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Diplomats At Work, Part 2

Posted on Sat 4th Feb, 2023 @ 1:09am by Lieutenant Commander Kiara Lena & T'Vala & Tessanna (Tessa) Valeri & Lieutenant Commander Dallas Briggs & Commander Zed & Krell House of Mer'uk

1,058 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: A Fresh Perspective
Location: Helicon III
Timeline: MD 1, 0830

Previously, as the diplomats gathered for a meeting ....

Lissi stood with her mouth hanging up, then snapped it shut. She hadn't even had time to process what was happening before it was over. She tapped her own combadge and spoke, =A=Lieutenant Regos to Captain Koor.=A=

No answer came back, and Regos knew Briggs and Krell were not going to answer her. She was stuck waiting with other diplomats. She blew out her breath, frustrated, knowing there was nothing she could do, except wait, and perhaps organize medical help to stand by.

And now, a rescue?

T'Vala and Tessa found the other diplomats that were on the planet. "Did you hear that?"

"Yes, it sounded like someone called out for help, telepathically. I believe it was Commander Lena." She said calmly before adding, "The Commander has been taken and we have been trying to find her with no success thus far. New information is that a rescue party was sent to retrieve her. Also, I sent a Security Team right behind them if they meet too much resistance."

T'Vala's lips tightened. "She was concerned something like this would happen. Indeed, she deliberately baited the prime minister last night." She considered Lissi for a moment. "I thank you for your prompt and prudent response."

The Vulcan looked around at everyone gathered. "Our next course of action is clear. We proceed to the negotiations and ensure they go as planned."

"Shouldn't we wait for Ambassador Lena? If security has gone after her, won't she be back any time?" Tessa asked.

"She will arrive when she can," T'Vala replied sternly. "Our job is still to see that the rightful party obtains control of the mountain. Ambassador Lena gave each of us the information we need to proceed without her." When Tessa began to argue, the Vulcan raised an eyebrow and she subsided. "If the rest of us are here, we should continue to the conference room."

With no other obvious options open to her, Lieutenant Regos decided to accompany the diplomats and listen quietly. It was most probable that when her boss returned successfully, as she had no doubt he would, that was the first place he would appear.


Kiara felt the presence of others nearby. Of course, Grath would not be here alone. She wanted to fight, but he kept far enough behind that he would shoot her before she got close enough. "Dallas, please be careful." She didn't know where he was, but she had no doubt he'd come for her. She just had to be ready to help him when he did.

Dallas, Krell, two security officers, and the First Officer of the Amar, Bun'eth of the house Bacx, cautiously walked through the underground tunnels. It was a complete maze, but Dallas used a tricorder to navigate. Its distance was limited in such an area but allowed him to visualize the immediate area. The small group came to a fork and after a second he indicated a direction for them to go.

Up ahead, they heard the sound of several people going in the same direction they were. The other group didn't sound like they were trying to be particularly quiet. The tricorder picked up six humanoids. Beyond them were a humanoid male and a part Betazoid female.

Bun'eth was worried. She'd followed her boss into worse situations, she was sure, but this was the one they were in right now, and she didn't think they had enough fighting bodies to take on what might be ahead, even if some of her own team were security officers.

Quietly, she whispered, "That's eight of 'em. We're only five. Even if one of them is the ambassador, we're outnumbered. Unless they are useless warriors, I like the odds in my favor. You sure about this?"

Krell glanced back at the young First Officer of the Amar. How dare she question the Ambassador. Surely, she would never question Koor, her Captain so why him? He gritted his teeth and spoke in a soft voice as he held back a lot he wished to say. Now just wasn't the time. "If you are scared of battle, perhaps you should return to the ship and send me someone who is not." Before she could say anything, Krell turned and began down the tunnel. He would speak later to Koor about Bun'eth.

The six men Kiara assumed were with Grath were getting closer, and Dallas and Krell were not. And Grath was still keeping her at least four feet ahead. But she had to do something. She didn't expect to be allowed to live, even if she somehow convinced the others to vote in Grath's favor--which she wouldn't do. She needed some kind of distraction. So, she tripped, crying out as she fell.

Grath shot, but it was more a reflexive move and missed. "Get up!" he growled.

"I twisted my ankle. I can't get up without help." She winced as she moved her leg. "I need assistance." If her cry wasn't loud enough to be heard, surely the weapon firing was.

Grath looked around, but didn't approach her. "My men are coming. One of them will help."

(Krell's Group)

Krell stopped when he thought he heard someone yell out somewhere in front of them. Then he heard a weapon discharge from the same direction and without turning around he spoke, "Commander Briggs, did you hear that?"

Dallas scanned in the direction of the noises, "I'm picking up a faint disruptor fire and I can't be sure, but possible life signs." He pointed down a path to the left, "I think it came from that direction."

"Then we shall go that way." Krell said and began to lead the way once more.

The small assault group continued to move quickly, but quietly down the tunnels in the direction that Dallas had indicated. Dallas' tricorder began to pick up life signs, "I think we are getting close. I'm picking up some faint life signs just up ahead, twenty meters."

Krell placed a finger over his lips for everyone to be quiet. He held a disruptor in one hand and a d'k tahg in the other. He moved forward like a great cat ready to pounce on an unsuspecting prey. Dallas and the two Klingon Warriors followed closely behind him.

(To be continued...)


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