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Tue 20th Dec, 2022 @ 6:32pm

Lieutenant Elliot Jericho

Name Elliot Jericho

Position Arrow Pilot Serving Diplomats

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 32

Physical Appearance

Height 6 '
Weight 187lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description A well chiseled and athletic body. Elliot is extremely fit because of a vigorous workout and diet regimen that he and his wife follow. He keeps his hair short and well within Star Fleet regulations. He has a smile that is both sexy and mischievous at the same time. He can appear brooding to some but this only serves to make him more attractive to women especially his wife.


Spouse Meghan Jericho
Father Adam Jericho [Commodore USS Metcalf]
Mother Hannah Martin Jericho [CMO USS Metcalf]
Brother(s) Identical twin - Eli Jericho [Chief of Security SB 467]

Sam Jericho 24 - [Star Fleet Academy Advanced Tactical Training and Spec Ops]

Personality & Traits

General Overview Elliot is a positive, outgoing officer who spent much of his youth having fun and partying. Settled down some now, he still enjoys a good drink to relax after a long duty shift.

He has a positive attitude and sees the bright side of most things. It takes a lot for him to lose his temper. He's very intelligent and actually graduated in the top 5% of his class at the Academy which he joined at age 16 after passing the aptitude tests easily. He's very loyal to his friends and very forgiving of their faults. He's an excellent pilot and navigator and even set records at the academy that have yet to be broken. He has a great memory for trivial information and history.

He is loyal and protective of his wife.

He can be cocky and over sure of himself and some see him as a bit chauvinistic. He has been noted as being brooding but that only adds to his charm.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Skilled Marksman with several awards on the Phaser Range at the Academy.
+Extremely well-trained fighter pilot who holds records for speed and, maneuverability, and holds the high score for the Omicron 4 obstacle course at 99.97%.
+Efficient in many forms of martial arts and hand to hand combat including MoQ'barra, Krav Maga, and Jiu-Jitsu

- Cocky
- Sometimes oversure of himself
- Stubborn

Ambitions Like most pilots, Elliot wants to continue to fly. He wants to one day raise a family with his wife and like most Star Fleet Officers, he aspires to eventually become a bridge officer and even take the center chair.
Hobbies & Interests Elliot enjoys extreme sports, he likes camping, surfing, sailing, and flying. He also enjoys a good hard game of Paresis squares with a worthy opponent.

He enjoys his daily workout regimen with his wife and a good run on the beach or a swim afterward.

Elliot appreciates quite evenings at home cuddled with his wife with a cold drink to unwind as much as any man.

Personal History Born an identical twin to Hannah and Adam Jericho, Elliot grew up very close to his family. He and his brother looked out for each other and for their younger brother Sam. They brought him along on all their adventures and taught him what they could.

At eighteen, Eli and Elliot both decided to join Star Fleet Academy and follow in their father's footsteps. The similarities ended at the Academy where Elliot showed a gift for jet fighters, flight, and navigation, and Eli's interests turned to Security and Investigations.

Elliot graduated in the top 3% of his class after setting no less than three records on the flight training course which to this day haven't been broken. Given his choice of duty stations, Elliot chose to go to the Beta quadrant on a deep space explorer, the USS Maybourne. Being at the top of his class, he was afforded a meritorious promotion to Lieutenant Junior Grade within one year of graduation.

Elliot proved himself over and over during maneuvers aboard the Maybourne and eventually was made squad leader and transferred back to the alpha quadrant to lead a squad of fighters during the last of the Marquis raids. He was stationed aboard the USS Lindhurst.

It was aboard the Lindhurst that he met a young Ensign with much promise and even more attitude. Of course, he fell in love with her and the two were married two years later after Megan was promoted to Lieutenant JG.

The pair were transferred six months later to McKinley Station where they were charged with protecting Earth from any invasion.

When the Delta quadrant was opened to exploration by a stable wormhole, they agreed that there was where they wanted to be. With the Pegasus returning for service with openings aboard, Elliot was glad to accept a slot as a pilot aboard the ship.
Service Record 2377 - Star Fleet Academy [tactical flight and space combat]

2380 - USS Maybourne - Fighter Pilot, shuttle pilot [promotion to Lt JG]

2385 - USS Lindhurst - Squadron leader; met and later married Megan; promoted to Lieutenant.

2389 - SB McKinley - Squadron leader - Lieutenant

2391- USS Pegasus - Flight Leader - Lieutenant

2393 - SB 109 - Arrow Pilot- Diplomatic Section - Lieutenant