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Diplomacy or Something Like It, Part 1

Posted on Sun 31st Dec, 2023 @ 1:32pm by Krell House of Mer'uk & Commander T'Venderath & Elizabeth Anderson M.D. & Lieutenant Lissi Regos & T'Vala & Tessanna (Tessa) Valeri

1,788 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: O' the Cardiff Rose
Location: Various aboard the station
Timeline: MD: 4 2115 hours

The Amar had been ordered to participate in a joint war game with the Starfleet in the Omicron system which was a remote and uninhabited system somewhere along the Federation/Klingon border. The Amar's Captain, Koor had invited the Klingon Ambassador, Krell, and any guests that he wished to invite. The Amar was no Starfleet vessel so the accommodations would be limited.
ft his office early after receiving the news about the war games and walked over to the Vulcan consulate office. He approached the desk and waited for Tessa to look up at him.

Tessa was following a debate between an aide in the Ferengi consulate and a Trill analyst on the discussion list for ambassadorial aides on the station and took a moment to realize that someone had walked into the Vulcan Ambassador's office. When she saw it was Krell, she stood. "Ambassador, my apologies. How may I help you?"

"It's good to see you Tessa." Krell almost smiled. "I would like to invite Ambassador T'Vala and you of course, to the joint war games as observers and guests aboard the Amar."

Tessa's eyes lit up. "War games? Really? I'm there." Then she paused. "Let me get T'Vala." She turned and walked into the inner room. She came out a minute later followed by the Vulcan Ambassador.

T'Vala walked up to Krell, a half-smile on her lips at the sight of the Klingon. "Hello, Krell. Tessa says you have something to tell me?"

Krell nodded, "That is correct. The last time I invited you to tour the Amar, things didn't go as expected. I was wondering if you wouldn't mind trying it once more. Starfleet and the Klingon Empire are having another joint exercise and the Amar has been ordered to attend. Captain Koor has graciously asked if I would attend. He also asked me to feel free to invite anyone I would like to join in on the fun to include all the blood wine we can drink. Would you like to join me?"

She raised an eyebrow. Things rarely went as expected around Krell, but that was not necessarily a bad thing. In fact, she found it rather stimulating. "I would be honored." She gave him a half-bow. "I assume Tessanna will be joining us?" She glanced at her aide, who was grinning.

"That is correct." He countered. "You never know when you will need her assistance."

"Yes!" Tessa couldn't help voicing her enthusiasm. "Sorry. Do you want me to clear your schedule?"

T'Vala inclined her head. "As soon as you have the dates, yes."

She turned her attention back to Krell. "Is there anything you need from us besides our presence?"

Krell shook his head, "Negative, all the food and bloodwine will be provided by Captain Koor.

"Hmm," was all T'Vala said. Klingon food did not provide enough fruits and vegetables for her taste, but as long as there was a working replicator, she could supplement whatever was on the menu. "I will make it work." She was also interested in watching the war games. With Klingons, something unexpected was bound to happen.

"Good." Krell replied, "I will make arrangements on my end. I am looking forward to spending time with you and your assistant. I am sure the war games will be quite interesting."

T'Vala raised an eyebrow. She looked properly serene, except for the mischievous twinkle in her eyes. Krell managed to bring out that side of her. "I look forward to it."

Tessa wooped, until the Vulcan ambassador gave her a stern look. "I'll clear your schedule."

Krell gave a subtle bow, "Until tomorrow then, 0730 hours." He quickly turned and left the room.

"That was a rather abrupt exit," T'Vala said, stating the obvious. "But if we are to be ready, there is much to do. If you will cancel my appointments for the duration of the exercises, I will let Ambassador Lena know, as well as the Vulcan consulate." She turned and walked sedately back into her office.

Tessa stood there for several seconds. Had that really just happened? She pinched herself to be sure. Yep. It was real. With a grin, she hurried to her desk to start cancelling appointments. At least there weren't many, and none were important. She wondered what she should pack...

Krell's next stop was the station's new XO. He figured the Captain might be too busy to go this time, but perhaps the next one. It took him about 15 minute to reach the XO's office and he tapped the door chime and patiently stood there for a reply.

"Come in," said the voice behind the closed door. Krell did so and found T'Venderath seated behind her desk. She was focused on her monitor, but at the sight of the credentialed diplomat she stood to pay her respects, arms crossed behind her back. "Mister Ambassador, it is an honor to have you visit us on the command deck. How may I be of assistance?"

