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Ship's Tour Part 3

Posted on Thu 14th Jan, 2021 @ 2:09am by Commander Zed & Daeren Iril & T'Vala & Tessanna (Tessa) Valeri & Miadze Palel

1,090 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Denouement
Location: USS Thunder child
Timeline: MD 1, 1715

Zed led the Diplomats around the ship and their next stop was Engineering. The small group entered once the large double doors has slip open to grant them access. The room began with Engineering consoles lining both walls and after 10 meters the room opened up into a large two story room that housed all the major components like the warp drive and all the subsystems such as the plasma conduits and the warp drive cooling system.

The commander walked in and looked around for the Chief Engineer. Engineering was extremely busy this time of day as they ran diagnostics and performed regular maintenance. Out from under a console slid a rather large man that didn't look like he could fit in the space he had just come out of.

Zed cleared her throat.

The large man sat up, looked around and saw the officer standing right in front of him. "Captain on deck!" he yelled out as he stood up quickly. All of Engineering stood at attention, stopping what they were doing. "Relax,Commander, the tour is here." Zed turned towards the dignitaries, "This is Main Engineering and our current Chief Engineer is Lieutenant Commander Richard Cruz. He is on loan to us until we can find a replacement Chief Engineer."

"Hello everyone and welcome to Thunder Child and Engineering," Richard said as he smiled.

T'Vala bowed. "Thank you for allowing us to interrupt." She hoped, for the engineer's sake, that they would not stay long. He looked like he had a lot on his plate.

The large man who looked like he was more often in a bad mood than not, smiled. "I could use a break anyway, its a pleasure to meet you all."

"The pleasure is ours, Commander Cruz," T'Vala replied. In spite of his words, she knew he was being gracious.

Tessa smiled and gave a short wave to the engineer. Lissi sufficed with only a smile.

"It's good to meet you, Commander Cruz," Daeren said as Miadze nodded and gave a pleasant smile beside him. "Thank you for letting us tour your Engine Room."

Richard was about 1.9 meters tall and very broad at the shoulders, tipping the scales at 118 kilos. His skin was nearly bronze, due in part to his genes. His mother was a Starfleet Officer who was raped by a Klingon Pirate. She was afraid of Richard being a half breed, that he would be ridiculed and be an outcast growing up, so she had his DNA altered. Just his looks, as he still had the strength and size of a typical Klingon male and a temper to go with it. He lacked the cranial ridges, but was still half Klingon, whether he liked it or not.

Richard nodded to the couple, "You are more than welcome to look around and ask any questions that you may have."

"Thank you, Commander. I don't anticipate having any questions," Daeren said. "We'll leave you to your work."

T'Vala went over to the Master Display to look at it.

Tessa decided the warp core would be more interesting. At least she hoped so.

The silence was a little bit awkward so Richard just began rattling off some specifications to break the silence. "The Akira class is a heavy cruiser, and can be geared for Defensive, Exploratory or even Diplomatic missions. However in this case she hadn't been configured for a Diplomatic mission, but she is still very capable. Crew complement is 500. One hundred officers and 400 enlisted. The length is 464.43 meters, width is 316.67 meters, height is 87.43 meters and she weighs a whopping 3,055,000 metric tons. Cargo capacity is 47,254 metric tons."

"That's certainly an impressive recitation of capacity," Lt. Regos complimented him. She figured that when faced with social situations, numbers were comforting to him.

"Thank you, Commander," Zed said with a wave of her hand. "We all apreciate you taking the time to give us a tour, but we should be going so we can prepare for the reception. I hope to see you there."

Richard smiled, "I look forward to it, Captain."

"Shall we?" Zed indicated for the tour to exit Engineering.

T'Vala bowed again. "Thank you for your time and the tour. It was most enlightening."

Tessa smiled and waved as she followed the others out.

"Yes, Commander," Lissi agreed, "thank you for taking the time to show us around. It's my first time on an Akira class, and it was interesting to compare it to ships with which I'm more familiar. I'll have a few things to relate to my boss ... next time there's a lull in our conversational tidbits. Perhaps during tonight's reception, who knows?"

"He certainly was tall," Miadze said to Daeren. "I'll bet he'd look fantastic in a--" She named a Klingon garment that sounded like a cross between a cat coughing up a hairball and a Tellarite clearing his throat, to Daeren.

"I wouldn't know," Daeren replied. "Why don't you ask him at the reception if he's ever worn one?"

"Have you taken leave of your senses?" Miadze asked him. "I don't want to have to pronounce that godawful word again."

T'Vala's mouth twitched in a ghost of a smile as she listened to the others.

Tesssa turned. "What's that?" she asked Miadze. She had no idea what the word was, or even what culture it was from.

"It's a type of wedding suit that Klingons who aren't in the military wear," Miadze said. "It consists of a tailored, asymmetrical, long coat that buttons over the right side of the chest, worn over trousers tucked into knee-high boots, and it usually has a chained brooch and the husband's clan symbol on the left side of the chest. Commander Cruz would look quite good in one, I think."

Tessa giggled. "Yes, I think you're right."

Regos felt totally out of her depth. She wasn't a diplomat, really, only the bodyguard of one. She didn't really know these people, and she felt sure she was missing some point in the references of the bantering over Klingon wedding suits. She moved up next to Ambassador T'Vala, the only person she did know slightly, and asked softly, "Do you know Commander Cruz? Or why would he be wearing a Klingon wedding suit? I feel as if there's a joke here somewhere and I didn't get it."

T'Vala shook her head. "No. I have not had the privilege. Perhaps we should talk to him over drinks. I am curious to hear his story."


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