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Jazz 'n Chat

Posted on Sun 20th Nov, 2016 @ 4:34am by Lieutenant Colonel Brooklyn Wellington

1,031 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Cloak & Dagger
Location: Orchids & Jazz
Timeline: MD02--1900

Brooklyn had heard people talk about the Orchids and Jazz Restaurant. She didn't really feel like being out and about due to the incident earlier, but she wanted to keep herself occupied. She had decided to wear a casual sleeveless blue/white dress with a V-neck that came to just above her knees with her hair hung down to slightly past her shoulders. Upon entering the restaurant, she was more impressed with the decorations than the outside--it definitely had an upscale feel to it, which was something Brooklyn hadn't felt in a long time. She nearly felt out of place.

"Good Evening," Reon said, his voice warm and welcoming. "Are you having dinner with us this evening, or would you prefer a seat at the bar?"

Normally, Brooklyn would choose the bar or a table with her fellow pilots but she just wanted somewhere to be alone even if she hated dining alone. She smiled at the rather handsome man. "A single table will be fine, thank you."

"I'm sure we have just the right place. Your hostess will explain your options. Enjoy your stay with us," Reon said, smiling as if he really meant it.

Serena smiled, too. Jade encouraged cheerful faces, saying it not only made the customers feel more at home, but it also made the person smiling feel better. As she led the captain into the restaurant, she asked, "Do you have a preference for being near the entertainment, or would you prefer someplace a little quieter?"

One thing Brooklyn didn't want, was to appear as a wallflower. "Near the entertainment will be fine. Who is playing?" she asked.

As Serena led her to a table near the small dance floor, but off to the right of the ring of tables, she replied, "This is a group of local musicians, The Dendrobians. When we first opened, a number of people stationed here wanted to play in the club, so Miss Lantz organized them in groups of six, and they play on a complicated schedule that I don't have to keep track of, thank goodness!" She smiled and pulled out a chair for the Captain. "Everyone of them is good, and all of them make up the group known as the Dendrobians, but who's playing depends on which night you visit."

After pointing out the menu, embedded in the table's center, she added, "I'll send a server to your table right away. Is there anything else I can do for you now?"

"No. Thank you," Brooklyn smiled at the woman. Her mind was still on the explosion yesterday as she sat down at the table.

Miss Lantz came out of her office, checked on the kitchen staff to see how things were going, and then walked out on the restaurant floor. It was her habit each evening to circulate among customers, make sure everything was satisfactory, and spend a little time listening to the music. As she entered the restaurant from the back, the Dendrobians were playing a smooth melody, Stella by Starlight heavy on the piano. It was pleasant music for the dinner hour ... or lunch, as the case might be.

Looking over the occupied tables, about two-thirds of the downstairs area, Jade saw several well-known customers and a few she hadn't seen at all before. She made her way from table to table, chatting with old friends, introducing herself to those who might become new ones. Eventually, she found her way to a table toward the front where an attractive dark-haired woman in a blue and white dress sat tapping her foot in time with the piano. The woman's table bore evidence of having been the site of a meal, but only the dessert plate remained to be collected.

"Hello, I'm Jade Lantz, owner of the club. Did you find everything to your satisfaction this evening?"

Brooklyn was brought out of her thoughts by the woman's voice and startled a bit when she spoke. She looked up at the woman and smiled. "Hi, Jade. I'm Captain Brooklyn Wellington and yes, the meal was very good. It wasn't replicated, was it?"

"Very little here is," Jade assured her. "We have occasional shortages of ingredients, or something that simply isn't available to us here in this corner of the galaxy, and we're forced to replicate those items. However, it's a very small percentage of any one dish. Most of the fruits and vegetables are grown right here on Vanguard, some even in Tivoli Gardens. Have you visited there yet, Captain?"

Brooklyn smiled. "Call me Brooklyn, and no, I haven't had a chance to get to the gardens as of yet. My duties and this station has been keeping me busy non stop. This has been the only minute I've had to really relax since coming aboard."

"What a treat you have waiting for you, then. Most every environment you could want is represented. Gardens, a zoo, the River Walk, Disney Interstellar, forests, desert, farmlands, quiet places, noisy places. I know you'll find whatever it is that relaxes you. Even fishing," Jade laughed. "We put all of it in, and it's continued to grow. I'm glad you chose Orchids & Jazz for your moment of relaxation. Do you like 1930s jazz from Old Earth?"

"Yeah, I find it soothing to be honest. Not something many people know or expect from me," Brooklyn chuckled, happy to have someone to talk to and keep her occupied.

Jade cocked her head in askance, but didn't actually ask a question. If the captain wanted to say more, she would. "It can be very soothing. Playing it is even better. Do you happen to play an instrument?"

Brooklyn shook her head. "No. I've never been good at playing instruments. Did try the drums once but I broke them. Been banned from instruments ever since," she joked. "Do you play?"

"Umhmm. Alto Sax. I stand in sometimes when we're having a jam session, or when someone has to call out. Most of my staff play an instrument. No one plays the drums, though," she grinned. "Feel free to have another shot at it now that you're more mature."

Brooklyn laughed. "Perhaps someday I will."


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