"Commander..." Krell began. He had only met the Station's new XO very briefly before. "As you surely already know, the Battle Cruiser Amar has been called back to participate in a joint battle simulation with the Klingon Empire and Starfleet. I know that your schedule must be very busy, but I would like to invite you to observe the simulation from aboard the Amar."

That provoked a raised eyebrow from the XO. "An intriguing proposition, sir. And most unexpected." She came out from behind her desk. "Indeed I will have to check and make sure it doesn't conflict with my regular duties, but tentatively I accept. I have never visited the bridge of a Klingon cruiser." Then, tilting her head she asked, "Will it be just myself or have you invited anyone else to observe? "

"I have invited the Vulcan Ambassador, T'Vala, and her aide as well as mine." He paused for a moment. "I thought that this little getaway might just be the break you need after your first week as the XO of a large and populated star base."

"I do not require 'a break', but your invitation is certainly welcome," T'Venderath said. To meet the Vulcan ambassador was another unexpected opportunity. She had not taken time to connect with other Vulcans on the station since arriving. Something that needed rectification. "When will we depart?"

"It's short notice, Commander. 0800 hours in the morning." Krell also received the invitation with short notice and hoped that it wouldn't be a problem.

It was not an insurmountable challenge as far as the Vulcan was concerned. "Very well. I look forward to it."

Krell nodded. He was looking forward to getting to know yet another Vulcan and would be able to see how the two Vulcans interacted with each other. He hadn't admitted to himself yet, but he had real, genuine feelings for T'Vala. He wasn't sure why, she could get under his skin and she didn't show emotions like he needed, but the feelings were there. "Very well, Commander. Until tomorrow."

Krell thought of one more thing or person that he wanted to invite, not that he didn’t trust the Doctor of the Amar. Doctor aka’ or was an accomplished Doctor, but there would a lot of various species around for this outing and you never know when there would be an emergency and the Doctor might need help.

He asked several doctors, but it was short notice and all of them had prior obligations or just couldn't get away. He found one more that looked promising and he headed for her quarters after verifying with the computer that she was there. In his right hand was a chilled bottle of young Blood Wine. He tapped the door chime and waited for an answer.

Since she wasn't expecting anyone, Elizabeth rose from her seat, laying aside the counseling text she'd been reading, and walked toward her door as she asked, "Computer, identify caller."

=^=Ambassador Krell of the Klingon Empire.=^=

Anderson allowed surprise to touch her face, and indicated the door should open.

The door hissed open allowing Krell to enter. "Good evening, Doctor Anderson. I am Ambassador Krell of the Klingon Emipre. I apologize for calling so late and hope that I am not intruding."

She waved the man in. "No, not intruding. I'm a little at a loss for what I can do for the Klingon Empire, but I'm willing to help, if I can. Won't you have a seat? Would you care for something to drink?"

"No thank you," he said holding up his hand. "I am looking for a Starfleet Medical Officer who can accompany me on the Klingon Battle Cruiser, Amar. We will participate in war games with Federation ships, and I thought it a good idea to augment the medical staff of Amar with a Starfleet-trained medical person, just in case of any sort of emergency situation."

"So it's true what I've heard about Klingon battle preparedness - it extends to other areas, as well," Elizabeth smiled. "I am Starfleet-trained, but I'm no longer a Starfleet Officer. I'm in private practice. Give me the dates, and I'll see what I can do ... if you don't mind that I'm not in Starfleet any longer." She didn't mention other things he might not know about her, because she sensed he wouldn't care, as long as she provided the efficient backup he required. She'd also heard Klingons were practical ... in their own way.

"I am well aware of your current situation as far as personnel records indicate. I did have to validate your qualifications before asking. I did my homework." Krell paused for a moment realizing that no matter who the person was, it was way too late to ask and expect the answer he wanted. "It's in the morning, I only found out about it today myself."

Anderson raised an eyebrow. "That seems short-sighted on someone's part that not even you were informed early on," and sensing his dissatisfaction with that, wondered if 'heads would roll' over it. Of course, it was probably a security issue.

"Let me see what I can do." She took a moment to flip through the next week's calendar. "Hmm, you hit me at a good time. There's nothing here in the next week that can't be rescheduled, if you think a week is enough time."

Krell shook his head. "It should be no more than a couple of days, Doctor."

"Then I'm good to go with you as soon as I transfer a couple of appointments a few days over. I look forward to it," Anderson told the Ambassador.

Krell nodded, "Good, I will see you first thing in the morning." He turned and saw himself out.


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