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The Orb of Change

Posted on Sun 17th Jun, 2018 @ 12:08am by
Edited on on Mon 18th Jun, 2018 @ 1:40am

698 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Brushfires
Location: Oblivion
Timeline: Any Day in Paradise

Kel Nola leaned back against the chair, simply watching. Her life was made of watching, sometimes obviously, sometimes subtly. She lived and breathed observation. Oblivion was the perfect place to do it.

"Your turn, Nols," the man across from her said.

Tiredly, as if she'd said it ten times too many already, she flicked a glance at him. "I told you not to call me that." She looked down at the colored crystals scattered across the table. She needed three greens, but there were only two. Should she take them and go another round, hoping for the last one to turn? Or should she take them and a yellow and blue, and hope that her opponent had mixes, too?

Her hand snapped out and picked up the two greens, a yellow and a blue. "Crown," she said, laying out the greens, purple and oranges. She only had one mix, and she didn't think he could match that. Her steady gray eyes looked at him. "Well?"

Candid tossed a handful of crystals on the table, and shook his head. "No crown," he told her. "I don't know how you always beat me."

She smiled and raked the pot off the table. "And I'll never tell you, but I don't cheat."

He held his hands up in front of him, warding off evil. "No, I never accused you of cheating."

Stacking the coins in tens, she had two extra and tossed them across the table. "Go get yourself a meal before you fade away to nothing." Nola knew he wouldn't. He'd use it as a stake at the wheel, and likely come away rich again. She was merely preserving his dignity.

Scooping up the two coins, the slender man rose from the chair. "I might do that," he said. "I just might. See ya 'round abouts."

"Round abouts," she replied automatically, dropping most of the coins into her pocket, but leaving one stack in front of her as an indication that she was available for play. She scooped the crystals into the shaker and set it in the middle of the table, waiting, appearing disinterested, and yet observing through her lashes who looked over at the table to calculate their chances, and who didn't bother.

"Drink, Nola?" asked a dark-skinned man.

"Nah, I'm good, Pinky, thanks all the same. You doing alright?"

"Doin' alright, girl, doin' alright." He moved off to make the rounds of the gaming Hell.

Every hair on her body stood on end, alert the moment the tall blonde man with wintry gray eyes entered the room. He wore gray - medium gray formal trousers of a bygone era, dark gray snakeskin boots with pointed toes, a gray shirt that could have been mistaken for white on anyone else, a dark grey string tie, a long gray coat that matched his trousers, and a gray felt hat.

He stood, body poised for flight, and yet completely still, surveying the room. Sensing the predator in him, Kel raised her eyes, prepared to meet his when they landed on her, not a speck of give in her. After a moment, he nodded and turned to walk in her direction.

Not taking her eyes from his, she waved him into the seat across from her and waited. That was her father's influence. His motto had been, "He who waits also wins." She wasn't sure what hers was, but her father's would do for now.

In a low voice, one that pierced her like an ice crystal, he said, "You for hire?"

"Depends on the job," she drawled slowly, "and what's in it for me."

"Death. What's your asking price," he replied bluntly, gazing back at her.

"There's no price for death. It comes to all," she remarked, "but not at my hand. Let the devil do his own work."

The man stared at her, willing her eyes to drop, but they didn't ... they wouldn't. Finally, he nodded once and stood up. "Alright then. No hard feelings." He turned and walked out of the Orb. Only after he was gone did Nola realize she was holding her breath. Letting it out, she called softly to Pinky. "I'd like that drink now."


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Comments (1)

By Commander Paul Graves PsyD on Sun 17th Jun, 2018 @ 10:38pm

I'm impressed with a character who can scare the bejeezus out of a reader with just five words. I take it he'll be someone of prominence soon? Heck, I think I might have a plot need for him.