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A Morning Workout

Posted on Fri 18th Nov, 2016 @ 3:43am by Warrant Officer Moklor of the House Karn

1,541 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Cloak & Dagger
Location: Gymnasium 02
Timeline: MD04

Rose was following the CAG's advice, sure the CAG had already informed the Klingon of her wishes, and entered the gymnasium that she learned that Warrant Officer Moklor had reserved to train his squadron, dressed in a black SFMC t-shirt and black/green shorts. She immediately caught the sight of the huge Klingon and swallowed the lump in her throat.

Moklor stood in front of his squadron's other pilots, who lined up facing him. They were going through a series of stretching. The session had started a few minutes ago. The Klingon had his eyes closed. He stood squared off moving his right hand as if he was slowly chopping through the air with the hand's edge. He was focused on his surroundings, listening and feeling what was happening in his gut. His eyes opened, sensing the footsteps of a newcomer.

The first thing he saw when he opened his eyes was the 2LT approaching.

"Please, ma'am... Join the line." The Klingon was still balanced in his stance while he talked. The other pilots also seemed to be going over their form. The Bolian woman seemed to have a graceful set of moves. She controlled her breathing in sharp breaths as she punched and chopped at the air.

He assumed the woman had limited martial arts experience. "Your form... Keep your stance as wide as your shoulders. Stand as if you would throw a punch. Balance your weight on your axis. Then shift as if changing stance between attackers." The Klingon observed the woman's initial movements. "Do not think. Simply move... Adapt."

The Klingon began slowly moving his hands through the air, shifting his stance on his hip. He pulled back and lurched forward as if he was throwing an opponent. "We start with form. Center yourself. Clear your mind. Feel your movements."

A Bajoran woman, Warrant Officer Eza Nirja, was lined up next to the adjutant. Moklor figured they would be good sparring partners as the session progressed. Eza was only 5'4, but she had the fighter's spirit. Even now as she practiced her form, she was swift... Compact.

The moves were awkward for her as she copied Moklor's moves. She was thankful for her gymnastics training to keep her from stumbling but each move took constant effort.

The Klingon could see she was only imitating. "You must move to your own drum's beat. Do not overthink." Moklor sized her up. She had some concept of grace and balance, since she was able to show some form. Maybe she was a dancer.

"Do not think about an opponent. Visualize. Move accordingly. Do you like to dance?"

"Yes, um, I like to dance. I don't see what that has to do--" Rose began.

"Imagine a dance partner is approaching, move towards him. Now strike! Now another approaches from the right. Shift to him, balance your weight. Strike! Good. Change your stance."

The Andorian officer had her own style and would sometimes deliver a quick flurry of light punches. The Bolian had her own style as well. She used her hips more and seemed to be practicing throws.

"Eza", Moklor called out to the Bajoran. "Put more weight behind your strikes. When you punch, throw your weight forward from your back and step."

The Klingon went back to the front of the group. He took a wide stance, bringing his left fist up and then dropping it while rocking his shoulder. He brought the hand to a knife edge and chopped the air to his side while shifting balance and turning.

"Now you are dancing, Lieutenant." Moklor grinned, showing his sharp teeth.

Rose was surprised at how smoothly she was transitioning from stance to stance in different directions. "Thank you," she replied, smiling.

The Klingon grunted, continuing his own exercises. He pictured two opponents approaching him. Swiftly he struck in two directions with deep breaths, his mind picturing striking two Romulans in the neck. It helped center his aggressive mind and release some of the energy he had pent up from spending time on a starbase.

"Okay, partner up." Moklor pointed at the 2LT. "Ma'am you are partnered with Eza." The diminutive Bajoran squealed and turned to face 2LT O'Malley who stood at 5'9 versus Nirja at 5'4. "Line up. Go!"

Warrant Officer Eza Nirja seemed to anticipate the command because she leapt into the fight. She tried to close the distance, standing close to the lieutenant. She threw a few blows towards the taller woman's ribcage, not hard, but marking.

