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Making a List ...

Posted on Fri 16th Oct, 2020 @ 5:04am by Exo-Comp EXQT

990 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Denouement
Location: Harrington's Vessel
Timeline: MD 3, 0800

Peggy hadn't even realized it was locked away. Banshee accessed ship systems in the first moment coming on board. The simple seals on the locker room were brushed aside as all four Exo-Coms explored the ship all night, searching out what wasn't optimal. They knew not to disturb the biologicals and remained quiet as they went about their business.

As they explored, they made a list of repairs for [CAPTHARRINGTON] to approve. At the top was to align the engine output. The small miscalculation was slowly shaking the ship apart. It wouldn't happen today. It wouldn't happen tomorrow. But it would happen. Other, simpler tasks on the list included cleaning the oxygen filters as well as several other environmental filters. A ship with biologicals on it acquired a certain scent as the filters became clogged, and it wasn't pleasant, even to the bots.

The only other main dissonance was in the shields. They were working, but not efficiently. Should the ship need more than minimal levels of shielding, for instance if there were a larger-than-normal particle that impacted them, it was going to be in trouble. Best case scenario, the shields would go down. Worst case, the ship would be thrown off course and the hull would be damaged.

After several hours of evaluation, the Exo-Comps returned to the engineering room. Zombie snuck back to oil dip more. His plates and armor had been welded into place, but the torsion wasn't right, and this made for a form of relief as the metal relaxed. It was also a test of honesty, [CAPTHARRINGTON] said this oil pit would always be on. Zombie digitally accessed the room, and discovered its accesses worked. The power to the room was restored. It would take several minutes to heat, but rather than waiting, the replicator wand materialized a laser torch. Adding another thermal source heated it up in no time, and Zombie immersed again.

Somewhere, a part of Zombie's programming reset itself, realizing good owners could exist. True relaxation occurred at 0704, ship standard. Peggy called for them to gather in the tool room at 0715. Zombie announced it was present from within the oil bath. This caused a rise in social cues on two emotional axes, and bridging them was difficult. Peggy understood Zombie had structural faults, but it took time to clean up afterwards, and they had work to do.


<{[ZOMBIE](Proposal(accepted*)}{(*amended:620 cycles)}>

Peggy enjoyed that reply in its own way and accepted the amendment without further comment. A few extra minutes didn't matter, truly, and Zombie was the one who provided direct energy contributions at higher stress rates. A self-diagnostic after the tender care applied yesterday showed systems were prime in all four units. Peggy had enjoyed efficient power distribution manifolds its whole life, but the stitching to its battery nodes surpassed previous norms. Except for the absence of the missing core from its memory, which had also been stitched and rewired, this was as good as it had been in a long time.

Nessy had spent some time scanning every inch of the ship, creating a map updated in real time with visual feeds. Internal sensors showed everything on board, including a mild internal computer defense. Peggy designated it [CAPTHARRINGTON]-[WATCHDOG]. So far, Banshee had kept [WATCHDOG] from noticing their systems' intrusions, but it would be easier to have permission. Nonetheless, Peggy knew the others were on their way, so the meeting began.

{[PEGGY]*[ALL]("Greetings")}{[ALL](TASKLIST: (17#apply15#gradient);(Re-application-Thermal.Epoxy@(loc.file~@SYS09.45a17)(4#Baryon=Accumulation/Saturation@(loc.file~@SYS09.46a31); (16#EPS:signal-faults:>10khz@(loc.file~@SYS09.45a109)(Re-sheathing.protocol); (2#Micro-hull fractures@(loc.file~@SYS05.47a55)}>

They physically joined each other in engineering as this, and other finds, were discussed, Nessy and Banshee had been looking out the windows nearby. Zombie was in the drip tray getting torched clean, as they sorted the work. By 0730, a plan was formed, and Zombie cheerily requested raw materials to begin fabrication of the needed tools at volume. Peggy pointed out the rubbish bins had plenty, but they would need permissions.

As they waited for the biological units to appear, a half hour passed with the four of them fabricating the wires, paints, and stem bolts for the day's work. As they worked, a discussion arose.

<{[NESSY]*[ALL]("Environmental conditions are favorable")}>

<{[PEGGY](Affirmation' )(CAUTION:advisory;Query"past managers")}>


<{[NESSY]*[ALL]("I feel safe")}{Safe:defined=1%

<{[ZOMBIE](Proposal:Optimal.Performance:YIELD; increased.runtime-processes= service:"Favorable Environmental Conditions")}>

<{[PEGGY](Affirmation!)(Optimal.Performance:YIELD:Increased value/rank. [ADMIN]@YIELD"Favorable Environmental Conditions){[ALL](regards[CAPTHARRINGTON])/qualified:negative.socialcues?}>

None of the bots had a bad thing to say about either of the biological units. Nessy was clearly in favor of their new home, and had already begun to trust them implicitly. Zombie was waiting for the bad thing to happen eventually.


<{[BANSHEE}("Work is life")}{Set(0)*(ETHICALVIOLATIONS)}{"Self-governance" COREprotocol query return: VALID (Possession not equal to collaboration.)}>

<{[NESSY](Query:Designation:[SHIP]:change.presentSYSlabel:[WORKPLACE]/[HOME BASE]?)}{[NESSY] pref:[HOME]}>

Banshee and Peggy agreed, this was not time to get comfortable, but Nessy was ready to commit. Peggy was firm, as was Banshee. So long as anyone owned them, they couldn't be home. When it came to decisions, they all looked at it the same way.

All three waited for Peggy.

<{[PEGGY]-(Quote: [BANSHEE]"Time=Prime.metric")]}>

It settled the issue neatly, the day's work was assigned, pending the captain's approval and other work he might choose to assign. How this day would go would set a tone for the rest. Sensors chimed as biologicals made their way in to the room. It was time to start their first day.


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Comments (1)

By Commander Paul Graves PsyD on Thu 22nd Oct, 2020 @ 6:12am

I am enjoying the Exo-Comps' continued adventures, as always. :)
