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Diplomats At Work, Part 3

Posted on Sat 4th Feb, 2023 @ 2:18am by Lieutenant Commander Dallas Briggs & Lieutenant Commander Kiara Lena & Krell House of Mer'uk & T'Vala & Tessanna (Tessa) Valeri
Edited on on Fri 10th Mar, 2023 @ 5:27am

1,101 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: A Fresh Perspective
Location: Helicon III
Timeline: M1, 1105

Previously ...

The small assault group continued to move quickly, but quietly down the tunnels in the direction that Dallas had indicated. Dallas' tricorder began to pick up life signs, "I think we are getting close. I'm picking up some faint life signs just up ahead, twenty meters."

Krell placed a finger over his lips for everyone to be quiet. He held a disruptor in one hand and a d'k tahg in the other. He moved forward like a great cat ready to pounce on an unsuspecting prey. Dallas and the two Klingon Warriors followed closely behind him.

And then ....

Ahead, Kiara was still worried Grath's men would get to her first. "I'm surprised you got as far as you did if you have to wait for others to do your dirty work for you."

"You want me to kill you now?" He raised the weapon in his hand. "I can do that, but it would serve no purpose. I want you to announce that I have the right to the mountain. Once you do and sign the contract, I will get you and your...friends go.

"Your ancestors arrived after the planet was already settled. You have no claim here, except to your own lands. All I have to do is wait for the others to announce who has the legitimate claim and it's over. I don't have control of the delegation."

"Then you are of no use to me." He raised the weapon to shoot her, then stopped as six men came into view. "My men. I think we'll find a...more fitting demise for you, ambassador."

At a signal from Grath, two men helped Kiara to her feet and half escorted, half dragged her down the path toward two other men. Grath followed behind, with the final two at the rear. "If she's so interested in the mountain, I think we should show it to her."

Krell crept up behind one of the two men in the rear. He quietly holstered his disruptor and grabbed the man with one arm, covering his mouth so he could not yell for help. He used his d'k tahg to slice the man's throat before placing him down quietly and following behind the last man. Dallas grabbed the other man that was behind Grath in a similar fashion so he could not yell out either, however Dallas placed him in a choak hold until the man lost consciousness then placed him on the ground. One of the Klingon warriors took the man's place behind Grath as the group continued to walk.


Upstairs, the diplomats and their entourage walked into the great hall. The representatives of the four factions each sat at a table facing the front of the room where a long table awaiting the ambassadors.

T'Vala looked around, hoping Kiara was there to meet them, but when the Vulcan didn't see her, she went to the table and took a seat.

Tessa walked two steps behind her and took a seat where she could hear the Vulcan ambassador and see everyone in the room.

When they were all seated and Kiara had yet to arrive, T'Vala decided that she would not prevaricate. The representatives all knew something had gone wrong. She stood and made her way to the podium to address the room at large. "I am Ambassador T'Vala of Vulcan. I and my fellow ambassadors came when Commander Lena's ship disappeared." She indicated the others with her.

"As you have all been informed of recent events, it would be illogical to reiterate them at this time. Suffice it to say that we have done a thorough search of your records and have, with the help of the commander, found the relevant data. We therefore confer all rights to the contested mountain to Kellios. A copy of our findings, along with all records, will be available to you immediately. Governor Marda, you will receive legal documentation as well. Our findings have been sent to UFP Headquarters on your behalf."

Marda covered her mouth so she wouldn't cry out. After years, their claim had finally been validated.


Kiara could sense Dallas behind her and two Klingons. One had to be Krell. In an effort to further distract Grath, she commented, "You know our ship's sensors can find us here."

"Not here and not at the mountain. It's one of the benefits of the local mineral. And one of many reasons the mountain is so valuable. You'll be dead and we'll be long gone before they locate you."

"I do not believe you are as sure of this as you claim," she said. As she spoke, she slowed down to give the others a chance to catch up. Or to let Grath get close enough for her to attack him herself.

Dallas crept up on Grath and grabbed him firmly as he put a phaser to the man's head. "Everyone stop where you are and drop your weapons, or your boss gets it!"

Bun'eth didn't mean to be found wanting again. Krell's tone had stung as he doubted her strength and ability, and she wouldn't have that. She stuck close to the ambassador and waited for the chance to move. She had to admire the non-Klingon's stealth and toughness.

Kiara relaxed and turned to Grath and Dallas. Speaking loud enough for the other guards to hear, she said., "The mountain has been awarded to Kellios, the rightful and legal owners. Proof has been given to all representatives. I suggest you surrender now as you have nothing to gain if you fight." She turned to face each of Grath's remaining men as she spoke.

The Security detachment from New Zealand came up from behind the Klingons with their weapons drawn. Drop your weapons!" The leader called out to the other group. One of them took Grath from Dallas and placed restraints on him. The others approached Grath's men. "Weapons on the ground, now!"

Bun'eth moved in on the enemy in front of her, disarming him, and fastening restraints on him. She hadn't distinguished herself, but she hoped she had at least redeemed her error in speaking out of turn to the ambassador.

Every one of Grath's men surrendered. They knew that without Grath, they wouldn't get paid and it wasn't worth their lives to resist.

"Good choice," Dallas said as the Federation Security team began restraining Grath's men. Dallas quickly moved over to Kiara, "Are you okay?"

She smiled at him. Even though she’d been sure he would come, she was still pleased to see him.. "Yes, thanks to you and Krell."


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