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Odd Files

Posted on Wed 3rd May, 2017 @ 1:43pm by Commander Zachary Hunt & Colonel Horatio Drake & Commander Jasmine Collins-Keller & Lieutenant JG Kellian Michaels

939 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Wrongs Darker Than Death Or Night
Location: Genetics Lab


Jasmine rubbed her temples before going back to the logs in front of her. Most of the files were old architectural plans dating back to the building of the station and an addition two years later. There wasn't much of interest there. There were indications of a couple of false walls in one section of the base which had her curious but there was nothing of great importance in this file and she had no idea why it would be in a genetics lab computer. She 'flipped the page' and moved on to the next file in the folder.

Jasmine dropped the pen she'd been fiddling with as she read. She felt it hit her leg and then bounce to the floor but her eyes didn't leave the information she saw on the screen. She continued to read 'blindly' as her hand tapped her comm badge. =A= I need Colonel Drake t-to th-the Genetics....=A= She felt her anxiety levels raise as she fumbled with the comm. Oscar was up and nudging her, trying to calm her. She made another attempt at calling the Colonel. =A=Collins to Colonel Dr-Drake, Could you please come to the Genetics Lab? Commander Hunt should probably come too.=A=

Jasmine found herself pacing and wringing her hands. She hadn't even realized that she got up from the computer. Oscar was jumping at her and barking. "Okay Oscar, I get it. You try and have a conversation with the man in charge and see if you don't get nervous...especially when you have to show him what I found." She sat back down and pulled the pup into her lap and waited.

Hunt had received the message and quickly made his way to the genetics lab. He recently met Lt. Collins and could hear it through the communications that something fairly serious had arisen. Especially for someone to have issues talking to people to call the main man and the right hand man of the station. He wondered what Drake was thinking of the communications just received as he made his way.


Ten minutes later both Drake and Hunt had arrived in the genetics lab. Drake had a scowl on his face, he had never spent a great deal of time in science departments and he especially didn't want to be here now. But there was something in her voice that made, whatever she wanted to discuss, sound important.

"Lieutenant... have you discovered something of relevance?" He dived straight in... why did she seem so nervous?

"Well sir." She steeled herself. "I'm not sure they're relevant as much as they are a curiosity." She explained. "I have a few basic experiments that I want to run in the genetics lab; basic things nothing unusual and mostly for my botany crew but I didn't want any old files corrupting my data." She continued to explain as she brought up the computer. "Normally I would just purge the database but I came across three small files that had been encrypted to look like basic nanite technology. The coding was off so I took a closer look and they were secret files." Jasmine pulled up the files and sat back. As you can see the stardate on them is back quite a ways and the old code was easy to figure out. Here's what I've found" She opened the file and let the two men look for themselves. She held tightly to Oscar as she waited for the men to look over the file.

"That first b-bio bed...that is a B-borg isn't it?" She pointed to the screen. "And th-that man over there...the one in pain, is not. I think the gentleman in the room with them is butchering one and transferring his parts to the other in some sort of Frankenstein experiment." Both men were in pain while one merely writhed silently on the bio bed, the other was screaming as his body had been cut into The short video was less than 3 seconds long but there was definitely something there. "The second file is v-very similar b-but the th-third one is a recording of vital statistics of some patient A. The entire file is someone tried to erase it.

Hunt glanced at Drake. They had been in this room and seen the remains of what was left behind, and that was bad enough, let alone to see it on a video. "I-I'm sorry you had to see that Lieutenant," Hunt apologized to Collins. He waited for Drake to continue his reply.

Drake stared at the screen, this just kept getting worse... this whole thing seemed to be unravelling but things were getting more confusing, not less.

"Well done, Lieutenant" Was all Drake could muster at this point. He must have come across to her as careless and callous, but his mind was elsewhere. He could fix that at a later time.

"Drake to Michaels" He said, hitting his comm. badge.

"Michaels here," Kellian said from the forensics lab, where he was testing the samples he'd gathered from the hidden laboratory earlier that day.

"Lieutenant, we'll be sending you some files from the genetics lab, presently." He nodded to Collins to do so. "Please review them and confirm that they are from the same time period as the data you've managed to recover so far."

"Aye-aye, sir. I'll have Ensign Chanar look at them."

Jasmine condensed the files and delivered them to Security's Forensic computer. She had looked at them several times to make sure she'd seen what she'd seen and was glad to get the files out of her possession.


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Comments (2)

By Lieutenant Ricardo Shepard on Wed 3rd May, 2017 @ 11:20pm

Very good friends.

By on Sun 7th May, 2017 @ 3:58am

Great add-in to the files recovered elsewhere and nice explanation of they were revealed. I liked Oscar's part, too!