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Posted on Fri 28th May, 2021 @ 8:17am by Maiek s'Ethien
Edited on on Fri 28th May, 2021 @ 8:21am

1,303 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Waging Peace
Location: Just outside of the RRW Ehtevau
Timeline: MD 3- 2200

Romulans were still a proud people, and some were too hidebound to allow the thought that their people might mix willingly with the 'lower' species. Why would a Noble House of the Rihannsu want to sully itself with a human, they could not fathom. Maiek had heard the mutterings, quiet ones when he'd become involved with the lovely Mary Elizabeth. He'd ignored them of course, for it was below him to concern himself with the opinions of those not of his clan. They had no say on his life or whom he loved. Outright exclamations of surprise, curiousity and blatant disapproval occurred when a human showed her face wearing a bond bracelet from one of the ranked families. Mutterings, that became more and more outraged as they came closer and closer to the Embassy.

Maiek looked triumphant as he returned each night to the RRW Ehtevau's docking bay. That open and unfettered joy in the acquisition of a mate was too much for the critics of the peacemongering Ambassador Verelan. There were still factions that felt as if the reaching out to the Federation for aid was a betrayal of everything Romulan. Those so involved, tended not to see the vision in her plan to restore the honor of the Rihan.

The hiss of the word traitor echo'd in the air just before Maiek found himself without the air in his lungs to cry out. The deckplating had magically ended up under his belly instead of under his feet, and the young man wheezed with surprise and no little pain. A vicious kick to the side kept the air from his lungs and a third sent pain searing from his ribs to his spine. He'd felt more than heard the dull crack of a rib being displaced. He hissed as stars exploded in front of his eyes. Glittering motes of light that shimmered over the familiar arch of the Ehtevau's entrance, like a dance performed only for him. Such beauty intrinsic in the lack of oxygen to his brain. Fighting for the precious cool air, to re-inflate his now abused lungs the handsome Romulan bit back a curse. He couldn't tuck around his vital organs because of how he'd landed- entirely unaware.

"Deihu Verelan cannot protect you here. " was audible the 5 males that surrounded Maiek, though he himself was uncertain which of them had spoken. He recognized one of them, part of a group of insular clans that preferred what the humans would call inbreeding of pure lines to the strengthening of blood lines through diversity. There were no few genetic abnormalities in those clans, calling into question their actual prosperity. Their boys were coddled, and their girls were pampered princesses that he'd disparaged to Mary Elizabeth in the previous week. He'd been trying to teach her about Romulus, and the culture of the Romulan people. She'd been attentive, though her feminine wiles did distract him after a time.

"Hnafirh'aud?" Maiek responded immediately, knowing that Verelan saw everything and took such attacks more personally than a Senator would, since she was their Ambassador. She was in part more terrifying than the Tal'Shiar presence aboard the ship because she was both swift in her vengeance and deadly. Most of the time she was the epitome of diplomat, but Verelan was not afraid to get her hands dirty. Not only that he was her family by blood- and she would not stand for such things.

"We would speak with you.." one started to say and was interrupted by another and another until the din was overpowering. If he could have winced away, he would have done but the young artist was still being held to the decking by a boot in the middle of his back. The pressure of the body atop him, making it difficult to breathe. Panic gripped his belly as he fought for each and every breath. Answer the challenge like a nobleman. Breathe and answer it. Inhale! Speak! Maiek finally interrupted the overlapping voices with a voice that was more gasp than growl. "I hear little speaking. Nor am I able to converse like a gentleman, so restrained."

"A gentleman? You claim such?" A male voice was aghast at the words, but the pressure on Maiek's back let up. The band around his chest loosened, and he was able to breathe in deeply once more. Thank the Elements. They'd hurt him, but not so severely that he couldn't function. "Any male will dip into an amton'wi'kha, this we understand, but to offer one rank and station? You sully yourself."

The word for whore in his mother tongue had Maiek not only seeing green for himself, but incensed for his bride. The rest of the words rang in his ears like clarion bells. They saw him as sullying himself with the woman he loved? So be it. "Rha?" he spat, pushing himself up away from the sticky green puddle of his own blood that he'd been lying in.


That allowed him to turn and look at the male who was challenging him. He was taller and more bulky than he was, and it would be a pleasure to watch him twist at the end of a Abelin hook. Quietly Maiek memorized the lines of his face and physique. He made sure to make long eye contact with each ot them in turn. "Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu"

"Heis'he?" The instigator spat on the ground in disgust at his quote from the famous Taer'thaiemenh.

"I have not abandoned anything. I am being true to the soul of the Romulan. That is the heart. The heart of a true Romulan shall always lead him well." Maiek spat back, ignoring the pain that the gesture caused his face. The impact of the decking had started to effect his face, swelling of his eye and nose becoming evident. His tone didn't change, but his enunciation became less crisp. Blood, frothy and green spewed from his lips as he spat on the floor at their feet. A burn began to spread from his left chest, but he raised himself from the decking once more. Maiek was no warrior, but this he would endure, for the greater good. "Deihu Verelan is trying to build something here. A future for Romulans, where we can prosper. A future where our culture doesn't die, fading into the books of history like the Ancient Ways. I harm none with my choice."


"I choose my heart. I regret nothing." Maiek inturrupted immediately as the tone of the 5 men surrounding him turned dark. Jaeih grant me a boon, allow me marry her before I die. his traitorous mind brought forth the image of Mary Elizabeth, enraptured by his betrothal gift. Beloved.

A creak sounded in the same breath as the rapid movement, Maiek took the impact before he even realized what was happening. The booted foot of one male was armored atop the leather, and the stud on it caught him just under his left eye. His vision turned green, as the blood exploded in and around his eye. The sight faded just as he noted the flash of a knife in one of their hands. He was a macabre sight, pale, dripping blood from cheek and a lip split from the fall. Slumping to the side, he fought to remain upright but with nothing to grip on and the slickness of the blood affording him no traction to find one, Again he rested upon the chilled decking. There was the whine of a stunner, at the earsplittingly high pitch that corresponded to a wide angle stunner and Maiek knew no more.


*Deihu - Senator
*Hnafirh'aud- Are you blind?
*Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu. But love is unreasonable
*Heis'he- Love
*Rha- Oh yeah?
*Au'e- Yes


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Comments (1)

By Voareth Darqaron on Fri 28th May, 2021 @ 5:06pm

Nice graphics and detail. If he is not already learning some fighting techniques, Voareth could perhaps help him in that arena. After getting to know each other a bit first though.