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Shepard & Biere

Posted on Wed 3rd May, 2017 @ 1:41pm by Lieutenant JG Patrick Biere & Lieutenant Ricardo Shepard

810 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Wrongs Darker Than Death Or Night
Location: Chief Operations Officer Office

Rico finally settled back into his office by placing the last picture back on the wall. "Man, it feels good to back home." He thought to himself. The ChEng sat in the chair behind his desk and began pulling up the engineers logs, so that he could get a sense of what was happening on the station. He knew the station still wasn't fully operational, but he wanted to where they were at.

Just then, the chime to his office went off. "Come." Shepard called out as he continued to look at one of the PADD's on the table.

Biere walked in to the office, looking forward to seeing Lt. Shepard again, he beamed when he saw him, "Welcome back Sir, how was your mission?"

Rico stood and extended his hand to Biere for a shake as he answered the question put before him. "It was interesting, but very hard. Let's just say......" Rico trailed off for a moment thinking about some of the lives lost on his mission. "..........Let's just say I'm glad to be back on the station."

Biere smiled at Rico, deciding not to say anything in response.

Shepard fell back into his seat. "You caught me catching up on the status of the station." He said as he gestured to the numerous PADDs on his desk.
"Catch me up. Where are we at with anything?"

"Since you've been gone, the department has handled itself quite well actually. Not much has needed us on board, just general repairs here and there and most things are operational. There's been quite a bit that's happened but nothing that has affected the running of the department."

"And I hear i have you to thank for that. You ran things pretty smoothly in my absence. You kept my station running, and for that I am grateful." Shepard again reached his hand out to Biere." Rico was very proud of Beire for running things while he was gone. Everyone he had spoken to, and in the reports he had read, everyone spoke highly of how Biere handled himself.

"Thank you, Sir. I was just doing my job like anyone would," He beamed. He knew he was a good engineer and always made sure he showed that to his superiors.

"So......." Rico stated as he looked at the massive amount of PADDs on his desk. "Where do you suggest we start with the rest of the station restoration."

"Great question Sir. Well we have the majority of the needed decks up and running with the exception of..." Biere glanced at his PADD. "Deck 25, 29-31, 50-60 & 99. Then there is a lot of secondary decks that are still not up and running. Although not of great importance, we will still need them in case anything ever goes wrong. If we start on the first lot of decks, get them sorted, then we can start moving to these secondary decks," He passed Shepard the PADD with the deck listings, "And then when that's done, we can go to the less important decks. By the time we get to that one though we are looking months and months down the line."

Rico took the PADD and looked over Biere's assessment. "I think you're right. Let's go ahead and assign crew to these decks. If we have enough help, lets have them start working simultaneously. Also, I think we should ask the Commander for additional help from the docked starships. The more help we have the better.'

"We can try, Sir, but I feel if any department needs help, it's the security department, but we can ask I suppose. I will assign crew where needed!" Biere stated back to Shepard. "Anything else you need from me Sir?"

"Not that I can think of at the moment my friend. Let's just try to get the station running." Just then a thought popped into the ChEngs mind. "Actually Biere, there is one thing that come to mind. When things calm down here, and security isn't as busy or short handed, I am going to see if we can get teams of security and engineering officers to walk through the parts of the station that haven't seen daylight in years. What do you think about that?"

"Yeah that sounds good, Sir. There are many parts of the station that are still in disarray so would be good for people to even lay eyes on them. The future of Vanguard gets me excited!" Biere beamed.

"Great!" Rico commented. "Put together some teams including you and I. Hopefully there won't be any spider monsters sitting around."

Biere looked scared, "The words spider and monsters don't go well together if I'm honest. Why can't there be friendly unicorn butterflies or something? Those words sound good together."

Rico chuckled and looked back over to the Lieutenant. "Now where would the fun in that be?"


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Comments (1)

By on Sun 7th May, 2017 @ 4:01am

Oooh, now you make me want to run barefoot through dusty dim decks! There must be something exciting down there somewhere - not something like Alpha 49, something fun!