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Old Friends

Posted on Sun 30th May, 2021 @ 11:27pm by Chief Petty Officer Samuel Barbee & Petty Officer 3rd Class Maeve McClery
Edited on on Sat 5th Jun, 2021 @ 1:05am

762 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Waging Peace
Location: multiple
Timeline: MD 1 2030


Barbee was just finishing his dinner. Bodhi was waiting anxiously for the scraps when the door chimed. The dog's ears perked as he turned and trotted to the door happy to greet any guest. It only took a moment to pick up the familiar scent. It was her.

Bodhi knew that when she was around, Master was happy. He smiled and laughed. His walks were longer and bedtime was later. The one that smelled of grass and wood and wild flowers always made Bodi's master happy. She'd been gone for months and Bodi had thought that things would never be back to normal. He was suddenly excited to get the door open and greet the one on the other side.

"Cool it, Bodi," Sam made his way to the door. His leg was stiff from the day's activities so his limp was more pronounced. He activated the door and it opened. There she stood wearing a short black dress, her feet bare, her curly red hair completely out of control and, a smile that didn't quit. In one hand she held her shoes and in the other, a bottle of authentic Romulan Ale. "What the hell?"

"Hey Barbee," Maeve smiled coyly as she sashayed past him. "Did you miss me?" She asked.

"I don't remember inviting you in," He turned and looked at her. The agitation in his voice was evident. His eyes, however, attested to the contrary.

"How's the leg?" She ignored his statement. "Still making you an A plus ass?" She dropped her shoes and headed to the kitchen. Knowing right where to go, she grabbed two glasses and set them on the counter. Opening the bottle, she poured a small amount into each glass before turning back to the Barbee and handing him one.

"It's fine." Barbee said as he accepted the glass. He was still confused as to why this woman was in his quarters, not that he minded, really. "What are you doing here, Maeve?"

After taking a sip, Maeve brushed her hand through her hair. "Well, long story short, I've been assigned to the Biology Lab as one of the Techs." She stepped around the man and took a seat. Still holding the bottle, she set it on the sofa table in front of them. "The Quartermaster put me in temporary quarters until he could find me something. So I thought I'd look up an old friend and see if he might have a place for me," She grinned.

"You thought you'd ask me to let you stay here?" He now looked agitated as his voice had indicated, but still there was a smile. "After what happened two years ago?

Maeve gave a sigh. "That was different. I didn't choose to leave, not really," She smiled and sat back, getting comfortable. "That was a career move." She looked at him and smiled coyly. "We were good together... And we were fun."

"We were that." Sam grinned. "But, can we just pick up where we left off?" He swallowed the blue liquid in his glass and watched as Maeve refilled it.

"I'm saying we start at point A all over again and see if we can make it beyond where we left off." She shrugged. "I need a platonic roommate from the get go and... We'll see where things go from there," She had to refill her glass now.

"Platonic huh?" he slid himself away from her. "Yeah, I have a spare room. You're welcome to it."

Maeve scooted herself until she was nearly on top of Sam. "Well, more like, mostly platonic." She smiled and drank from her own refilled glass. She set the glass down and put her hand around Sam's neck, drawing him in and kissing him. "I've missed you, Sam."

Sam smiled into the kiss. "I missed you too, Maeve. I'll get with the Quartermaster in the morning."

"Okay," She said back as she found herself undressing him. "Do you mind if I stay here tonight?" She asked as she started unbuttoning her blouse.

"Wouldn't have it any other way," Sam said as he'd finally had enough and scooped Maeve into his arms carrying her to his bed. "Welcome home honey."

Bodhi followed as he had dutifully done every night, but was shocked to have the door slide closed before he could get into the room. Obediently, he sat down and waited at the door, his ears cocked and his head bent to the side in confusion at the sounds coming from within, but he was glad [i]she[/i] was back.


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