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At the Closing of the Year

Posted on Wed 21st Nov, 2018 @ 7:56pm by Commander Mikaela Locke & Commander Jasmine Collins-Keller & Commander Paul Graves PsyD & Lieutenant Commander Andrew Eberstark & Lieutenant Commander Alora Baro & Khellian s'Siedhri MD & Lieutenant Commander Lanis Dhuro MD & Lieutenant Adam Keller & Lieutenant Damion Ildaran & Lieutenant JG Kellian Michaels & Purulence Addams & Makila i'Hartelhai
Edited on on Wed 21st Nov, 2018 @ 8:02pm

1,141 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Oblivion
Location: Warehouse 13, Cargo Holding Space 780
Timeline: MD 21, 2230

The warehouse was creepy with no one around. The lights were turned to bare illumination during down time, and the corridors between the storage spaces were wide enough to maneuver standard interstellar cargo containers through, though from the dust on the deck, it had been some time since anyone had. The door to space 780 opened, revealing three Addams women... though not, perhaps, the three most of those present had expected.

"Be careful," the matriarch said in a raspy voice. She looked as old as the Earth, with wild white hair which wisped in all directions. With one arthritis-bent finger, she indicated the figure chalked on the deck. A circle of two lines, and within, seven rhombuses arrayed radially to form a star shape. Each rhombus was chalked in one of the colors Humans recognized as primary. "It took time to prepare; kindly do not walk upon it."

Biting her tongue, almost literally, to keep something sarcastic from escaping, Ischemia said, "We understand, don't worry about us." She offered her arm to the old woman, wondering why she chose such dramatic ways of doing things. She supposed her younger sister came by her flare for drama honestly.

Said younger sister looked upon the chalk-limned star with a critical eye and decided it was even enough. She put her last bit of chalk away and blew colored dust off the tips of her dark-skinned fingers. "Ready?" Purulence asked her sister and great-grandmother.

"This wasn't what I expected when I said I was bored," Ischemia muttered, leading her grandmother toward the seated group of friends.

Jade shifted in her seat, second row left, and narrowed her eyes to see better in the dim lighting. The one thing that was never in question when the Addams family had a gathering was suspense. She wondered what tales they would all carry away this year.

"Sooooo, what am I to expect here?" Isabella whispered to Jade, trying not to be obvious about not understanding what was happening.

"The unexpected, Perry. With the Addamses, it's always the unexpected," Jade gave her a half-smile.

Every family has that one person that stood out as peculiar. It was never spoken about but everyone was aware - the crazy aunt, the eccentric uncle with loads of money but a quirky lifestyle. On their recent visit to Betazed, Adam had met three of the most peculiar Betazoids he would ever meet and Jasmine had been raised among them. This opened her mind and made her feel at ease among the Addams women and their 'surprises'. She gave Adam's hand a squeeze and edged closer to see what was going to happen.

"Come on Adam, I don't want to miss anything." She was curious and excited to see what the sisters had planned for them tonight. The pair ended up with seats at the front so that Jasmine could have a full view of what was going on.

"Hello, Lanis," Paul Graves said as the Bajoran doctor entered the area and took a seat beside him. "I wasn't sure you'd be here this evening." He looked around for Mikaela but didn't see her yet.

"Winter Solstice is a more understandable holiday to my people than Halloween is," Lanis said. "Also, I'm not hauling around a duranja, this time. Can't complain."

As was the apparent pattern with Andrew these days, he arrived before whatever was supposed to happen, happened, but after many of the attendees had taken their seats. Finding a seat thankfully near the end of the row, he nodded at Kellian, who was immediately to his right. Andrew glanced around quickly scanning the crowd, looking for a person in particular. Not succeeding, he sat back in his seat and focused his attention on the three women in front of the crowd.

"Good to see you," Kellian said to Andrew in a low voice. "I missed their party last year. This year, I was told to go in case anything work-related happens. What's your excuse?"

Andrew shrugged, "I was invited and I'm always entertained by the festivities."

Mikaela Locke quietly followed Eberstark into the warehouse and took a seat near to the back. She thought briefly about moving further forward to sit near Paul but decided against it. Partly because she didn't want to come across as too needy and partly because, based on her previous experiences with events the Addams family had organised, things had potential to get really weird, really quick. This particular evening, she wasn't sure that really weird was something that she wanted, and so she figured close proximity to the exit might be a good idea.

Damion Ildaran entered the room with Elizabeth Anderson and pointed out to her a pair of seats toward the back. They were situated next to a good-looking, dark-haired woman who Damion realized at the last moment was a full Commander. "Are these seats taken, Commander?" he asked, gesturing to the empty ones.

A brief shake of the commander's head was all Elizabeth needed to be seated and she patted the chair on her right. The room was not cold, exactly, but something made her shiver, an odd reaction to something intangible, perhaps.

"I've no idea what this is all about," Damion said to Elizabeth in a low voice. "Why do you suppose they drew a flower on the floor? Are they to dance around it, do you think?" He studied the three rather disparate women. One was the oldest human female he had ever seen, so old that her hair was white and her back bent with age. The two younger women were both black haired but otherwise as different as night from day. One was tall, slender, and as pale as milk, while the other, more heavyset woman had skin that looked pitch-black. "I don't think the old lady is quite up to dancing."

Baro entered with the others but not with a group, she'd thought she was going to be late. She'd been stuck with a particularly annoying repair but here she was. Not sure what to expect, but knowing the Addams family as she did, she tried to be ready for anything.

Khellian entered with Makila at his elbow, looking around with abject fascination on their faces. Neither of them had ever been privy to this sort of festivities.

"Might I dress up next year for All Hallows Eve like a human, father? I am sure I can construct an adequate costume."

"I am sure you could, and I have no objection but I believe this is a different celebration. " Khellian smiled at his daughter, proud of her ability to adapt to any situation she was thrown into. Much like his lovely Marine, Brooklyn.

Makila smirked at her father. She was going to have to meet this woman, that made her father think such thoughts of adoration.


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