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Showering the Baby, Part 1

Posted on Mon 4th Jun, 2018 @ 11:14pm by Commander Jasmine Collins-Keller & Lieutenant Commander Alora Baro & Lieutenant Adam Keller & Maia Dalton & Purulence Addams & Makila i'Hartelhai
Edited on on Mon 4th Jun, 2018 @ 11:17pm

689 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Brushfires
Location: Orchids & Jazz, Deck 600
Timeline: MD 15 1500

Chlamydia Addams placed her wrapped package on the table containing a plethora of others, and looked around the room. It seemed to be a dance or martial arts studio in its regular life, judging from the floor-to-ceiling mirrors on one wall. "Do you suppose this is really the best idea? Doesn't Commander Collins suffer from some sort of anxiety issue regarding people?"

"Oh, does she?" Penre Meryret asked as she set her package down near Dr. Addams', along with a small envelope. "If she does, I wasn't aware. I thought she was just a bit shy. But you're right, she does usually come in when there aren't many people in the shop." Meryret glanced about the large room, meant to hold a lot of people. "Maybe she is trying to overcome it?"

"If she's meant to be the center of attention..." Makila chimed in "This party might not be the kindest thing to do to her. I am not sure how humans view parties of this sort- I am fascinated personally."

"I think her husband is coming with her," Caroline said, coming up behind them with her gift. "I've heard he's very protective of her. Then there's also that thing that kicks in when a woman has a baby. She'll want to show the child off to everyone, and she won't want to set a bad example for the child, young as she is. Of course," the reporter shrugged, "that's based on observation of others not personal experience."

Jade and Marin stepped back from the buffet table. "You've done a wonderful job, Marin. Everything looks completely tempting. I'll have to find Serena and Jenna and compliment them on the decorations, too. I wouldn't have thought we could make this upstairs lounge look so much like a dance studio!"

"Ha! The stuff of my nightmares," Marin said, brushing aside the compliment. "I bet you were never forced into little pink tutus and forced to trip your way across a stage in front of family and total strangers."

"Pink tutus? I agree; that sounds horrid!" Purulence Addams said as she passed by the buffet table on her way to the place where the gifts were piled. She added hers to the growing dragon's hoarde of baby gifts. Having taken Ischemia's advice and not bought the Cthulhu-themed cradle, her gift was small enough to fit unobtrusively with the others.

Baro entered and placed her package with the others. It had been more fun than she thought picking it out and she made a few friends in the process, now to survive the baby shower. She turned curious to had arrived already.

"So that's a short summary of the last couple of days, and why it took so long to return," Rebecca told her friend and wingman, Helena Nordstrom.

"Bet you missed me," Helena grinned.

"Bet I didn't," Beck said, straight-faced. "Anything interesting happen around here?"

"All quiet on whatever front this is," Nordstrom replied. "It's a little strange to feel like we're at war, but no one is talking about it or preparing for it."

"We'll think about that later," Rebecca said. "Right now, I think the buffet is opening and we're here to celebrate a new life." She craned her neck around the parts of the room she could see. "Have you seen this new family yet?"

Jasmine waited anxiously as she paced back and forth in Maia's quarters. "What if I have a panic attack?" She asked. "It would be humiliating to run out on my own party.

Maia smiled. "I'll be right by your side and you'll have Leilani right there with you. Adam will be there before too long." She put an arm around Jasmine. "I won't leave your side. It will be fine. Come on." Maia took Jasmine's hand and together they pushed the stroller toward its destination.

Outside Orchids and Jazz, Adam waited patiently. He'd arrived earlier than expected and knew that Jasmine would be arriving soon with their daughter. He knew she'd be nervous and wanted to meet her at the door. He smiled when they arrived a few moments later.

"There you are."


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