and how careful to be. Now it was slicing the most perfect thin layer of her skin off the surface of her fingertip, peeling back like apple rind. She hoped it was the weird sort of thing they wanted to see.

Suddenly, Purulence was standing near Lexy and keeping her out of Kya's direct line of sight. Fortunately, Kya was being well distracted by the gorgeous doorman from Orchids & Jazz. Purulence hoped he would keep Kya occupied. She waited until Lexy had moved the knife away from her arm before speaking. "Alexy!" she stage-whispered. "Close that and put it away."

Lexy was immediately mortified, and whipped to put it away, looking to Six and Purulence in turn. Her mother would take away privilege's for a month for this. And Daddy's knife.

"I'm sorry, are you going to tell my mother?"

Purulence smiled at Lexy. "Of course not--you aren't bleeding. But I know it would upset your mother to see that. We do have Barbie dolls you can lop the heads off of, though. When I was a kid I was overweight, so I always hated Barbie."

Feeling relief, Lexy giggled albeit nervously, "That's funny... and... I'm sorry Missy Pru. I didn't mean to make you scared. I'm not hurt I swear!"

As Jasmine cinched the waist on the bright yellow gown she wore, Adam was donning the matching yellow cummerbund and bright blue jacket.

"Do I really have to wear these gloves?" He asked "I feel like I'm about to get into a boxing ring.."

Jasmine smiled. "I suppose you could wear plain white gloves." She reached up and kissed his cheek. The prosthetics that turned him into 'the beast' only covered his cheekbones, and nose so kissing him was easy. "We should get going though." She straightened his lapels with a brush of her hand. "I don't want to be late."

Adam smiled. "There's one thing you can say about an Addams' Halloween party." He put an arm around her waist and pulled her into a kiss, "They're never dull."

Jaryl placed a gloved hand on the gate, and was visibly appreciative of the way it swung open without even a creak. The silver eyed man took a good look at the stately manor house in front of him. He was dressed as a Lord, of the Tudor Era of England... It had come as a segue to some of his research into the region for architectural purposes.

"Enter freely," said a voice from behind him, "and of your own will. Or depart in peace. Either way, kindly stop blocking the gate."

"O gentle son, Upon the heat and flame of thy distemper, sprinkle cool patience." Jaryl shot back, with an ironic bow to those mocking him. Quoting from the great playwright of the time W. Shakespeare, and maintaining the character perfectly.

Caroline snickered. She'd been thinking the same thing, but hadn't wanted to say it. In her princess/shepherdess costume, she needed plenty of space to get through the gate, even by herself. Her normally short blond hair was covered by an elaborately coifed blond wig, with curls hanging down one side.

The Kellers arrived at the gate and Jasmine was anxious to see what the family had planned for this year's Halloween spectacular. Although she couldn't remember the details completely, she remembered some sort of sèance and .. .it was impossible to remember the rest really. Odd how she remembered having a good time and that there was a sèance, but after that, she couldn't recall- not even returning home that evening.

Jasmine was brought out of her thoughts when a large pair of hands grabbed her about the waist and she felt her husband lean in to kiss her neck.

"You look absolutely ravishing." He growled into her ear. "I may just have to take you home early."

"ADAM!" She squirmed with a giggle. "What has gotten in to you?" She asked as she took his hand and kissed him before leading him through the gate and up the stairs to the entrance of the Gothic structure.

"What?" he laughed. "I missed you while you were gone."

"And I've been back for three days now." She grinned as she stepped through the door, her husband still in tow, clenching her hand lovingly.


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