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Property of iBots

Posted on Wed 21st Nov, 2018 @ 7:45pm by Elizabeth Anderson M.D.

1,202 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Oblivion
Location: Orchids & Jazz, Deck 600, Back Room
Timeline: MD 18, 1110

Anderson hurried into Orchids & Jazz and saw Jade Lantz pacing back and forth in front of the door to the back offices.

"Is he here yet?" Elizabeth asked, as she came close to Jade.

The restaurant owner shook her head, "No, but it won't be long. I knew there were going to be inspections, but I have heard this particular inspector is pretty negative about everything. The crew has cleaned up the space and it doesn't look like much more than a bare seating area now. Everything is stowed, and he has no right to search the premises, if he takes it into his head to do so."

The counselor nodded. "You haven't done anything wrong in educating your crew."

Lantz said, "Nothing illegal, but the company takes a dim view of education for artificial intelligence, doctor. Most people do, even after all this time." She looked pensive as she added, "You're young, and you don't know how hateful people can become on the slightest whim. I don't want my people persecuted. I've tried to buy them outright from the company, as repugnant as the idea of owning another intelligence is. They refuse."

"Alright, then we'll set our minds to setting their minds at ease. I've already had a few chats with your AIs about holding back. They are smart. They'll be fine. I'll go on back and be ready to sit in on the examinations," Anderson volunteered.

Jade nodded as she looked over Elizabeth's shoulder. "I think our time is about up. I'll delay him with a little small talk, but he won't stand for it long."

Elizabeth hurried back to the humaniforms' room, across from Jade's office. As she walked in, she noticed that all the AIs were sitting upright on chairs and the sofa. "He's right behind me, but I think it would be better if you were all standing, preferably near a wall. I think it's okay for you to be in pairs." As they got up and moved around, she smiled at them. "You're ready for this. We've been preparing, you're going to do well. Just be ... robotic. We'll send him on his way happy."

"I still say this is all wrong. We shouldn't have to hide who we are," Podkayne complained.

"No," Elizabeth said quietly, "you shouldn't. Change is slow, but it will come." She wondered how long it would be before these six would need an escape plan. Someone was bound to tell the inspector about their unusual activities if he dug very deeply into their lives. She only hoped he wouldn't realize they had any lives.

She turned at the sound of the door opening behind her.

Yorick Fuller walked into the back room with a cockiness in his step. He found it relatively disgusting to be there in the backroom of Orchids. Walking by the haumaniforms without giving any type of acknowledgment, he directed his attention to Elizabeth.

"Ms. Anderson," Fuller said with disgust in his voice. "I hope you understand why I am here," he said smugly.

"It's Doctor Anderson," Elizabeth corrected. She knew quite well why Fuller was there, but she wanted to tweak his nose a bit. "Actually, I am not sure at all why you're here. I know Miss Lantz and I have both sent in all the paperwork the company has required. I've done psychological profiles on each of the people we have here, and they've passed all the parameters set by the company. So, why are you here?"

Yoricks' face scrunched up with anger and rage before he could even realize it. "People? People? You call these, these monstrosities are what you are referring to as People?"

Yorick walked over towards Dr. Anderson and almost stood nose to nose with her. "Let me make one thing clear here, Doctor. You let me find one thing out of order here, and I promise you, it won't matter what profiles you conducted, I will shut this down. Am I clear?"

Anderson didn't give an inch, either physically or in conversation. "No, Sir, not really. I do call these people. They are personalities, even if they were programmed to be such. I don't think it hurts to treat them with respect, and it probably helps them do their jobs better. Even artificial thinkers like to be appreciated. Don't you, Inspector?" Ooops! she thought. I need to back off a little from making this personal.

"And I still don't know your purpose here. What exactly is being inspected? What could possibly be discovered?" Elizabeth was careful to keep her questions from making the inspector the target, but she thought it most likely would do no good. The man was filled with anger over something, and she didn't think it was a bad lunch.

Yorick shoved a PADD into Anderson's hand and walked away from her. "That explains why I am here. In short, I'm here to inspect your stock." He said with all bit of sarcasm he could muster. "If I find one little thing wrong with these machines, one bolt or screw out of place, you're finished here."

Behind his back, Elizabeth gave a thumbs up to the group awaiting his inspection. Podkayne slowly lowered one eye in a wink. They all had his measure now, and no one would slip up. Strangely enough, Anderson thought, they are safe with him because they aren't biological!

Looking at the PADD in her hand, she decided to skim through it to see how much authority he had over any of this situation. She suspected it was some, but not nearly as much as he thought. For one thing, he didn't have the power to follow through on his threat that she'd be "finished" here. Smiling at that thought, she began to read the information on the PADD.

She had just finished when Jade slipped in the door. With a raised eyebrow she asked, and with a slight shake of the head, Elizabeth answered. Nothing was secured yet. She handed the PADD to Jade.

Fuller looked impatiently over at Lantz as she read over the PADD. Annoyed, that she was still reading, another fit of anger came over him.

"Ms. Lantz, I presume," Fuller said. "I am ready to get started. You can finish reading that at another time."

"Don't let me stand in your way, Mr. Fuller. Begin whenever you like. I'm adept at doing two things at one time," Jade said smoothly. "Would you care for a cup of tea while you work, or a Death by Chocolate slice, perhaps?"

If this hadn't been so serious, Elizabeth would have snickered at the particular dessert off-ered. Why hadn't it been cherry pie? For a moment, she wished Jade were like her, and she could send her a laugh symbol over the data system.

"The only thing I need is to hurry this along!" Fuller said. Yorick walked over to a wall panel and then reached into his pocket and pulled out an isolinear chip. He placed it into one of the computer panel's open ports and opened one of the programs he needed to get started.


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