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Routine Maintenance

Posted on Tue 12th Jan, 2021 @ 9:00am by Captain Jason Harrington & Exo-Comp EXQT
Edited on on Tue 12th Jan, 2021 @ 9:17am

834 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Denouement
Location: Harrington's Vessel
Timeline: MD 5, 0600

{Computer Core}

Peggy had allocated .4% of its processor task resources to monitor ship functions. Zombie was on patrol, Nessy was enhancing sensor feedback, Banshee was decrypting impossible cyphers or recovering data out of salvaged cores like it was eating candy. When an EPS distributor cap experienced a thermal variance within .05 of normal, the automatic task was assigned to Zombie.


Zombie was already on the way, also monitoring tasks. Peggy wanted to replace the cap if it triggered another fault.

This was extremely routine, but it was at least something to do. Banshee had been given locked vault cyphers to crack and while it was getting close to achieving operational success, each one was a small token, compared to the value of a full tsk completion. This prompted Zombie to take any task completion it could get to boost its productivity rating. Racing there, Zombie had already replicated a new cap, pulling the corridor paneling and replacing the cap with variable beams and holographic assembler in a single motion.

Banshee showed up only a moment later.

<{[ZOMBIE]([BANSHEE](ConsiderPROP:"Always next time"}>

Furious chirps signaled into the echoing depths, as Zombie chortled itself returning to the solitary walk.

When Merel arrived a few minutes later to check the problem her computer had signaled, she was puzzled. Having pulled off the corridor paneling, no matter how she scanned the entire area behind it, there was no fault recorded. She scratched her head and replaced the paneling. "Maybe a glitch in the computer system," she muttered and returned to her office.

***(Two hours later)***

The long range sensors had a lensing compilation error that resulted in a slightly altered prismatic view. an algorithm had been written to account for it, and nobody cared past the seeing a fixed image. Nessy had taken the initiative to solves the lensing error at its source. Clinging tightly to the deflector dish in open space, Nessy welded the access panel closed after securing the leads with a simple solder.

<{[NESSY]=([ZOMBIE]*{BANSHEE]*[PEGGY])UPDATE:(NESSY-TskCOMPLETION:"fuzzy screen"(unlisted)(bonus)}{[NESSY](PEGGY:requested#recount"PerformanceRmetric%")}>

Nessy taunted using the same syntax as Banshee, it was not lost on Banshee who wailed elsewhere at 94 decibels. There were items unapproved from the official worklist but mentioned by the biological units. They had names for them all. "Fuzzy Screen", "Wiggy Pudding", "Archival slow memory" among others were listed as they frequently heard crew complain. Nessy had completed one under their noses, getting sole credit. Peggy updated the PR% placing Nessy firmly at the top. Frantically the loud lil tyke Banshee would begin measuring for torque parameters on fasteners for the cargo.

Machines do not know fear, but they dislike disruptions. Nessy felt the dip in power levels, realizing in a femtosecond the repair work had just shorted out again, this time the whole dish. The Deflector was hardwired to the engines but in a moment they would go blind once reserve power expired! Nessy turned about, returning to the panel, lasering it off with gusto. Diagnostics ran through Nessy to calculate the necessary next step. If the two wires were interfering via signal leaks in their ordinary parallel, perhaps a different outlay would result in the function returning and still fixing the problem.

<{[PEGGY](PRIVATE:([NESSY]=Repair-Bad: "Series II converter" lagged;.02fx)(SYSUPDATE?)

Nessy ignored Peggy for the systems update, a whole second had passed and Nessy had to cover ground. Analysis showed parallel runs would short, but the box was not large enough for more than two wires running side by side. A series two signal converter was designed for simplistic repairwork in mind, but didnt offer much extra insulation from outside interference. Another second passed and Nessy began to panic, Peggy sent a private comm, it was target data to fix the panel.


Foam treated in mineral compounds to reduce conductivity would suffice to get the power restored, resetting the wires into a diamond pattern allowed the foam to insulate greater areas of the cable and would fix the signal leak.

Nessy sprayed the panel and reset the breaker, power restored four seconds later and the dish never lost function thanks to latent power systems. The hiccup was caused and resolved in five seconds.

<{[PEGGY](PRIVATE:([NESSY]=Updating charts accordingly.))}>

Peggy had taken half the work performance value from the task for their own column. With Peggy supervising there was a constant tick and upbeat to the PR as a result. Peggy would win the day at this point, which meant a session in the oil bath, and another proof of their efficacy as a working crewmember.

<{[PEGGY]*[MIARAUMEREL](TASKS^Completed<+4unassigned>)(PR% standing revised)(InsufficientValue-"Task assignment"=NULL}>

With nothing else to do Peggy hoped Miarau would be able to provide more tasks. Peggy sent a message asking for more work, unaware of such things as leisure time, or what the biologicals called, "social life."


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