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Thu 2nd Aug, 2018 @ 6:21pm

Wyatt Keller

Name Wyatt Keller

Position Owner, Cosmic Creatures

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Betazoid/El-Aurian
Age 22

Physical Appearance

Height 6'2
Weight 176
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description A very tall young man and well toned, Wyatt has sharper features than his older brother but physically he is not as larger than life. His blue eyes dance with the mischief in his heart and his smile is never ending.


Father Marcus Keller
Mother Solia Keller sister of the 3rd house of Betazed
Brother(s) Adam Keller; 28 - Intel Officer; Starbase Vanguard
Sister(s) Sister - Anara Keller; 28 - CMO; USS Apothecary
Sister - Teagan Keller; 13; student

Personality & Traits

General Overview Just as his appearance indicates, Wyatt is a bit of a mischief maker. He dropped out of Star Fleet and fell into one scheme after another until he finally ended up with a small business of his own to run [A gift from doting parents] in hopes of staving off trouble and settling down. A bit of a risk taker and gambler, Wyatt often finds himself in sticky situations but he has a good heart and would help anyone. He never means to find trouble but it seems to follow him wherever he goes. He's a smart young man who follows his heart more than he should and is easily lead astray..
Strengths & Weaknesses An intelligent young man with a big heart. He tries hard to succeed.

He tends to find trouble and mischief wherever he goes. He doesn't have the best business sense but will follow advice when given if it sounds logical enough.
Ambitions To prove to his family that he is worth their effort. To make his business a successful one. He has a lot of growing to do and Wyatt hopes that his family will give him the time to do so while allowing for him to maintain some of his youthful charm. He wants to be well off...have nice things and be able to afford his passions.
Hobbies & Interests Anything...and everything. Wyatt has dabbled in just about everything from Abalone harvesting to Weather chasing to Tribble breading...none have worked out to his favor. He likes women, music, money, and just about anything that entices the other.