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All the Children, Out of the Frying Pan...

Posted on Sat 29th May, 2021 @ 10:51am by Commander Zed & Lieutenant Elliot Jericho
Edited on on Wed 14th Jul, 2021 @ 5:57pm

741 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Waging Peace
Location: Deep Space, near the Romulan Neutral Zone
Timeline: MD: -30

Zed sat in her chair, in the Ready Room as she went over the information for the fourth time on her PADD. The information provided hadn't changed. She was waiting for Lieutenant Elliot Jericho to report. For the time being, he was part of her crew and if she needed him for something, she certainly wasn't going to hesitate in using him even if that placed him in harms way.

The EMH worked relentlessly on trying to find out what made the virus tick and the efforts had paid off. The virus was made of several prions. Separate they were too small for the transporter to detect. When the three joined together they began to rewrite DNA. A designer virus that was discovered to have a Romulan code deep within, A failsafe so it would not harm anyone with Romulan DNA.

That information gave Admiral Burke the idea to begin searching near by Romulan space for anything suspicious. The Thunder Child sent a dozen probes off at different trajectories in search for any strange readings.

One probe did come up with some strange readings. It had passed through a dense asteroid field that contained minerals that hindered any sensors from scanning the field's middle area. The field was also too dense for a large ship. Shuttles were about as big as anyone dared to use to navigate the field.

The probe passed close to a larger asteroid in the middle of the field and remained close to send back data on the anomaly. There were some type of power readings with a Romulan signature.

When Burke was informed, he gave orders for a small strike team to go in and take the base and everything that it contained.

Elliot stoped in front of the door to the Captain's Ready Room and tapped the door chime.

Inside Zed looked up from her PADD and called out, "Come in!" She was expecting Lieutenant Jericho after calling for him a few minutes before.

Elliot stepped inside and approached the Captain's desk. "You wanted to see me, Captain?"

She nodded, "Yes, Lieutenant. I know that you're not really part if my crew and I feel bad for this, but I'm sending you on a dangerous mission. You are the closest person that I have to an infiltration specialist on this ship and you have the best chance of success for the mission ahead."

"Don't feel bad, Captain. I am part of your crew and you do need to send the resource that has the best chance to complete the mission.." He paused for a moment, "What is the mission?"

"There seems to be a secret Romulan lab that we believe that's where the virus was conceived. Its in an asteroid field just inside the Romulan space. Your mission is to gather information on the virus and destroy the base and everything in it." Zed stood from her chair, "The lab must be destroyed at all cost."

"Do you have any Intel for me and am I going in alone?" He asked.

"The minerals in the asteroids make it impossible to get any accurate scans. It's like a natural dampening field, so we are pretty much blind. Its probably why they chose to put the lab there. We got lucky that the probe got close enough to pick anything up. On the other hand we are reasonably sure that they won't be able to see you coming either." Zed explained and wishing she had some Intel for him. She didn't want him to go in blind, too many unknowns.

"I'm sending you in with one of the Medics. None of my medical staff have any real tactical training so you will have to be responsible for her. She has to tag a long to assess anything that you find so there is no option."

Elliot took a breath and was about to protest but the look that Zed gave him caused him to bite his lip and remain quiet. He nodded "Yes, Captain."

"Report to the hanger and meet up with Ensign Mila Varga. Take a two seater fighter, it will be a little more stealthy than a shuttle. Depart as soon as you can."

Elliot turned to leave and was stopped by her voice.

"Make sure that both of you come back alive, you are responsible for her safety."

Elliot didn't turn around to acknowledge, but gave a soft nod before leaving the room.


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