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Heart and Soul - Part 2

Posted on Thu 29th Apr, 2021 @ 1:15am by Sipov Boros & Candice
Edited on on Sat 5th Mar, 2022 @ 10:32am

1,066 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Business Not At All As Usual
Location: S.S. Torin, Engineering
Timeline: MD08 1620 Hrs


“Uhm who said you were done? This hologram has to be functioning correctly as well and just because it passed diagnostics-.“ The Tellarite held up his hand to cut Sipov off. “It’s a used system the template is loaded, and everything checks out. You get what you pay for Vulcan, if you have any mechanical issues you know where to find me.” He motioned for the others to head out and followed them leaving behind a somewhat stunned man in his wake. The lack of business acumen from the smaller man shouldn’t have been a surprise, but it was.

Once he heard the airlock close behind the engineers and verified they’d made their way out via the camera he turned back to the console on the holographic core. Taking a quick look at the manual Sipov entered the sequence to bring the hologram online causing a woman to appear about six feet away.

Wearing a purple jumpsuit, she had curly dark hair that went down just past her shoulder blades, a slim figure with a slight hourglass shape and accentuated hips. Her skin was tanned, and she had a smile.


“Uh hi” Sipov replied. “You’re the hologram or?”

“I’m Candice, the primary template for this holographic management system designed to supplement a ship’s crew. From the looks of it you might not have any now…” She took a few steps to look around and didn’t see anybody else. “You do have a crew, right?”

For a hologram she sure was casual, and seemingly nosey. “No, although since you’re connected into the ships core you likely could’ve run a scan to check. You can do that can't you?”

“Of course, but I just wanted to hear it from you. It’s a good thing for you I have three other sub templates that can help you out. But remember we aren’t you servants.” Behind her three other versions that looked similar appeared. Sipov almost choked after she made the previous comment. A hologram was supposed to do as directed, but this one already seemed like it could be faulty.

“There are four of you then?” he asked.

“I’m the primary template, I can freely interact with the crew, carry on a conversation, learn, direct and activate or de activate the other 3 as needed. Think of me as the personality of the system. The others will of course interact, and act as needed but only within their specific roles and the limits of their programming. One of them is an engineer, one will cover just about everything in a tactical sense for you including piloting, and the other will cover medical. I’ll let them introduce themselves.” Candice (P) took a step back and the first one, Candice (E), took a step forward.

Wearing a black jumpsuit with her hair in a bun she spoke “Captain”, she stated. “I am programmed with data on several standard ship systems, power relays, weapons, and otherwise. For this craft however, the technology is quite outdated. If you can provide an external link to the Starbase I can access their database to further search for what I will need and can fulfill my role here accordingly.”

He stood there for a moment uncertain as to if he should be insulted or pleased that the template was able to make an identification on its own. “I’ll make sure to setup an interlink, thank you.”

She took a step back and next Candice (T) took a step forward. She stood there for a moment as if to let an aura form before speaking, maybe she was trying to allow her appearance to set a tone beforehand. She was wearing black boots, tan cargo pants, a long sleeve green shirt, and kept her hair in a single French braid. “Captain. I’m your tactical template, I am programmed in a variety of tactical maneuvers and probability calculation as well as the best ideal use for our weapons and the craft’s overall capabilities. I look forward to the challenges associated with this ship. I can also provide individual security as needed.”

It was almost like the system couldn’t help but take shots at him, and this time he simply gave a nod in acknowledgement before the security template took a step back and Candice (M) stepped forward.

This one had on maroon scrubs and black tennis shoes, with her hair braided higher on either side of her head keeping any hair from being loose. “I will supplement your ship’s medical personnel; I’m programmed in several procedures and the anatomy of many species and unique conditions that may effect their health. I can perform minor surgeries; my capabilities are about the same level as what you would call a physician’s assistant. I can perform triage as well.”

“Thank you, I’ll make sure everyone sees you for a physical just to be safe.” It was almost weird having holograms introduce themselves to him since the Vulcan saw them as little more than a tool programmed to work within parameters. “Well, I suppose you all can report to whatever stations you would typically ‘man’ and get familiar with the ship. I see no reason to deactivate you for the time being.” Walking over to a nearby console he established the requested bridge that allowed the holographic system to access any needed data, since he had no real clue how to program anything new into it.

The three sub templates simply disappeared which caused him to assume they’d each re appeared in their given parts of the ship. It was weird.

Candice (P) however remained and made an offer he hadn’t expected “Care to go somewhere more comfortable, say the crew mess and talk? You can get something to drink and we can discuss my capabilities further.”

Still not entirely knowing what to make of things “Ya, why don’t we do that? I’ll meet you up there and we can get to know each other better.”

“Oh we’ll get to know each other quite well Captain. In more ways than you can imagine….." before disappearing herself. As he made his way up the ladder all Sipov could do was shake his head.


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Comments (1)

By on Sun 2nd May, 2021 @ 3:09am

What an interesting holographic team! Makes me want to NPC a crew member. =)