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The Gathering I

Posted on Sun 7th Feb, 2021 @ 12:28am by Commander Zed & Daeren Iril & T'Vala & Tessanna (Tessa) Valeri & Miadze Palel

1,020 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Business Not At All As Usual
Location: Main Lounge, USS Thunder Child
Timeline: MD 2, 1830

Zed was one of the first to arrive at the Main Lounge. She began to check to make sure that everything was ready before the Ambassadors arrived.

It was a buffet-style setup and rather lavishly decorated with a chocolate syrup fountain surrounded by all kinds of goodies to dip. Different types of delicious desserts flanked the fountain, rounding off the dessert table.

There were several tables of main course and sides and even a table of finger foods. Of course everything was replicated and any leftovers would be reclaimed to conserve energy.

Zed walked over to a punch bowl and filled a small cup with the dark red liquid and took a sip. She nearly spat it back into her cup but swallowed it instead. It was repulsive, at least to her.

Tessa was the first to arrive. "Hi," she said, spotting the captain. "Anything I can do to help?"

Zed was lost in thought and muscle memory happened to get her to take another sip of the distasteful red liquid at the same moment she was startled by the voice behind her. She nearly choked on the sip and began coughing. "Try...this...nasty" She managed to get out between the coughs.

Tessa took it gingerly and sniffed. "What is it?"

Zed chuckled, "It's supposed to be some type of fruit punch, but I think they missed the mark on that one."

She sniffed again. "I think it was left out too long." She took a tiny sip and grimaced. "Yep, definitely rotten. I've worked with T'Vala on receptions. I can whip up something palatable, if you'd like." She grabbed a chocolate and popped it in her mouth to get rid of the nasty taste of the juice.

"Let's do that, and we had better get rid of this stuff before anyone comes in. They will accuse me of trying to poison them." The punch had become bitter and wouldn't poison anyone, but they would surely need something to get the taste out of their mouths.

Tessa was more than happy to do that. She took the punch gingerly and headed for the service entrance. This stuff could definitely cause an incident. She made the caterer taste it before removing all evidence of its existence.

Ten minutes later she was back with a new batch of punch, this time with her own recipe, complete with a bit of rum for flavoring.

Zed was walking around checking everything else to make sure there were no more mistakes with anything. She sampled several different dishes and finger foods to make sure that they were up to standards. Everything appeared to be good. She looked around and observed Tessa coming back with the large bowl of punch. "May I?" she asked when the bowl was set down.

"Please do," Tessa said, setting the bowl down. "After that last batch, you should check everything."

Zed carefully filled a small glass with the new, red liquid. She raised it up to her nose and sniffed it cautiously, not wanting a repeat of what happened earlier. "Hum, smells sweet and fruity with a hint of something. Smells better than the other tasted, that's for sure." She took a sip and shivered. "Wow, it has a pleasant kick to it. What's the secret ingredient?"

"Rum," Tessa replied, grinning. "My grandma always said it wasn't punch without a kick."

"Indeed." Zed replied with a look of fascination and rocked back and forth on her toes.

T'Vala walked in, dressed in her best diplomatic robes. It was always important, even when traveling with acquaintances, to look the part of an ambassador at formal functions. She quickly took in the tableau bfore her. "Your grandmother's punch?" she asked Tessa.

The younger woman nodded. "Something in the last punch was spoiled."

"Ah." The Ambassador turned to Zed. "I would not drink much of that unless you are the type of Vulcan who does not get drunk. I have seen stodgy old men fall under the spell of that drink."

"I'm one of the Vulcans who is susceptible to the effects of alcohol, so I think I better quit while I can still feel my toes," Zed replied with a half smile.

"That would be wise," T'Vala said, inclining her head. "I am not generally affected, but that has a subtle potency that works on me as well. I will admit that it can be most effective in enticing people to talk."

Tessa wondered what would happen if both T'Vala and Ambassador Krell got to drinking her punch. She could tell that they enjoyed each other's company, but T'Vala could be a bit too Vulcan for her own good at times. She should talk to Lissi about it.

"I should probably eat something and get some food in my belly. Either of you care to join me?" Zed hadn't eaten anything all day and was famished. If her stomach were empty, the alcohol could affect her quickly.

"If you have no need of us here," T'Vala said, "I would be happy to join you."

"I'd love some food," Tessa said, grinning at the two Vulcans. "As long as you don't mind if I eat steak."

"Hey, even I eat meat! A girl's got to have some protein for a proper diet and to maintain her figure." Zed smiled as she headed over to the food to load up a plate.

T'Vala rarely ate meat, but she was not as opposed to it as other Vulcans. "Protein has its place," she said, selecting a bowl of hot vegetable soup.

True to her word, Tessa got herself a small steak and baked potato. "You get the best food on diplomatic trips," she said.

Zed piled her plate with lobster, something she had been growing a fondness for even though they were replicated. She also grabbed a thick, juicy looking steak and a large baked potato with all the topping she could put on it. Rounding out her plate was a Caesar salad. She walked over to where the other two ladies were and sat down beside them.

To be continued ....


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