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Baby Games!

Posted on Sat 16th Jun, 2018 @ 6:17pm by Commander Jasmine Collins-Keller & Lieutenant Commander Alora Baro & Lieutenant Adam Keller & Purulence Addams & Makila i'Hartelhai

773 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Brushfires
Location: Orchids & Jazz, Deck 600
Timeline: MD 15, 1545

Caroline Post wandered over and waited near one of Jade's people until there seemed to be an opening, then came closer to the new parents. "Congratulations on a beautiful daughter," she said, peering closely at the baby. Though she'd said it because that was expected, it was rather attractive, not at all red, and peacefully asleep at the moment. "I'm sure you'll have to repeat it 50 times today, at least, but what did you decide to name her?"

"Her name is Leilani Dawn." Jasmine smiled. "Her father picked the name and I thought it was perfect. It means child of heaven."

"Beautiful choice," Caroline said, and as she looked down at the baby, she found she meant it.

Purulence got into line as well and brightened once she saw who the parents were. She restrained herself from asking if Ignatius Collins was a relative; the family name was not all that rare, after all.

"I remember you two from Dr. Graves' housewarming party! Congratulations! Leilani looks adorable." She beamed at the baby, who squirmed in her sleep and settled herself more comfortably in her mother's arms. "If you wouldn't mind talking to me before the party ends, I'd like to discuss an additional shower gift with you later."

"Thank you so much for coming, Ms Addams, isn't it?" Adam smiled. "Jasmine and I will be happy to speak with you, but I assure you another gift isn't necessary." He gave a nod. The women of the Addams family were easily considered oddities but they were always considered gentlewomen as well.

Flavia stood in the center of the upstairs balcony and turned in a circle. There are certainly a lot of people here, she thought. "Herodia, would you get a glass of something for me to drink. You can have whatever you like, but don't be a pig."

"Mo-ther!" the young teen hissed before stomping away. Flavia smiled. So good to be a mother.

Makila fluttered her hand over her mouth, hiding a laugh at the teenage attitude. Her own attitude at that age had been comparable- and she was only just 20 years old. Violet eyes flickered over the room, and she winced a little at the emotional output of a crowd of this size. Briefly she was grateful that her father had started her mental training early with assistance from the Vulcan Reunificationists. She mused that she was probably more of a Vulcan mind than a Romulan one, no matter how much her father had tried to teach her of her heritage.

Chlamydia Addams smiled at her sisters. "They are about to get to the cutesy-wootsy part of the event. I cannot abide such practices, so I believe I shall take my leave." She quietly walked toward the stairs down to the restaurant's lower level, disposing of her plate and spork in a recycler along the way.

"You just don't want to taste pureed carrots," Purulence accused Chlamydia with a glance at a suspicious collection of unlabeled baby food jars but let her leave in peace.

Ischemia raised her eyebrows at Purulence. "Now is that normal, do you suppose? I don't recall her having such an aversion before. Did you notice? She never got closer than 50 feet to that baby."

Purulence nodded. "Something is definitely off, and I don't think it's the Winters. But you know she'll say she was just trying not to intrude on Commander Collins' comfort zone."

Baro, after a hurried conference with a couple of friends announced: "Right, those of you using the ice cubes with the little plastic babies inside, don't drink them by accident. If you yell "My Water Broke", and you are the first one, you get a prize." She thought it was a bit funny but was willing to admit she was easily amused.

"Also for those who are interested, a game called Baby Jeopardy is going on in that corner..." she pointed. "And bobbing for bottle nipples over there." She hadn't organized them all, but helped. She had a lot of fun researching earth birthing rituals.

One she didn't touch; she was not playing any game that had the title 'Guess the Poopy'.

Rebecca raised her eyebrows at Helena. "Jeopardy? Sounds like our kind of game."

Helena shrugged. "What's in a name?" They started toward the corner the lieutenant had indicated.

Ischemia looked at her sister. "Maybe Chlamydia was smarter than we are."

"I'm beginning to think so," Purulence said. "Feeling up to some Jeopardy? I'm not interested in bobbing for bottle nipples. Who comes up with these ideas?"

"Sadists?" Schemy hazarded, as they headed to the corner.


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