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In Regeneratione (Rebirth) Pt 2

Posted on Sun 7th Feb, 2021 @ 1:41am by

1,130 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Business Not At All As Usual
Location: Earth Admiral Nechayev's home
Timeline: MD 2, 830

Previously, ... Rosalyn took her student's hands and looked down on them. "With these hands, you are building a part of the future for the Federation. But know this. Even if you do not accept this. I am still proud of you. Now, if I remember correctly, you love that Cajun restaurant that the Sisko family owns right? We could pop in there for a bite if you like."

Taking her protege by the arm, the two walked toward the door.

The next morning ....

Isabella awoke feeling rested. Actually, she realized that this was some of the best sleep she'd had in a long time. This bed was why she always choose this room when she stayed with the Admiral. In actuality, this was more her room than a spare bedroom. Some of her own personal effects had stayed in the room for the past few years, making it hers. The young lieutenant got out of the comfortable bed and walked over to a desk which had the PADD the Admiral had given to her the previous night. Upon their return from dinner, Isabella stayed up for a few hours reviewing the mission, specifically the Noir class Starship. It was while she was pouring over the data of the ship that she made up her mind.

Isabella made her way into the bathroom and got herself ready for the day. Walking to the closet, she opened the door and looked at the red unform hanging there. She always liked the way the Starfleet uniform hung on her body, as if it were a shield protecting her from the universe. She reached in and grabbed some of her civilian clothes and got dressed. Moments later, she joined Nechayev on the deck of the residence with the PADD in her hand. The deck overlooked the San Fransisco Bridge, and Isabella found the view stunning. For all the amazing sites she had seen on her travels in the various quadrants, this always took her breath.

"Good morning, Rosalyn!" Isabella said to her mentor as she walked over to the spacious wooden table that sat in the middle of the deck, surrounded by chairs. The table itself was a custom design with quotes in various languages carved into its multiple sides. A red bowl of apples sat prominently in the center of the custom build. Isabella grabbed one of the apples as she slid the PADD on the table.

"You know, I have always loved this view." Isabella told her friend. "It seems to put things in perspective for me." She took a bite of the apple and looked over at Rosalyn, drinking coffee from a black Starfleet mug. Both hands cupped the mug as if the mug itself was keeping her hands warm.

"This view reminds me of what we fight for on a daily basis," Rosalyn responded, waving her hand over the picturesque view, emphasizing the entirety of the San Francisco area.

"I've made my decision," Isabella said as she picked up the PADD and took another bite of her apple.

"I know you have," Rosalyn said as she looked at Isabella and gave a coy smile.

"As beautiful as the Noir class starship is, it is not going to suit our specific needs." Isabella turned on the PADD and brought up the schematic of another ship. "Let me introduce you to the Dark Knight class," she said as she handed the PADD to Rosalyn.

"Well someone was a busy bee last night," Rosalyn responded as she took the PADD from Isabella with a smile on her face. The admiral knew she had made the right decision in picking Isabella to be the forerunner on this type of mission. "What have you come up with?" she asked.

Isabella sat back in her chair and took a second to gather her thoughts. "The Noir class is made for missions that could be quickly executed. What you require may need for us to be in the field for extended periods of time. So, we will need a ship that could function as a mobile base of operations.

"Yesterday you mentioned the possibility of a Captain's yacht being available. Well, I took the liberty of finding a Manta class Captain's yacht that is being replaced for a different model. The majority of the Noir class stealth upgrades, like the engine design, shielding, and deflectors array, can be made to fit the Manta class, hence our new Dark Knight class ship.

"There would still be no Federation markings on her, no ship's registry. We paint her black or another color and she could be out in the field for weeks. Months even. We only come back to Starbase 109 when necessary. Even then we will come in under the guise of a merchant or trader ship. We stay in the field as much as possible."

The Admiral took a few moments to read through Isabella’s notes, nodding her head every few moments in agreement with what she was reading. A few more moments later, Rosalyn asked, “So, you’ve thought of everything have you?”

After taking another bite of her apple, Isabella thought about her answer before responding. “Not everything, but I will continue to plan for as many eventualities I can. One can never be too prepared to fight the good fight.”

“Well said, my child. But there is one thing you have not mentioned that I think will be very important.” Rosalyn reached into her lap and retrieved a small ring box with the Starfleet Intelligence logo on it. The Admiral placed it on the table and passed it over to Isabella.

“Go ahead, open it,” Rosalyn said with a bit of excitement in her voice. Rarely had Isabella seen her mentor react with such excitement. She was a bit nervous taking the box, but she reached over and did it anyway. Slowly opening it, she found a bar with 2 gold and one black pip inside. Isabella looked up at Rosalyn, surprised at the contents of the box. Before she could say anything, the admiral spoke.

“You planned so diligently that you missed one crucial detail. A lieutenant shouldn’t command a ship unless dire circumstances arise. These are not dire circumstances. Congratulations Isabella, you deserve this.”

Stunned, Isabella took the pips and said, “Thank you, ma’am. You know the rank doesn’t mean much to me, it’s the work that matters most, but this is much appreciated.”

“Well, again you can do this. I am approving your request for your Dark Knight class starship. The requisition will be made and the ship will be sent to Starbase 109 under altered orders. I believe your brother Henry has enough equipment and facility to make the necessary upgrades to the ships for you.


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