Meanwhile the Andorian and the Bolian clenched and wrestled to the ground. The Andorian woman was being twisted by the Bolian female, falling into her grip. She struggled and wasn't completely under control. She looked stronger and fought to get out of the hold. But the Bolian had technique. She was going to try to keep her still.

Meanwhile the Bajoran began turning, swatting at the lieutenant. She appeared hesitant to go as far as the other two ladies were going. Moklor focused on those two, scoring each maneuver. The Andorian was breaking free. Finally she slipped and rose to her feet, kicking towards the Bolian on the ground.

Rose managed to defect a few punches thrown by the Bajoran woman, yet she wondered if the woman was holding back. As Rose threw a punch, the other woman ducked and sent a jab under Rose's arm. Rose stumbled back from the stinging blow.

"Dance, Lieutenant", said Moklor, looking up from the grappling blue aliens. "Move. Strike."

Eza was happy to feel like she was winning a fight. For much of Academy, she got thrown around and beaten by the others in her training class. Of course, she took it well. There was a toughness about her, even when she was at a disadvantage. She had heart.

The Andorian broke out of the Bolian's grip, but the Bolian slipped into a new hold. Her fighting style was the Adel'iin. In short, it was Bolian underwater wrestling tied to ancient mating rituals. The Andorian was more of a striker and was finding herself tied down more than her liking.

"Use your advantages, lieutenant. Keep her away from you. Your arms are longer. Dance with her. Bat her away."

Hearing this, the Bajoran slipped her arm underneath Rose with a clinch. She tried to push her towards the ground, but the human was stronger.

Rose stumbled, but caught her footing, grabbing Eza by the shirt and twisting at the waist, using Eza'a momentum against her, performing a shoulder throw. The Bajoran was caught by the sudden nature of the move and ended up on the ground, breathing hard.

"Qa'pla!" Moklor exclaimed as the adjutant completed her maneuver. The Bajoran hit the ground before standing to reset. The Andorian had turned the tables on the Bolian and now had her in a hold. The Bolian was trying to shrimp out of her hold by rocking and sliding, but Othramit had a tight grip on her.

Moklor turned his attention back towards the blue women. Meanwhile, Warrant Officer Eza spoke to the lieutenant with her head down. "I'm no good at this fighting stuff." The diminutive Bajoran was basically pouting.

Rose knew how the woman felt. "And you think I am? I barely passed hand to hand instruction at the Academy. There's a reason I was made an Adjutant," she replied with a grin.

"And I figured I'd be better fighting in the air. That's not so easy either."

The Klingon looked up from the two more experienced fighters. "You two, practice the clench. Try to lock each other up."

Rose followed the instruction as she and Eza locked up. "Well, you were obviously good enough to pass training. Like me..." Rose said as she and Eza changed grips. "'re just new to the Corps...used to our own lives...not the military lifestyle." Rose grunted as Eza managed to use her lower center of gravity to her advantage and throw Rose off balance to the side.

In the movement, Eza slipped and fell to the ground onto a knee. She grappled to keep from going down to the mat.

The Andorian had the Bolian locked in a chokehold. She had turned the fight over and used her own strategy against her. Warrant Officer Hiaxea Tragg, who once dominated the fight, now tapped out and went limp in the Bolian style of submitting.

"Qa'pla, Sh'kylras", Moklor said to the Andorian. Hiaxea looked pretty disappointed about the loss. She made a mental note to try to top her new Andorian rival from now on. Especially in the air. A rivalry was being formed. The look on the Andorian's face could almost be confused for gloating. There was a pride there.

"Okay, circle up. Circle up." The group stood and gathered in a wide circle on the mat. "Knock out 40 pushups, 70 crunches, take 5 laps around the room and then we'll call it a session."

But where the two blue woman found a rivalry, Warrant Officer Eza Nirja found a hopeful friend. She tried to keep pace with the lieutenant and even got up to run with her, keeping a similar pace. Meanwhile, the Andorian and the Bolian seemed to be competing and were currently sprinting around the room.


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