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Posted on Sat 29th May, 2021 @ 11:03am by Lieutenant Adam Keller & Lieutenant Meghan [Maggie] Jericho & Lieutenant Elliot Jericho
Edited on on Sun 30th May, 2021 @ 12:32am

1,517 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Waging Peace
Location: Jericho's Temp Quarters
Timeline: MD 1 - 1600


Adam finished his shift at work and wanted to follow up on the meeting he'd had with Andrus. He had checked the LCARS for information and found the location of the couple he needed to speak with. It really didn't take him long. He already knew the names of the pilot and his wife. Meghan Jericho had taken a position with Jasmine's team.

Heading to speak with them before he went home, he thought about how he wanted to approach the subject. From what he'd read in the files, the couple had been through very traumatic events recently and the last thing he wanted was to bring it all up again. But, this could be important. He knew he had to say something.

Standing outside the door, he hesitated to chime, but finally did.

Maggie was getting dinner ready while Elliot cleaned up after his shift at work. She was glad to have returned to some semblance of normal. They'd found a temporary home to live in until they could find a permanent family home on the River walk. They'd chosen a condo on the hills beside the River walk because of the nearby parks.

Maggie was deep in thought as she prepared her spaghetti sauce for dinner. She startled a bit when the door chimed.

Elliot had jumped into the sonic shower. The temp quarters that they had been assigned to while they were waiting for much nicer, bigger quarters didn't have the nice amenities such as a shower with water. He had just gotten rid of the daily grunge, he actually enjoyed the sonic shower, it relaxed him. Hearing the door chime he quickly threw on some well fitting athletic shorts and a tank top that showed off his well developed shoulders and upper arms. He came walking out of the bathroom barefoot, "Come!" He called out.

Maggie had walked around the counter to greet whomever their guest might be as Elliot invited them in. She looked at her husband curiously. "Wonder who it is." She gave a shrug as the door slid open.

Adam stepped into the room. "Lieutenants Elliot and Meghan Jericho?" He asked as he offered his hand. "I'm Lieutenant Adam Kellar. I hope I'm not disturbing you, but I'm here on official/unofficial business."

Elliot stepped forward and took his hand, "We were just about to have dinner, won't you join us and we can talk business?" Elliot was sure that Meghan wouldn't mind inviting the stranger to dinner so they could talk.

"I don't mean to impose," Adam shook his head. "I'll only take a few moments of your time. Besides, my wife will be waiting on me for dinner," He smiled. "I'm sure you know how heated things can get when you don't show up when expected."

Elliot shook his head, "Not as long as you're in Starfleet. Anything can happen at any time. And besides what we have just been through, we are stronger than ever." Elliot glanced over to Meghan and smiled warmly. He didn't know how he ended up with Meghan, but he knew that he was the luckiest man in the quadrant.

Adam gave a small laugh. "Wait until that baby comes." He didn't mean to insinuate that Jasmine would be angry, more so that she would be worried. Once a mother's instincts kick in, they tend to worry about everyone they love - more than they ever did. "But really, I only need a few minutes of your time."

"Won't you have a seat then," Meghan offered. "How can we be of help to you?" She asked him, understanding that the man wanted to get home to his family.

"Well, It's actually me who is here to help you." he started to explain. He paused only to make sure both of them were listening. "I should start by saying that I work in the Intel department... I do 'research'." He made quotes in the air with his fingers. "So, I am aware of what the two of you have been through and what you've done in the last few weeks." He waited to see their response.

Meghan sat down. Now she was interested in what the man had to say.

Elliot sat down beside his wife, "I'm not sure what that would have to do with us. The mission we did was a one time favor for Admiral Burke. We both have regular careers here on SB109 now."

"I understand that, Lieutenant," Adam nodded. "That's why I'm here." He looked at the couple. They were about the same age as he and Jasmine were. It was obvious that they were expecting their first child. Lala was three years old now, but she had come so early that Adam still felt as if he and Jasmine were just starting out. "Someone out there, has figured out who you are and maybe even where you are." He sat forward. "One of my contacts was able to name you specifically as being targeted by a syndicate gang of smugglers out looking for revenge. They've been searching for information and I'm not sure how, but your names have been mentioned." He waited to see what Elliot's response would be.

Elliot shook his head, "No, no. That's impossible. We didn't leave anything behind for anyone to find. No one knew our identities. The mission was top secret. For anyone to find out would be the mother of all screw ups, someone would have to be on the inside." Elliot shook his head again as he realized that Meghan and his unborn child could be in danger, even here on the Star base. "How can you help with this situation?" Elliot asked.

"Well, that will be up to the two of you." Adam explained. "I've been authorized to offer our assistance in whatever you want to do," He kept talking. "We can back off completely, get you some security, keep digging for information, or put your case at the top of our list."

Maggie listened intently as both men spoke. She was just as involved in this decision as Elliot. She'd been there too. She was in danger as well, but she was just as worried about her husband as he was about her. "I'd like answers." She said as she almost shrugged, trying not to sound worried. "How did they get our information? Who made the mistake? " She secretly wondered if she'd done something. Had they picked up her transmissions? "Could they have followed me? I left the scene as things got hot, but I scanned for Starfleet vessels the whole time. I sent out distress calls."

"I seriously doubt if that was a way for them to find us. I think there was a leak, intentional or not. Perhaps someone was manipulated into giving up information on the mission." Elliot glanced back to Adam, "First priority would be to find out how the information got out and by whom. Then we can find out who has it and that way we will know who is after us and why. We can't live looking over our shoulders, wondering who is after us."

"Listen," Adam started. "My boss has made me the lead on this for a couple of reasons. First and foremost, I'm good at what I do," He looked over to Meghan. "Second, I have a personal stake in this. Lieutenant, you work with my wife, Jasmine, and not to sound selfish, but if you aren't safe, then neither is she," He turned his gaze to Elliot. "I have a daughter, she's three. I'm not going to let anything happen to anyone's child, born or unborn."

Elliot shook his head, "I'm pretty good too." Then he added, "Not that I don't agree with your motives, but the chance of your wife being hurt during Megan's abduction or an attempt on her life would be slim. They wouldn't do anything like that in her workplace. They would want her alone or with me, like in our quarters." Elliot glanced back at his wife, "Maybe now would be a good time for a vacation somewhere and that would give him time to find out who is behind this."

"I disagree. These people are brash and their pride is injured so they aren't on their A game," Adam stood to leave. "But this is your call. I'll see what more information I can find and I'll let you know if anything else arises." He once again offered his hand to the man. "Your reputation precedes you Lieutenant. I'm sure you can handle anything that comes up. I'll keep investigating and let you know if I get anymore information. I'll leave your wife's security to you. I've set up some protocols in the Labs for other reasons that Jasmine is involved with, so there are at least some safeties in place." He turned and nodded to Meghan. "Please enjoy your evening. I'm sorry I had to interrupt your dinner."

"Thank you Lieutenant. And enjoy your evening as well." Maggie rose to her feet to say goodbye and see the man out.


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