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A Private Discussion

Posted on Thu 29th Feb, 2024 @ 12:30am by Krell House of Mer'uk & T'Vala

1,524 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: O' the Cardiff Rose
Location: IKS Amar
Timeline: MD 5 0900 hours

With help of the ship’s computer, Krell was able to find T’Vala fairly quickly after taking Doctor Anderson and the Lieutenant to their quarters. He watched her for a brief moment admiring her figure. She was not quite built like any Klingon woman he had ever seen. She was slender and had a refined, complex vibe that attracted Krell. She was very unique.

He approached her as she studied the readout on a near by display that managed the power system on this deck. “T’Vala, I’m glad that I found you. Would you like to go somewhere peaceful and quiet?”

She'd been thinking about Krell as she studied the display. Her thoughts were also on Ambassador Sarek. He had long been a model for how she comported herself as an ambassador. Her focus now was on how he found a way to be true to his Vulcan heritage while marrying two human women.
She kept thinking of his legacy and his example as she contemplated making changes in her own life. When she heard Krell's voice, she turned and met his gaze. "Yes. That would be agreeable."

"Please come to my quarters, we can have some Blood wine, or whatever you like. I would like to talk to you." He indicated a direction for them to go.

"Very well." She enjoyed his company, which was one of the reasons she agreed to observing the war games. She began walking in the direction indicated before asking, "Have all your guests arrived?" Klingons had a unique scent, as did all species. Perhaps it was because she was again on a Klingon ship, but she was acutely aware that his scent was different than other Klingons and she found it pleasing. She hadn't noticed before and was careful to keep this new realization to herself.

Krell led his guest to his quarters and entered. He moved to the comfortable area where he would entertain guest and offered T'Vala a seat, "Please sit."

"Thank you." She was both puzzled and intrigued by his request to speak to her. She watched him to see if she could read anything from his body language. "Please join me and tell me what is on your mind." That there was something was clear and she would do what she could to help him.

"Would you care for something to drink?" He asked before adding, "I had a Starfleet replicator added to entertain guests."

The replicator was a considerate gesture as this was a Klingon ship. She wondered, briefly, who he planned to entertain here. But she banished that thought as none of her business. "That is most generous. However, I will have what you are having." As a Vulcan, she didn't drink much alcohol, but she knew Krell preferred blood wine and found it palatable.

"Bloodwine, of course." Krell said as he stepped over to a counter top that had a large container that could hold several imperial gallons of fluid. He pulled the top off the metal container revealing a ladle that he used to fill two cups with the dark red liquid. He walked back over to where T'Vala was seated and handed her one of the cups.

Her fingers brushed his as she took the cup. For just a moment she hesitated. "Thank you." She took a sip and watched Krell. They'd shared meals together from time to time, and they'd worked together on diplomatic assignments, but this was the first time they'd actually been alone together and she was curious to find out what was on his mind.

Krell sat down opposite of T'Vala, "i wanted to ask you a few questions about Vulcans. The first one being, do you ever show emotions?"

She raised an eyebrow. This was an odd question, but as it was Krell, she endeavored to answer honestly. "We are taught from an early age to not show emotion. Some try to purge all emotions, but few complete Kolinahr. Even so, we cannot completely purge emotion." She must be a little tired as she was having difficulty with her thoughts. She set her cup down. "Is something wrong, Krell?"

Krell shook his head, he wanted to tread lightly, but he was Klingon. "I want to know about you, do you have emotions, do you feel anything?" He paused for a moment, "I wonder what it would be like to marry a Vulcan. Would it be a one way relationship? But..." He paused again, "I need a mate that would be equally passionate." He was confused and wasn't sure what exactly he was saying.

A mate? T'Vala's heartbeat quickened although she didn't dare read too much into what he was trying to say. "Vulcans are very private when it comes to passion." She was careful to use his word. "But that does not mean we do not feel it, or that we do not have strong bonds with our mates. There have been notable marriages between Vulcans and other species." Her thoughts went back to Ambassador Sarek for a moment. "I control my emotions, yes, but that does not mean I do not have them." She leaned forward. "Why do you ask, Krell?"

Some of what she said was still a bit cryptic for him, however he was now committed. He began to sweat when he thought of confessing his love for her. He stood and walked over to the window and looked out as the stars streaked by, "I respect and admire you Ambassador." He tried to be a bit more formal so that he would not be so tense. He tried to fall back on his training as a warrior, but no training could help him with his current situation. "I...." he paused for a long moment, " you and I don not know what to do about it." Normally he was sure of himself, full of certainty, but now he doubted himself and was unsure.

She stared at him for a full minute, stunned by his declaration. Then she stood and walked over to him. "I have long admired you as well. Spending time with you pleases me." She knew that Vulcans and humans could make a match, but a Vulcan and a Klingon? That she was unsure of. They worked together well, but she was not sure if a relationship could last. And yet, had those very thoughts not been plaguing her of late? She put a hand on his. "I confess that you have been in my thoughts and while I cannot respond as a Klingon female would, I wish to explore what is growing between us." She looked up at him, hoping he understood what she was trying to say. "Indeed, I welcome it."

Krell turned from the window to face T'Vala, "You do? I mean are you sure that is what you want for a course of action? I had no idea what your answer would have been." Recently Krell had been thinking a lot about T'Vala, even having strange dreams about her and his blood boiled for her. He wanted to take her in his arms and kiss her, but he held fast for now. He didn't want to scare her off. She seemed to have interwoven herself in the fibers of his being.

"My thoughts have focused on you a good deal of late. I know my mind, and I know that my feelings for you will not conflict with duties to my people." She met his gaze as she gently caressed his hand with her fingers, feeling an instant connection with him.

Krell gave a half smile back to her. "Recently my thoughts of you have become stronger. My feeling for you have been there for quite a while, but recently they have.." he paused for a moment, "Intensified."

"This...pleases me," she admitted, looking up at him. "When we return to the station, I wish to pursue this further. I do not believe the current war games would be an appropriate time." Although there was a building intensity to her own feelings that concerned her. Not because she had them, but because she recognized the growing intensity of them. Had it been seven years? That thought was followed by the knowledge that she would welcome becoming Krell's mate.

Krell's blood was boiling. He wanted to take her in his arms and kiss her, to show her that he needed her. He wanted to break through her ice cold exterior and free the passion that he desired so much from her. He had feeling for her before they left the station, but the intensity that he now felt was extreme. He didn't want to wait any longer. "Will you stay the night in my quarters? We all have to sleep or ah at least meditate. I think that we can find something to do that will make you look forward to sleeping." He gazed into her eyes intently, he felt as if his whole body was on fine with desire.

She put her hand on his chest, feeling his heat radiate through her. "Yes. I will come to you tonight."


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