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Picking Bones

Posted on Sat 19th Nov, 2016 @ 11:42pm by Lieutenant Adam Keller & Maia Dalton & Wyatt Keller

1,570 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Cloak & Dagger
Location: Cosmic Creatures


Adam dropped his bags onto the bed in his assigned quarters. It was nice that the intel division on the station was relatively small and because of that, he was able to procure private quarters even though he was not considered senior staff.

The station had been derelict for some time and many levels and quarters were still in disarray some even uninhabitable but his quarters were clean and freshly painted. He'd been given family quarters which meant he had two sleeping rooms, a small kitchenette, a common room for leisure, and a private shower and bath. He was curious as to why the bigger quarters but wasn't going to question it. He liked the space and for now he could use the second sleep area for his meditations.

He'd been given a PADD with orders to report to the Chief of Intel at 0700 hours in two days which gave him most of the night to get unpacked, find his way around the promenade, and get a good night's sleep after the shuttle ride to the station. After a surprisingly long hot shower, Adam sat at his desk peeking into some of the different merchants on board. He'd start with them because just about everyone that came to a star base ended up within the merchant quarter for one thing or another. He scanned through the names and stopped at one. Feeling a jolt in the pit of his stomach, he took another look at the name on the list in front of him.

Adam needed a drink...or maybe a large baseball bat. He kept his thoughts to himself as he made his way to the promenade. The stores here weren't part of the Tivoli Gardens. They would have been outclassed as part of that elite group even as they made strides to make membership. Although less elite, most of the shops on the Promenade were bustling with customers and did very well for themselves. Adam decided to reserve judgement until he'd seen for himself but he had a feeling that one shop might not be doing the grand business the others seemed to enjoy. He hoped he was wrong.

Entering the shop made Adam grin. The boy had outdone himself. Tanks filled with blue, and green waters from around the galaxy held fish from every planet that Adam could think of. He saw Star fish, eels, Rock fish, Puffers, even a Thorian Bubble Guppy. There were large dogs and small puppies, cats, and even a Targ calf. He did note that three of the animals were on the prohibited list and shook his head.

Walking up behind the owner, Adam clapped the young man on the back. "At it again Wyatt?" He asked as he shook his head in disapproval of the banned animals.

Wyatt turned around and when he saw where the accusation came from, his face broadened into a smile. "Well big brother Adam...How the hell are ya?" He asked as he reached to hug his brother. The two men embraced.

"What are you doing here Wyatt?" He looked at his brother and waited for an answer. Wyatt was the youngest member of the Keller family and the one that caused the most trouble. "What happened to your position at Utopia Planitia?"

"It was boring." Wyatt grinned. "But look at this." He opened his arms and turned in a circle. "This is perfect. I think I finally found it."

"Found yet another scheme?" Adam asked his brother.

"Come on Bro. You're starting to sound like Dad." He frowned. "Look at this. I built this" He shrugged. "With a little help from the family business but I'm gonna pay mom and dad back as soon as I can." He saw the look of consternation on his brother and continued before Adam could speak. "I have a business executive to help me with the financials. I love the animals. I know how to procure them..."

"How much are you into mom and dad for?" Adam asked shaking his head.

"It doesn't matter. I'm gonna pay them back." Wyatt answered his brother without giving any detail.

"You'll never change." Adam shook his head. He loved his brother and he knew that his heart was good but he wished that he could focus his mind a little more. Only some of his irresponsible behavior could be attributed to his youth and being only six years older, Adam couldn't really say much.

Taking advantage of the silence, Wyatt inclined his head to his brother. "So-o, can I set you up with a pet? Or two?" He gave that grin that at time even Adam couldn't resist.

Adam rolled his eyes.

"Come on Bro." Wyatt tried again. He was nothing if not persistent. "If I can't sell to my own brother, I'm already a lost cause."

"I have no time for a pet. I haven't even met my team lead yet. I got here yesterday and had I known you were here, I may have requested not to come." Adam pointed to a purple fish in a tank of pristine blue water "These are illegal."

"I have a permit." Wyatt was quick to answer. "You really think that little of me?" He held his hand to his chest. "I'm so hurt."

"Knock it off." Adam brushed off his brother's emotions and smirked. "So who is your great business manager? Someone with more sense than you I hope." He continued to pick on his brother but in a fun loving way. Wyatt knew that Adam didn't mean most of what he said. They were as close as brothers could be and Adam would never do or say anything deliberately to hurt Wyatt. As he asked the question, Adam caught a glimpse of a beautiful young Betazoid with long black locks. She hadn't changed much since the last time he'd seen her. Adam knew right away who
Wyatt's business partner was. "You're kidding right? Maia? If she's still hanging around you than she has less sense than I gave her credit for." He teased as he walked past his brother toward the young woman.

"Maia?" He was grinning. Maia and Wyatt had been inseparable since they were about eight years old. They were Imzadi and bonded at birth but nobody could understand how the two remained close. They were complete opposites of each other. Maia was more spiritual than anything. She chose to wear black most times, kept her hair, lips, and nails painted black. On Ancient Earth, she would have been considered Goth, if Adam remembered the word correctly...She was a bit of a gypsy and an angel rolled into one and she loved Wyatt.

"Adam!" She ran to the man and hugged him. "Oh my Goddess. Wyatt didn't tell me you were gonna be here." She looked at Wyatt and saw the surprise in his eyes as well.

"I didn't know - Wyatt didn't know." Adam was grinning again. "So still hanging out with my baby brother I see."

"Someone has to keep him out of trouble." She grinned and held out her hand. "I keep waiting for it...but still no ring." She shrugged at the man she loved and turned back to his brother. "So what brings you to Cosmic Creatures? You looking for a pet? We have some great companions..Sugar gliders, Zubats, Ferral Ficus...even puppies and Kittens." She looked at him and then jumped. "Wait, I know. We have this awesome Marshmallow Hedgehog. They're easy to care for, clean, they make great pets, and you wouldn't have to put much time into him. He's really sweet and will curl up in your lap while you relax."

Wyatt grinned. "You aren't getting out of here without a pet bro."

Adam shook his head. "I'll think about it." He nearly laughed. "But if I get a pet, it won't be some marshmallow marsupial. It'll be a real animal..a dog or a fish."

"You won't come back." Maia crossed her arms. "I know you too well." She looked at him. "Your aura says you're a canine. Let me show you a couple of human canines. I'll bet I have something you can't resist."

"If it will get the two of you off my back...okay." Adam shook his head. He didn't have all day to argue and he knew he'd end up with some sort of pet if he didn't choose his own. For all he knew, his brother would saddle him with a pair of pregnant tribbles.

Five minutes later, Maia came back with a tail wagging, ear cocking, fur ball. The dog was more fluff than anything but it had the bluest eyes he'd seen on a Husky. "This little guy is an orphan and needs taken care of but he's a trooper."

"Now this I could do." Adam grinned. "Okay you sold me." Adam took the pup into his arms and looked him over. "You're a little scrawny. I can feel your bones." He ruffled the dogs ears which made the dog bark. "Oh you like that? Okay, I call you Bones."

Maia bounced in her spot and clapped her hands. "I knew it." She said. "You two are perfect for each other."

Adam looked up from the fluff ball in his hands and smiled. "Yeah?" He asked as he kissed the dog on top of the head and then smiled. "Yeah."



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