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Ship Tour

Posted on Thu 29th Apr, 2021 @ 4:42am by
Edited on on Wed 27th Apr, 2022 @ 6:14am

1,370 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Business Not At All As Usual
Location: Nomad
Timeline: MD 7, 0930

Isabella stood at the door of Henry's office, waiting for her brother and her first officer to arrive. Today was the day they were going to tour the completed Dark Knight Class Starship and Isabella could hardly contain her excitement, which was something of many levels. She was excited about her first command. Although clandestine, this was her ship, her crew. She was also excited because her brother had taken care of the upgrades to the vessel himself, so she knew that the ship would hold together. How many people could say that their brother custom made a starship just for them?

"I see someone is excited to see her new ship," a voice said behind the Lt. Commander.

Isabella turned to find her brother walking up the hallway with the usual PADD in hand. She wondered if the device had been surgically attached to his hand since she never saw him without one. "I won't lie to you, big brother, I couldn't sleep last night because of excitement."

Henry laughed and hugged his sister as soon as he was in arms reach. He took a moment to soak in this embrace, knowing that this was one of the last few he was going to have with his sister before the mission launch.

"I'm gonna miss this," he whispered in her ear as he clutched her tighter.

"I know Henry, but it's no different than me being out there before this assignment. No more and no less danger."

"I know, I know," he responded as he finally let her go. "I missed you then, and I will miss you when you leave. I've just gotten accustomed to seeing you daily."

"Hey, you two, break it up. Let's not get all mushy over a mission," Riko said, sauntering up to the siblings. "What have you got to show us, Henry?" She rubbed her hands together in anticipation. "I want to see where we eat!"

Henry laughed at Riko and waved her over to their location. "Well as soon as you get over here, we can start the tour." As soon as Riko was beside both Perrys, he leaned into them.

"Because this little project has been deemed Sigma 6 secure by me, the ship has been placed in a secured berth, with only transporter access. Even those who worked on the ship did not know what they were working on and were transported into the specific spots where they needed to work."

Henry tapped his comm badge and said, =^= Computer, three to transport to project Dark Knight location Alpha 1.=^= As soon as the Commander gave the order, the transporter did its job and took them to the bridge of The Nomad.

"My friends, welcome to your new ship." Henry said as he let the pride exude from his pores. Isabella took a couple of steps as she looked around in amazement. "You have outdone yourself this time, big brother." The newly minted Lt. Commander walked over to the Captain's chair and rubbed her hand on the back seat cushion, almost caressing it. Isabella then moved to the front of the chair and sat down slowly. The first thing she thought was how big the seat felt on the little bridge.

"It suits you," Henry said as he watched his sister take her rightful place on the vessel.

"I don't know, Henry." She said as she looked up at him from the chair. "I feel like I need to grow into it, to fill the seat." Isabella stretched her arms out over the armrest panels, taking her new role in.

"You're a Perry. That'll take all of three minutes," Riko laughed.

Henry walked over to the station to the right of the Captain's chair, facing the view screen. He turned the station on by inputting his command code. "Riko, if you like, this could be your station as First Officer and Science Officer."

"Sounds good," she answered, striding over to take the seat at the console. "Want to turn it over to me now, so I can start becoming familiar with its layout?" There was none of the initial reluctance and misgiving she'd displayed before agreeing to take the job. She'd taken it. She'd do it. "Or should we finish the tour first? I'm going to guess the Captain of the Port has one or two other things on his list of duties this morning."

"It's already yours, my friend. I have left the console layout open so that you can change it to whatever format you like. But let us finish the tour before you get comfortable in that seat. I know how you can get once you get started on something."

"Ha, ha. Obsessed, you mean?" Riko said, standing and looking around the other sections of the bridge.

"The rest of the bridge is standard but with a few tweaks," Henry stated.

"Are you talking about the various bit of non-Starfleet tech scattered throughout the consoles and wall?" Isabella asked while still sitting in her Captain's chair.

"That's right, sis. You can't be undercover and just riding in a Starfleet vessel full of Starfleet toys. So I sprinkled some tech in from other places throughout the ship. That way if someone scans your ship, it will look like you have piece-mealed the ship together. But I will explain every non-Starfleet bit of tech to your engineer."

"Now, this door behind Riko's station leads to the Captain's ready room." Henry said as he pointed to the door. "It's a standard ready room, but we can outfit it however you want before you all disembark. Just tell me what you want to do with it."

"Oooh, top secret room!" McCord teased.

"Shall we?" Henry asked as he gestured to the ladies with his arm, asking them to follow him through the door of the bridge. As they entered the corridor, there was another workstation along with a door to the left and right.

"To the left here we have the other entrance/exit to the ready room and another work console that can control most ship functions."

"A ready room with an escape hatch, too," the scientist nodded. "I like an extra console. You never know when one will get blown up." She spoke from experience on that one.

"To the right, we have your transporter room which has six pads on it."

"So we can all beam out together if we need to," Riko quipped. "That's another advantage you've given us, Henry. I presume there are still escape pods, though. 2-person?"

Henry turned to look at Riko. Smiling as if he knew that she was going to ask about the escape pods specifically.

"Of course," he stated, trying to sound rhetorical. "You know after all the stuff we've seen, I try to have contingency plans for my contingency plans. We will get to them, though. Trust me."

Henry continued to walk down the corridor passing through another door. "Here to the right, we have one of Riko's favorite places on the ship, the mess hall. I've given you one of the best non-fed replicators I could have our Ferengi friends find. Trust me, the meals will be sublime."

"To the left is your med bay, fully stocked with everything you may need and an EMH to help out with some situations." Henry walked through the door to give the ladies a chance to peek inside and rummage through the drawers.

"I'm hoping we can find a medic, at least, if not a nurse or doctor, to come with us, though. We're looking to the Winter Sisters for additional crew," Riko said, flipping on a med scanner to find it worked instantly, "but I don't know if they're ready to go again ... or willing to be separated."

Isabella looked over to Riko, "Well they are next on our list of folks to speak with. Keep your fingers crossed." Isabella turned back to her brother who was fiddling with one of the pieces of medical equipment. "What else do we have big brother?" she asked, excited to see the rest of the ship.

"Next up we have one of Riko's favorite parts of the ship, the science lab."

More parts to visit!


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