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He knew his name?

Posted on Wed 3rd May, 2017 @ 11:25pm by Lieutenant Commander Solan Jekkar
Edited on on Wed 3rd May, 2017 @ 11:30pm

820 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Wrongs Darker Than Death Or Night
Location: Promenade Level 599, Zone Five

Solan began his patrol of the Promenade. His Staff were slowly starting to appear in droves per his recent request and it seemed that Vanguard had gained some relative peace and quiet. He much preferred having an Office on the Promenade than on the upper levels of the Station. At least here he could monitor the day to day activities of the Promenade.

The Blue skinned Andorian had started to remember a few names on the Promenade, Taxlix the Denobluan Tailor, Sentari Kallari the Rigeillian tea shop owner and such. But there wwas something that caught his eye. A new book shop had opened up in one of the empty parts of Zone Five. With a final gaze at the tranquility he approached the new store.

He entered to the sight of an older style book store, something you'd find in the late 20th and 21st Centuries. The shelves were made of wood though it wasn't an earth based wood. And the layout was very well thought out. A human male in his early thirties stood behind a desk and began to unpack as he glanced. "Ah hello there, unfortunately we aren't open for business quite yet."

Solan nodded. "My apologise, I'm the Security Chief of the Station and I have a fondness for classic literature, I was merely curious." The Andorian raised his hands as if to apologise for the intrusion and proceeded to exit. "Have a good morning."

"Not at all I have time for you Solan Jekkar." The man called after him.

Jekkar stopped dead in his tracks, he knew his name? The Commander turned around to face the merchant. "You have me at a disadvantage Sir have we met before?" Jekkar asked, he wasn't familiar with the human and so now his antennae twitched.

"Not exactly." The man placed a collection PADDs down onto the desk and smiled at Jekkar. "I attended your seminar in Versailles two years ago, 'The motive for murder'." The man held up a PADD with the title in large yellow letters. "Written and Published by Solan Jekkar."

Solan nodded. He remembered the seminar vividly, it was during his recooperation following the serial killings on Armstrong Station and he guest spoke as a favour to an acquaintance. "Yes the incident on Armstrong Station." There was something that made Jekkar feel a little uneasy.

"My name is Fergus Hunter." He said offering his hand to Jekkar. The hand was a prosthetic one and it wasn't covered with a glove, it was metallic in nature but with all the feeling of human tissue. The two men shook hands.

"Lieutenant Commander Solan Jekkar." The Andorian said shaking his hand.

Fergus smiled. "I must say I thoroughly enjoyed your talk it was interesting to hear your experience, not everyday you experience the mindset of a murderer." Hunter then looked around his book shop. "A vast majority of my collection are classic works of crime fiction and literature, I may not be a man of the law like yourself but I have a fascination with such things."

Jekkar didn't like that word. Fascination. In his experiences fascination often meant an unhealthy obsession or an interested that was a little unconventional. "Well we all have our hobbies Mister Hunter." Jekkar noticed a PADD on his desk. It was a copy of a classic earth book circa 2065 and it was entitled 'A Killer amongst us'.

"Ah yes fantastic book, unfortunately Hawthorn didn't produce too many classics before his death and that is truly magnificent." Hunter said as he noticed Jekkar examine the PADD. "A tale of one mans obsession with the detective who spent a decade searching for him not aware he was right under his nose." Hunter slid Jekkar the PADD. "I'd suggest you give it a read." He then shot Jekkar a grin.

The Andorian didn't like the way this man looked at him. He had the feeling that he was hiding something from him but of course it wasn't clear what. "Thank you." The Commander took the PADD off the Desk and then looked around the Book shop. "Well Mister Hunter I have a Patrol that I must continue you with." The Andorian offered him his hand.

"Until next time Commander and please don't hesitate to call in again, I'm sure my collection will be of great interest to you." The two men shook hands and Fergus continued unloading the PADDs onto his Desk.

Jekkar turned to head for the exit and with a final glance at Hunter he proceeded out onto the Promenade. The Commander found it slightly odd that a Station this far into the Frontier had a man with a book shop that only sold crime fiction.

"Hey Summerby can you run a name through the Database for me?" He asked as he pressed his Commbadge.

With a curious look down at the PADD Jekkar thought for a second. He knew my name?


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Comments (1)

By on Sun 7th May, 2017 @ 3:54am

Ooooh, something wicked this way comes! A great bit of foreshadowing that leaves me wanting more!