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The Mediaries, Part II

Posted on Thu 29th Apr, 2021 @ 4:33am by Commander Zed & Daeren Iril & T'Vala & Tessanna (Tessa) Valeri & Miadze Palel

830 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Business Not At All As Usual
Location: The Great Hall, Helicon III
Timeline: MD 3, 1449


"I hope you have a good supply of popcorn when that happens," Daeren said dryly as he and Miadze stepped onto the transporter platform. "You might need it."

"With lots of butter," Zed replied as she stepped up onto the transporter pad and turned around. She was the last to do so. Once everyone appeared to be ready, she nodded to the transporter chief, "Energize." The group quickly disappeared in shimmering light and that familiar hum of the transporter.

And now the story continues...

The small group of dignitaries materialized in what appeared to be a great hall of some kind, probably for large gatherings or meetings for government officials. The walls were lined with large paintings of what represented the greatest achievements for the Tangari. A male Tangari came from around a corner near where the away team had materialized. Tangari looked for the most part like humans except they had a two-centimeter stripe of white hair directly in the middle of their scalp going front to back. No one knew why this was it just was. Scientists think that it was something in the environment that affected the follicles to pigment the hair.

"Greetings." The man said as he came up quickly. He sounded like he was almost out of breath. "I am Prime minister Anthon Dajir, at your service." He bowed his head and extended his arms out sightly with his palms facing upward. It was the formal greeting for the Tangari.

Daeren and Miadze both returned the greeting. "Ambassador Daeren Iril, and my attaché, Ms. Miadze Palel. It is an honor to meet you, Prime Minister."

T'Vala likewise returned the greeting. "And I am Ambassador T'Vala. I bring you the greetings of the people of Vulcan."

Regos, not much more than a bodyguard for Ambassador T'Vala at this point, didn't introduce herself. None of the others acting in that capacity or as assistants in the group did either, so that felt right to her.

Zed also returned the greeting of the Tangari when the Prime Minister glanced her way, "I am Commander Zed, Captain of the Thunder Child."

Anthon nodded back and then looked at each of their faces when he spoke sincerely, "It is an honor to meet each and every one of you. I am truly pleased that you took the time out of your busy schedules to make the trip to our planet. The people of Helicon really do need your help in resolving the situation. If a resolution cannot be made soon, I'm afraid that there will be bloodshed."

Daeren exchanged glances with T'Vala. "We will do what we can to make that unnecessary," Daeren said, "or at least as unlikely as we can manage."

"Indeed," T'Vala said. "While we have the original information sent to Commander Lena, we are most interested in your opinion of the situation."

Anthon smiled, "We have about thirty minutes before the other parties arrive for the initial discussion. I have prepared a banquet in hopes of easing tensions. For now, we can find a quiet place to sit and talk."

T'Vala inclined her head. "That will be acceptable."

Lissi followed the ambassador and Dajir into a room on one side of the hall where they'd been met. Food was sounding good to her about now, but diplomacy always came first. She wondered what the Tangari man would tell them that they hadn't already heard.

Miadze walked alongside Lissi, carrying Daeren's attaché case and thinking. It was part of the fiction between them that he was ill and needed constant assistance. Her true job, however, was to study the relevant parties involved in the conflict, which Daeren sometimes couldn't do while in the middle of negotiations.

How, she wondered, can this Anthon Dajir have a banquet ready for us all at the snap of his fingers when our delegation is two weeks late, and no one knew when or if we would arrive? I suppose it could just be superb pre-planning and use of replicators,'s odd, to me. Do these people even have replicators? She filed that away in the back of her mind to discuss with Daeren later if the situation warranted it.

"Thank you, Commander Zed, for reaching out to us. We are honored to help out by hosting the negotiations and any other way we can. We are all ready to see that the situation gets resolved as soon as possible. The problem has affected the planet as a whole." Anthon said then bowed to Zed in respect and appreciation.

"Thank you for accepting to do so. We wish to remain as neutral as possible so that we may have the confidence of all disputing parties, and the Tangari seemed to be the logical choice." Zed bowed in return.

T'Vala was content to observe. She learned far more by watching and asking questions and right now, they had very little to go on.


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