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Battle Stations

Posted on Sun 10th Mar, 2024 @ 3:00pm by Commander Zed & Krell House of Mer'uk & T'Vala

1,294 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: O' the Cardiff Rose
Location: IKS Amar, Deltra System
Timeline: MD 6, 1230 hours

Deltra System---Fleet Battle Simulation 1230 hours----

The Klingons were allowed to use their cloaking device since it was part of their tactics and that was the way that they were trained. Starfleet had sustained heavy losses while trying to defend the moons around Deltra 4, Their Command Ship was the USS Lightning which orbited a small moon that orbited Deltra 3. The IKS T'Acog was the Klingon's Command Ship that stayed around Deltra 5.

Everyone was on the Bridge to enjoy the war game on the large main viewscreen. Koor was in his command chair with his first Officer by his side. Krell sat in a chair on Koor's other side as an observer. The software program and the actually system that was now hardwired into the Amar was Federation technology. Krell and Koor had both protected to the Klingon Empire and the Federation that the Klingon ships were affected. They would loose power or any number of systems. They needed more time to study the Federation tech before it could be safely used on Klingon ships but no one would listen. Not enough Klingon ships had issues.

The Amar was working with two Bird's of Prey around the second largest moon of Deltra 4 when they came under attack by the Federation force of 5 ships. The smaller Klingon ships didn't stand a chance, but the Amar was holding her own until all the Federation ships began to concentrate all their fire on her. Koor remembered a trick from the past where a Starfleet Captain made their ship seemed to explode during a battle of some type, but they didn't really, they just used a pulse of warp to move somewhere else in the system a split second before the weapon exploded where they were just before. Perhaps the battle computer would assume the same thing, the Amar was destroyed in the simulation.

T'Vala had a seat at the back of the bridge where she would be able to watch and remain out of the way. Tessa had to watch from 8 Forward, but the Vulcan was sure she would find a way to make the most of her time there.

Koor looked at Krell then made his decision, "Helm, give me a 3 second burst of warp one the next time a simulated photon torpedo hits us. I want pyrotechnics to explode around our location as soon as we activate the warp pulse. It will look like we really were destroyed."

"Wait a minute." Krell interrupted. "That's cheating isn't it?"

"No Ambassador, it's just improvising We need to do a tactical retreat so we can come back when the odds are better."

"Won't they find us on sensors?" Krell asked.

"No ambassador, if we do it just right, we can mask ourselves in one of the poles of the eighth planet. When we want we can warp right back and surprise them." The helmsman said before adding, "But I have to time it just right."

"Captain, they have fired a torpedo!"

"Wait for it.." Koor said as he leaned forward in his seat. He held his gloved fist up in front of him. "Lay in the course, stand by on the pyrotechnics."

Right before the simulated torpedo hit Koor yelled out, "Now!"

An explosion engulfed the Amar for a split second before the ship went to warp. The Amar dropped out of warp near the eighth planet but she lost all power and began to loose attitude. She began to drift sideways. "Report!" Koor yelled out as the emergency lighting flickered on.

"Its that damn Starfleet technology, Captain. Its fused to our systems and has shut down completely. Everything is down except for life support. Its running on battery power."

"How long until you can get us back up and running?" Koor asked.

"Unknown, I need to see if I can bypassed the fused area. Give me a few hours and I will get back to you." The Klingon quickly got up and headed for the turbolift. He had to go assess the situation.

"Check all departments for injuries." Koor ordered before sitting back in his chair, disgusted.

T'Vala was surprised they were taken out so quickly. If she wasn't there as an observer, she'd offer to help, but as a neutral party, she could only watch. For now. She hoped Krell knew she would help if needed.

{During the battle}

Zed sat in her chair on the Thunder Child. "Helm, pattern Omega 212, engage." The Akira class battle cruiser moved left, then right. "Fire quantum torpedoes at the lead Bird of Prey, full spread!" The simulated torpedoes took out one of the Bird's of Prey. One of the sister ships, the USS Dauntless, a Galaxy class starship did the same to one of the other Birds of Prey. Two other ships quickly took out the last Bird of Prey leaving on the Heavy Battle Cruiser to fend for itself.

"Careful." Zed began, 'That ship can really hit hard." No sooner than she has said it, simulated disruptor fire rocked the Thunder Child. "Delta 143, engage!" The Thunder Child dodged what would have surely be another hit then returned fire, "Quantum torpedoes, fire!"

The computer simulated a large explosion, enough to engulf the Amar. The Amar was gone. "Report, what happened?" Zed shouted as she stood from her chair.

"The Amra is gone, she is just gone."

"Scan for debris!" She ordered.

"Tripoli to Thunder Child. We've lost the Amar."

=A=We're getting that too, stand by while we check.=a= Zed replied over the frequency.

"Captain, I'm not detecting any debris so the ship was not destroyed, however I'm detecting gaseous vapors of some type that could be from an explosion." Came a reply from Ops.

"Smoke?" She asked.

"Could be, something to cover them while they escape. I am picking up a light warp signature, perhaps a warp pulse to get them out of the immediate area." The Operations Officer said.

"Very clever, find them and notify the Tripoli. They will be pleased that we didn't kill the Klingons." Zed said and then sighed with relief before sitting back down in her chair.

The Tripoli was pleased at the news. The last thing the federation needed was to be responsible for the destruction of a Klingon ship--especially with VIP aboard.

"Captain, I have a heading for the Amar, but she has headed away from us back to Klingon territory." The Ops Officer said.

The XO turned to face Zed, "Captain, we can not pursue. We would not last long at all."

Zed looked back at her XO, "I am aware, document all that has happened into our logs so that we may learn as much as we can."

"Captain, I am getting almost no readings on the power systems for those Birds of Prey. I was not aware that the simulation would shut down any systems." Ops said.

"That is unusual. Make contact and see if everything is okay. I know they are a proud people, but ask them if they need assistance, discretely." Zed ordered.

"Will do, Ma'am." He replied.

"I have made contact with the Bird of Prey, the IKS Talon, they report that they have lost main power, some type of power failure and are unable to restore at this time. The batteries will give them 4 hours of life support."

"Inform them that will remain here just in case they can not regain power and that we would be honored if they would be our guests for the remainder of the War Games." She said.

"Will relay the message, Captain."

"Tripoli to Thunder Child. The Klingon ships are losing power. going in to render assistance. Pride or no pride, they can't last long without help. Tripoli out." The ship immediately headed for the nearest Bird of Prey.


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