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Ship's Tour, Part 2

Posted on Mon 30th Nov, 2020 @ 3:31am by Commander Zed & Lieutenant JG Sorrel Yezechi Dr & Daeren Iril & T'Vala & Tessanna (Tessa) Valeri & Miadze Palel
Edited on on Thu 14th Jan, 2021 @ 2:08am

961 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Denouement
Location: USS Thunder Child, Various Locations
Timeline: MD 1, 1630

Zed looked around the group for any questions and then continued, "Why don't we continue the tour and please, feel free to continue asking any questions that you may have. If you will follow me, we will go to Sick Bay next." Zed indicated for the group to follow her.

A few minutes later the group arrived just outside of Sick Bay. Zed stopped and faced the group, "We have a state of the art Sick Bay and there are holo-emitters throughout the ship in case an EMH is needed. Our Chief Medical Officer is Sorrel Yezechi. Although she is a new addition to the Thunder Child, she has made herself at home. She is very knowledgeable and is a very capable Doctor." Zed stepped through the door when it opened for her and she looked around for the Doctor as the rest of the group entered.

Sickbay was criss-crossed with the regular activity of attendants and those with minor ailments, regular check ups and follow ups. Among them was a tallish Flaxian woman, wearing a practical medical over coat with her uniform and involved in discussing some lab results with a technician. The details were projected in a walk through virtual environment where the doctor and lab technician were pulling and dragging charts and imaging around intuitively. Noticing the entry of the captain and her guests, Dr. Yezechi minimized the virtual display back to the padd and returned the report to the technician. "Go ahead and complete the battery. We'll have another look at this shortly. Thank you." The tech moved away with rigid steps, keenly aware of the visitors and trying to look his best in stead of either lumbering off as usual, or scurrying away from the desire to escape the pressure of evaluating eyes.

"Greetings," said Dr. Yezechi to her Captain and guests, the wisker-fins of her face splaying and accentuating her warm expression. "Welcome to Sickbay."

"Hello, Doctor, you look busy so we won't keep you long. I'm giving the Ambassadors a quick ship's tour before the reception and I was wondering if you wouldn't mind showing the guests around your Sick Bay real quick." Zed asked. After all, the Doctor was usually busy with patients or experiments at any given time while on duty.

"Of course, Captain. It would be very poor management on my part if I couldn't be spared for a few minutes outside of crisis in order to make proper greetings." Doctor Yezechi possessed a slightly sing-song kind of vocalization. "As you can see, we are properly staffed, so there's no need to worry about monopolizing me. Right now you stand in the general admittance ward. Fairly everyone who arrives, arrives here just as you have, through those doors. Here they are evaluated and assigned beds. Emergent cases may be seen right here as needed, or taken to one of our state-of-the-art operating rooms." She motioned for the visitors to follow to the curved back corner of the room, where she tapped on a control and the opaque wall became transparent. The lights inside the OR switched on and they could see the technology awaiting the patient. "We have additional facilities for ICU and a recovery ward, as well as isolation chambers and a morgue. Would you care to see our labs? We share the facility with the Life Sciences as the work we do often coincides between departments."

She took a moment to look around. "Most efficient," T'Vala said, bowing politely to the doctor.

Tessa stayed in the back, watching. She was happy to let the Ambassadors do all the talking. She still hoped for an early night.

"Thank you for taking time from your work to speak with us," Daeren said as he glanced around. One nice thing about Starfleet--they did keep up to date on technology, even on their older ships. One would never guess how old this ship was, from the equipment in Sickbay. "What was the most challenging patient or situation you ever had to treat?"

"There once was a case where I was held hostage for a procedure. That wasn't especially challenging as procedures go, however. There was another case where the patient was morphing through time dilatation causing various effects of both aging and de-aging. That was a real puzzle, to be sure. Once an officer under my care experienced what seemed like psychosomatic symptoms, but came to be explained that there was a telepathic influence triggering his autonomous systems to produce the pathologies. And we even had a recent matter of a new variety of virus which had to be handled with the utmost care. Really, I have to say, serving Starfleet is anything but mundane. I'm hard pressed to rank just one instance as the most challenging."

"Indeed," T'Vala replied, "those are quite unusual."

"Certainly far beyond my experience," Daeren agreed.

Behind the ambassadors, Miadze whispered to Tessa, "I don't think I could quite handle being a Starfleet CMO. I cannot even imagine how one would diagnose time dilation, much less treat it."

"Me, either," Tessa whispered back. "Give me diplomacy any day."

"So much easier!" Miadze agreed.

Tessa nodded, looking around again and shook her head. "Nope. Wouldn't want to be anywhere near this place when they're busy."

"Well, I think that we have imposed on the Doctor long enough." Zed turned towards the doctor, "Thank you, for your hospitality. I will see you later at the reception."

"Yes, I will see you all there. Thank you for visiting." Doctor Yezechi said as she bowed a polite goodbye. "It's always nice to have guests free of illness or injury."

"It's always nice getting to leave Sickbay without having been hyposprayed," Daeren said with a mischievous look as Captain Zed led them out.


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