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The “Milli-Cochrane Caper” {Act 2.5}

Posted on Sun 7th Feb, 2021 @ 12:16am by Commander Paul Graves PsyD & Lieutenant Commander Alora Baro & Renato Solis
Edited on on Thu 11th Feb, 2021 @ 9:37am

949 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Business Not At All As Usual
Location: Brown Sector/Dr. Graves' Office
Timeline: MD4, 1445

The doorman of Orchids & Jazz wasn't known for taking a lot of days off. He had a life, of course, but not one which revolved around time-off activities that took much time. Therefore, it was a surprise when he'd asked for a mid-week day, but his boss, Jade Lantz, had shooed him out the door with wishes that he enjoy himself.

Since the party at the Addams mansion, he'd been thinking about the pretty woman he'd met. After a bit of back-and-forth with himself, he'd decided to look her up. Although he wasn't familiar with Brown Sector, he managed to find the center where she'd told him she worked, and mid-afternoon, he walked through the door and looked around, hoping to see her.

Kya for once wasn't cooking, she had a moment of time all to herself with the other parents doing a form of school. Their open door policy always brought fresh faces, so she pleasantly smiled at the figure even before seeing who it was, but their cameras gave her the news. Reon.

Suddenly, she was aware of the apron she wore, the stains on her simple long-sleeved shirt and the fact her hair was akin to a hearth broom. The entrance hallway had about five steps in it, and she whipped around a corner as Reon entered the main space. Unsure of why she was doing this, she tossed the apron into a dark corner, pulled off the outer shift of warm plush fabric, and thankfully her simple undershirt was clean enough. Her hair was twisted into a bun hardly four seconds after and, finally, she completed the twelve-step journey away and back to the main chamber in a circle that had accomplished this transformation.

Only slightly out of breath, she composed herself to say, "Oh hello, Reon, I didn't expect to see you."

"Good," he grinned at her. "I like being unpredictable. I know you have many duties here, but I wondered if you might have a little time to show me around the sector. I haven't had a chance to spend much time here, and I don't know what the attractions are for visitors. While we're at it, if there's a favorite place you like for an afternoon snack, I'd love to take you."

Kya had an immediate tug of war, responsibility versus embracing something she really really wanted to do. There were fourteen adults here currently, all with children or family to keep safe. The place would exist without her for an hour and not burn down, she was certain. Her naturally flushed cheeks hopefully hid the blush slowly growing, and steadied herself on the concept of food.

"Yes, a quick lunch I don't have to make or clean up from... and of course your company, too." It took considerable willpower not to wink, and so she continued. "If you like Bajoran food there is a stall in the Zodiac with fresh food occasionally?"

Reon smiled, noting the rise of color in Kya's face. "I like Bajoran food. Really, I just like food, except both the Ferengi and Klingons manage to shut down my appetite from time to time. Is there anyone you have to inform of your leaving?"

He could tell there was a conflict and offered her the segue into staying home if she really wanted. It was sweet, but she wasn't about to pass up on this opportunity for an adult interaction.

"Gods no, if we had a back door... we have a doctor on call, four dockworkers with their families, they can hold the line for an hour. Let's go, quickly quickly." She jokingly pushed him towards the door, eager to escape without notice.

The two hurried out the door, almost like teenagers escaping from parents. Looking forward to a chance to find out a little about Brown Sector, not the least because of the fascinating woman Kya was turning out to be, Reon was happy to put the next few hours of his life in her hands. Or whatever portion of that time she could spare.


{2XO's Office}

Renato asked Paul to go over the report one more time before sending it. The Security team would take this very seriously, and it was only Paul's rank and name that allowed Renato to even be in the room.

"... and finally this will lead to searching the lower forty decks surrounding the cargo and power stations where possible hidden laboratories would exist siphoning power. There are incorrect floor plans in system, so we will need to remap and determine true measurements to the decks as well. Search for Theo's DNA, Transporter-based emissions, correlate with sightings of apparitions."

Renato hesitated, looking to Paul for approval. He was afraid to press send.

Paul had gone a bit pale at the mention of 'hidden laboratories' and 'incorrect floor plans,' but he didn't elaborate as he looked at what Renato had written. "This looks detailed enough and gives adequate justification for all of your recommendations. You can go ahead and submit it."

Paul's word was as good as it got, so Renato didn't hesitate a moment longer. There was silence as the moment passed. The message had been sent, it would take time to read it, scoff, show it to others before finally replying. Presuming it would be anywhere from fifty to seventy seconds to hear a reply back, it was agony to wait. The time was interminable and he stared ahead at the padd for lack of anything else to look at. The world was still, the essence of what he wanted and all his ambitions rode on this, and nothing else could matter as much, at least for another minute.


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