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Thu 2nd Aug, 2018 @ 6:21pm

Maia Dalton

Name Maia Dalton

Position Owner, Cosmic Creatures

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Betazoid
Age 20

Physical Appearance

Height 5'6"
Weight 118
Hair Color Black/brown
Eye Color Black/brown
Physical Description Maia has piercing brown eyes that seem to sparkle with mischief. Her smile is non-stop much like her words. Preferring to wear her hair down, Maia's dark locks usually fall straight over her shoulders or are just barely pulled back from the sides. She always wears bangs. Her hair sometimes has colored streaks in it which she changes based on her mood. Not inclined to conform, Maia's choice of clothing is diverse from normal civilian clothing and she prefers lace, leather, and gauze over the cotton tunics provided to civilians however she does conform when necessary. Her eccentric dress matches her personality.


Father deceased
Mother deceased
Brother(s) Jareth Dalton - 32 A security officer aboard SB Protector.

Personality & Traits

General Overview An eccentric young woman with a fiery personality. Maia can be young and impetuous at times but she is loyal to her brother and loves him very much. She has an affinity for animals and spends most of her time caring for them. Her brother swears she can speak their language although he's never actually heard her. She owns a menagerie of exotic pets that she's collected over the years of travel from planet to planet with her brother.

Her affinity to speak or understand animals has made her an expert in their care but it has also caused a lack of social skills which most young people form during their high school years. Maia is more than a little naive and clumsy in social situations and tends to babble without actually joining in conversation.
Strengths & Weaknesses + An amazing affinity for animals
+ A caring and loving young woman
+ Very empathic to other's feelings which can also be a detriment as she reads into others frustration with her as dislike.

- Somewhat hyperactive and jumps around topics and projects
- Tends to talk too much and too fast
- Socially naive and clumsy
Ambitions Maia hasn't really thought about future ambitions, she's focused on today and doing what she can to pitch in to make others (particularly animals) more comfortable and happy.
Hobbies & Interests Maia is a little of everything. She loves to read, tend her garden, tend animals. She loves to people watch and will sit in the lounge just observing others but get her involved in a conversation and you may never get her to stop. If an animal needs something, Mai will research each and every symptom until she knows just what is needed and then finds a way to help.

Personal History Born to a loving family Maia is the youngest of two children.

When she was twelve years old, her parents were killed in a fire at their home. Maia was spared when the family dog dragged her from the home.

Maia went to live with her brother who at twenty-four had already finished his courses and graduated from Star Fleet Academy. Being pulled from everything she knew, Maia turned inward and for a long time depended only on her brother for company and social interaction. The pair became very close and Maia still looks to her brother for counsel and companionship. Moving from one assignment to another made it even harder for Maia to grow socially and learn the proper etiquette of friendship. Not being socially savvy, Maia maintains the innocence of a young girl, however animals have always been her companions, never took advantage, and seemed to trust her. For that reason, when the opportunity presented itself, Jathen purchased the small pet shop Fur & Feathers to occupy his sister's time. It also kept her close with him where he could continue to look after her.