
  • 8 Mission Posts

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Sat 26th Mar, 2022 @ 8:37am

Jaryl Phoebus

Name Jaryl Phoebus

Position Family Members

Character Information

Gender Male
Species From Ramatis 3
Age 31

Physical Appearance

Height 5'6
Weight 130
Hair Color Golden Brown
Eye Color Grey


Spouse None
Children None
Father Fyr Phoebus and Herik Phoebus
Mother Vela Phoebus
Brother(s) Eldris
Sister(s) Donuta

Personality & Traits

Strengths & Weaknesses +Creative

Personal History Ramatis 3 is an idyllic place to grow up. Jaryl the moment a crayon was placed in his hand began drawing on every surface of his home until his mother and sires got him a tablet on which he could store all the designs in his head. His mother and sires were quite befuddled by how this child managed to have this level of talent so young, but they carefully cultivated his talent ensuring he could go to the best art schools once his basic education was complete. His dedication to art meant that he was not suitable to be bound in a chorus as a child- but that he could seek out and find his own matches.

Jaryl is now an exquisitely talented designer and architecht, the man makes a living designing buildings and layouts for internal structures. He sells his paintings and concept art to galleries when the structures are being built. Much of his work is portable, but he teamed up with his friend Alexia in order to design the Varuna Spa on SB109.
Service Record Ramatis Basic Schooling.
University of Betazed- Arts
Washington University St Louis: PhD. Architecture and Design.